Non-APer fizz test | Arthritis Information


Hi guys,

Well, I still intend to do this and will be going to get hydrogen peroxide today.  There's been a lot of drama the last couple of days that I've had to deal with.  So, I apologize I haven't gotten to this yet. 

< =text/>_popupControl(); Let us know how everything turns out!!

Volunteer scientific non-APers fizzle test subjects were given a waiver, and have a open timeframe to conduct their testing.  Its under Rule 14378, Section XIVM, Chapter 9810, Line 49873533(b). 

Cathy - I believe I am suffering from CPFDS (Caregiver Post-Fizz Depression Syndrome).  You may need to document this.  Symptoms include sadness over decrease in fizzle and fear that future attempts will result in failure, thus causing no desire to try.

I will see if a little wine with dinner will get me in the mood tonight LOL. 

CPFDS a/k/a Caregiver Post-Fizz Depression Syndrome: Star date 2007 07 10 12 35

Assigned to special team unit.  As always with a depression issue, take _________ and come back to sickbay in one month.  Ship's Counselor is always available in between.   
