Daily Digest, Sunday, 10/07/07 | Arthritis Information


Good morning Merry Sunshines!  I cannot be the first one to start this thread today, its 11:32 a.m. EDT USA.

Arliss:  mayonnaise, as Ninil suggested.  Mayonnaise is made by whipping egg yokes, right?  Isn't there dairy in there somewhere?  I was thinking maybe tofu. 

Edited to change eye to egg. I think you mean egg yolks, not eye yolks OMG, my eyes, my eyesI have my new bed moved into my room; I barely slept at all last night.  I kept waking up, sure I was going to fall off the bed.  I guess after years of sleeping on the floor, I was more used to it than I thought!  I will say, getting out of bed was definitely easier on my hips this morning.


I just edited and then got the replies

frain bog

Here's a picture of the bed, for those that want to see it.  It's all covered up with my collection of pillows.  We have a constant battle over pillows in this house.  The boys come up and raid my room, stealing the pillows and putting "boy" pillowcases on them (camouflage, Spider-Man, etc) and I go steal them back and put the girly pillowcases back on them.

Jasmine, a good bed is a great investment.  We spend one-third of our lives there!  Glad your hips are better. 

Hands LinB and Jasimine the box of tissues.  We might need them after that lead off for a Sunday in ArthritisLand. 

And you are a great decorator, I cannot do window treatments.  Too many years of tin foil during the summer and insulated blankets in the winter.  Looks terrific, especially that full body pillow. 

Looks great Jazzy, nice and comfy.  You've certainly worked hard on that bed - doesn't it feel great to do it yourself?

Well the firemen are back today, still bringing in truck loads of water to wet everything down.  I will post some photos as soon as I can find the doggone USB cable for my camera.  How do these things disappear all the time????

Gonna take a walk back there right now and see how things look.

Hill - I read your post from last night, hope you can post some pictures, and am so glad you are all okay.  That will get your adrenals working! 

Karen, what happened?  Guess I should read last night's thread....anyway if it involved firemen, water, fire, hope everyone is ok.  Will go and read right now. 

I'm doing nothing today but reading.  My surgical knee is swollen from 9 holes of golf day before yesterday and scrubbing and waxing the floor yesterday plus going to Marshalls, Michaels, Hastings, and the grocery store after waxing the floor.  Can I say "pace yourself?"  No, I can't, I don't even know the meaning of the words but I do no the meaning of the word shop!!!!

I'm off to sit in the recliner with my latest book "The Sensualist" and the latest issue of Lapidary Journal and a new bead book on how to make beads.  Bye for now.  Lindy 

Cathy, thanks for the tissues...pretty funny read this morning.  Thanks for starting my morning with a chuckle.  I've made some real doozies and I'm right proud of them, as you should be of your eggs and eyes.

Yep, it's pretty amazing back there!  Everything is black, smoldering, and it STINKS!  I wore my Crocs, which are easily washed, but unfortunately my feet aren't!  My feet turned black and I can't get the soot stains off, LOL.

The DEP spokesman said they would be around today and tomorrow checking for hotspots.  It was about 15 acres that burned - not much in terms of most brush fires, but HUGE to me!  Just too darned close for comfort.


[QUOTE=justsaynoemore]And you are a great decorator, I cannot do window treatments.  Too many years of tin foil during the summer and insulated blankets in the winter.  Looks terrific, especially that full body pillow.  [/QUOTE]

I absolutely LOVE my body pillow.  It's the fourth one I've bought.  They keep getting stolen by the manly men in the house.  Each of them insisted that they did not need something as girly as a body pillow... yet each time I bought one, it ended up on someone else's bed.  Now they each have one, and I swear I'll whoop anyone who steals this one!!!

The curtains are just specials from Target, hung on a wrought iron curtain rod.  I put it up myself.  The blinds came with the house, and when we put that air conditioner in the window, we almost dropped it out the window onto the bushes below.It is so HOT here today in the Chi-town 'burbs!  It's 90 degrees in our back yard right now.  My father has a bunch of yardwork that needs doing, and I am just not up to it today.  My husband, bless his soul, is going to go over and help dear old dad with the outdoor chores, and my oldest is going to go with him to take out the garbage and recycling for my stepmom.  The little one and I are going to stay home and finish laundry.  He will be sorting and matching socks, which I am definitely not up to today!  My hands are acting up.  We're also going to tackle the kitchen and change the litter boxes.  ICK! Hill - I am glad you and your family and property are safe.  Fire is so scary.  Charcoal is very good for healing - maybe your feet will feel better! 

< =text/>_popupControl(); YIKES KAREN!!!  OMG I am so glad you guys are alright.  I didn't get to read last nights thread as I was in ER.  I am just glad all are ok.  WHEW.  Please, no more scaring this old woman like that. 

It is HOT here today too.  It just does not compute in the brain that this is Oct. and I have the a/c going lol.  This coming up week it drops intot he 50's and 60's.  No wonder why my RA is going bananas. 

I will be kicked back and resting today too.  After I clean lol.  NO...I am KIDDING lol.  I will supervise the cleaning today lol.  Geeezze...that is all I need is Danny griping at me.  They cancled 2nd shift today at work so he is home.  They gave him the option of working 1st shift but that would have meant he had to be in at 5am.  To someone that works 2nd shift...there is no such thing as 5am lol. 

I still woke up this morning in gasping writhing pain.  Sigh.  Have got to do something about this ASAP.  I talk to RD and PCP tomorrow.  Back on 30mg of pred for 5 days.

Grandbaby comes later today!!!  YAY!!  What a bright spot in my day for me!!!  Have a gingerbread haunted house with all the decorations to put together with her.  We have not seen her in a very long time and I might let the girls take Monday off of school to spend time with her as she is only going to be here til Tuesday.  Besides with the way I am feeling...it will be a welcome break for Danny not to take care of me before he leaves for work.  He can relax before work. 

Lindy hunny...please rest today.  Kicking back in the recliner with a good book is a great idea. 

Jasmine...I LOVE your room!!!!  That is awesome!!!  I have a Packers body pillow that I just LOVE.  I am a pillow freak like you are.  I have so many pillows that it drives Danny nuts lol. 

Pain meds wearing off...better scoot from here and see if there is anything else to respond to on here.  

Love the bedroom up there.

Hill I didn't read the other but gather about the fire and I am sorry to hear about that, but glad all is okay.

Lin I agree, relax.

I'm at work...... meeeeeehhhhh.


I can't wait to go HOME!!! I don't have anything wonderful to add yet today.


Oh except that it's day 4? 3? of terrible morning stiffness. *bangs head into wall*

Hello Everyone! Went to church today. Yeah... I did a guilt fest on hubby, and he went so I would shut up.

Yep... he was quite upset with me this morning as I did not get up until 10mins before 10am, and I took a shower and we did not leave until 10:30am, and the church is like 45 mins away. We made it there 5 mins til 11am. Did much speeding... nah... we were just following a Lexus

Well, I have to get off now... we are headed over to the in-laws. So, be back on later tonight, I hope.

TTFN!! *bounces away*

Hey Katie

I think maybe if you keep hitting your head you might end up with more than just morning stiffness.  But that's just a guess.  lol [QUOTE=milly]No dairy in mayo unless you are useing cow eye yolks. It is soy based i read the lable it, has garlic and paprika, viniger, lemonde juice, egg yolks. anyway it is soy based and i think tofu is soy based also.

Karen...I am glad you are alright, but man that is too close for comfort. 

Lindy...are you making mayonaise now too??  hmmm...you don't have enough to do, so you have to make your mayonaise?  Crazy!!

Jaz...Love the bedroom...gosh that is what I want my bedroom to look like when I grow up.

Lizzie...yep, you gotta do something about that pain.  I hate that you are in pain.

Katie...so sorry that you are back with the rest of us.  I was hoping it would last longer.  Take care of youself and don't let it get out of control.

Milly...you are a wonderful asset to the board thanks for putting up with us. 

Question...??? Did your skin condition change when you all started on biologics or MTX.  I am having a hard time finding a skin care system that will work....Any suggestions...I am dryer than normal and have had a few breakouts, but my skin just looks dull like I am sick.  Help?? I'm MELTING!!!


Wow, my mind is blown.  Hold it, its already been blown.  Then two brains cells synapsed.  Are cow's eyes considered dairy or beef?  I gotta go read the mayonaisse jar.  [QUOTE=Shelly41]

Jaz...Love the bedroom...gosh that is what I want my bedroom to look like when I grow up.


LOL - you should see the side behind the camera.  Two computers, three monitors, two printers, stacks of video tapes (get your minds out of the gutter - they are tapes of school board meetings!), assorted power supplies and chargers, a half-dozen hard drives, and 3 bins of spare parts.  I keep saying I'm going to clean it up, but so far I've managed to resist the urge.

I do need to go lay down.  If I ever say I am going to weed all of the flower gardens in one day...just shoot me...k!  Well, I think I am going to try to hold a book and read for a while, but I think the exhaustion of not sleeping last night(and then falling asleep with my little dog outside...guilt, guilt, guilt).  Well, that was only one of the four hours I got. 

Chat with everyone later. shel

Am I making mayonnaise?  I would if I had some beef eye yolks but I'm all out of them.  I just sent Stan to the store for 2.  I'm not coming back here until you guys get unconfuzzled because you're making me confuzzled.

You did good JasmineRain, bedroom looks great.  Love the colors in the quilt. 

Confuzzled is what we DO around here Lin!!


Just WAIT until Mona gets here, then it'll REALLY be confusin.

Well I have some catching up to do on here...I'll be around


Glad you're back! What'd she do on the ride home? Was she upset? Or just "being 5" LOL

I missed you Shannon and I've not been here myself! Glad you're home safe.

You think I'm confuzzled Katie? Pffffttt wait til I start trying to keep up on this medication

Jas~ your bed and quilt are beautiful, Great job!

Hey Lindy and JSNM, in the south pickled beef eggs are a delicacy!

Here's ya a story....

When we would take daughter to daycare each morning we had to pass by the city fire dept. Well, there was this one cutie that caught my eye. Not many guys catch my eye, as hubby my cutie and all I need. Anyways... hubby noticed I would look for that fireman everytime we would pass by.

So... one day he points him out to me in Freak-Mart and I literally start following dude around. He was a cutie and so was his girlfriend < =text/>_popupControl(); Trust me...Katie banging her head will not cause anymore damage cuz she is 23.  LOVE YOU KATIE!!!  You only have 7 more days of my torture lol.  I am sad and sorry that you are not doing well.  Monday is new PCP doc time and get going on discussing this with him.  Have you called your RD yet?  I bet not!!!!  Do you want to end up like meeeeeeeeeee??  Don't think so!!!! 

Shannon...glad you guys are back safe and sound.  Even tho it was an emotional weekend, I'm sure you wouldn't have traded going for the world.  You will work your way thru this and with your wonderful help...so will Kelsay. 

Eye yolks..hmm...makes me think of cracking eyes into a bowl and an iris with a pupil staring up at me.  Gross. 

Had a nap...fixing to have a shower.  Munching on some nachos.  With this ridiculous pain...my appetite...not so much there.  I wanted to lose weight but not like this lol. 

Katie, I'm sorry you have rediscovered your old enemy, R. A. Hurtzalot.  That stinks, it was nice not having him around.  You need to chase him away real quick!

Shannon, I know your trip was difficult, but I'm glad you're back safe and sound.

Joonie, it doesn't matter if they have a girlfriend if you just want to watch and drool!

Liz, did you say something about the ER - what's that all about?

< =text/>_popupControl(); karen...had a trip to the ER last night since I could not control my pain at home.  3 sleepless nights...and when I would sleep I would wake up in gasping writhing pain.  I was just at my limit last night.  6mg of dilaudid and 125mg of IV solu-medrol later...they sent me home.  I am supposed to follow up with PCP and RD tomorrow to find out just what the heck they are going to do with me.  In the mean time...I am on 30mg of pred for the next 5 days.  It just seems like I am on nothing at all for the RA while we are waiting to see if the remicade works or not.  I have only had 2 infusions so we are still playing that waiting game.  I must find the patience somewhere...somehow...to deal with all of this.  I am not writing off the remicade just yet because I am still way too new on it.  So, onward I go...exhausted...in pain...and hoping for the very best.  Thankfully I have my family and my many friends here for support..patience with me...kindness...and caring.  It is invaluable to me and I just don't have the words to express thankfullness for it.  Thanks for putting up with my crazy self!!!  Aw Liz, I'm so sorry to hear that.  You need to get some relief and soon!  This has been going on way too long.i am so cold, chills i guess. is this part of RA? i am already on antibiotics, all ready on tylonol, just wonder why my temp keeps fluctuating. I had chills a few days ago and shut off the air and it's been hot, now there back. Just strange.Milly - keeping your body temperature even is a constant battle.  I am doing much better, but the constant chills, then a sweater, then sopping wet hot, take off the sweater, start over .... it feels like a constant flu when you are flaring.  I love evenings right before bed because the past few days that has been when I feel the most normal. YAY.

< =text/>_popupControl(); MIlly...I drive my poor husband insane with my body temp.  I'm cold...then I'm hot...then I'm cold....I turnon my heated blankie...turn it off and put the fan on me...playing with the air conditioner...makes the whole family insane lol.  Good, its after 9 here and I abdicate my one and only day on starting off the O/T Daily Digest.  Phats, I miss your weight club - my problem is keeping weight on, I got down to 102 and it was ugly.  Good Night, sweet dreams of whipped eyeballs. 

awww Liz Sorry your having a hard time and not feeling well. BIG hugs to you!!!

Yea I wouldn't have traded this weekend for anything.  Kelsay did really good.  She was so sweet with her.  When grandma would come into the living room she'd sit in her chair and Kelsay would stand next to her and put her arm around her and tell her that she hoped she felt better.  Overall she did much better then i expected her to be.  Then this morning grandma was laying down in her room and Kelsay would just lay next to her and put her arm around her.  It was really sweet. Very hard for Grandma emotionally that Kelsay was there but we all know that it was good that GG (great grandma) saw Kelsay.  It was just a really hard weekend, and even harder having to leave and being 7 hours away.  That is probably the hardest thing right now, being so far away.  My cousin, who is in med school, came down too which was a good thing cause grandma was in a lot of pain yesterday and my cousin said not to be afraid to take the pain meds.  My grandma HATES taking anything for pain or admiting that she is in pain.  So it helped having my cousin come down and say that its alright to take more then what she was taking. I dont know what it was but she was only taking 3 a day.  But anyway im rambeling but i need to just talk I guess.  Im going to write a letter to my grandma just things that ive wanted to say over the years but I havent (all good) not sure if im gonna be able to though, emotionally.  Ok im done before I start crying again. 

< =text/>_popupControl(); Shannon ((((hugs)))) and many of them to you and your family.  Write that letter anyways.  What helped me when my father passed was to write a letter with all the things I have wanted to say over the years.  Yeah I cried a whole lot while I was writing it and after I wrote it.  I still have that letter and pull it out and read so I can see some of the good times we had together and just exactly how much he meant to me.  It was extremely cathartic emotionally for me to write this.  Take your time doing it.  It doesn't all have to be done in one sitting.  Evening everyone!


awww Shannon I'm so sorry honey, big

Katie have you tryed salmon patties, kids love them. i put lots of diced onions in mine, and a bit of black pepper. I love them also.

*huggles for Shanna Banana*


good evening ladies and katy

moana hope that infection is about gone so you can have some rest.

gotta go put the kids to bed and get the wife up.

see you all later hope you have as much of a painfree evening

as possible.

Hi Katie! Sorry to hear you're flaring again.  Yeah I'm going to see my doc soon. Until then, I'm going to pretend it doesn't exist. Maybe it'll go away if I ignore it. LOL Yeah right.


 hey Katydid and Milly and Brisen! How is everyone?

Milly I can't help but laugh about the flucuating temps, hubby is in bed freezing begging me to turn the air up a little to 71

 Thanks Darrel

I took my pain meds a little while ago, so I'm feeling a little better..as long as I don't walk or get up and down. I'm bored. Are you still at work Katie?Nope. Home home. Still bored. LOL


 Grrr Brisen I don't like to drink water or cranberry juice!

Katie go eat something, that's what I do when I get boredBut you need to be drinking lot's of fluids to flush out the antibiotics!I already ate. I don't wanna get fat!!!! 


I'm drinking Sundrop

 Bless your heart Brisen thats terrible

 Sundrop is a citrus soda made by Coke. Kinda between Mello Yello and Mt Dew

Oh man, is your jaw hurting Gale?? I was like that last night. It was HORRID!!!! >.< Yes, my teeth and jaw are killing me. I tried to eat a piece of pizza tonight and my jaw kept popping on the left side. Do you grind your teeth? If you do, you should look into a mouth guard for at night. Just take your medicine you will get better, takes about a week to get really better. Anyway i'm hot already. I am having a tired day. i won't last long tonight. just a tired achy day. been laying around alot. But i will stay for a bit.I have an appt. for my Orencia at 8:30 in the morning. I think I'll come home after it, instead of going to work. I've got to get this flare to calm down a bit.


 Brisen how long have you been on Orencia? Do you like it?


This will only be my 4th dose of Orencia. I can't really say it's helped much. My CRP is still sky high and I haven't noticed any change in joint inflammation. :(You know what else sucks? I have jury duty starting next week. Oh you gotta get excused out of that. That's insane. 

The way I'm feeling right now, I can't even begin to imagine sitting in a jury box all freakin' day.

My jaw makes a permanent squish/grind noise on the right side that almost always is louder than my chewing. I think I've gotten used to it, and tune it out. Its sort of fluid-ey sounding.  It's really, really, REALLY, hard to get excused from jury duty here in California. Unless you're dead, you serve.


Well that sucks

Milly I've slept for almost a week now

Trey is sick with a croupy cough and sinus gunk, he came over for a while tonight to get meds. He played on the 'puter, coughed and sneezed all over everything, then left! Thats my baby boy

 I have never been on jury duty

These kids...gotta love 'em!


Yeah Brisen he had one here but he's on two a night

 No, not Beanpod but I have a sugar cookie Yankee candle. It is sooo yummy.

OMG, Mo, you just HAVE to try Beanpod! I've always been a Yankee candle fan, but Beanpod Soy Beads put Yankee to shame!Y'all are such girls.  Is that a bad thing???  LOL


 Where do you get them? I think I saw some on QVC or HSN maybe. I'm a candle freak! I made my own for years when I felt good. I still have all my candle making supplies down stairs but  I haven't messed with them for a long time.

LOL I'm just teasing. I could never get into candles. I dunno. Not my thing?

I'm a candle freak too! But last year I got into Soy Beads and they smell soooooooo much more fragrant! This is where I buy my beads....

Beanpod Soy Beads


Check out eBay too. I've bought Beanpod from there, and they always have the cutest tart burners!Soy candles? So like....are they waxy like wax ones???????? Yeah, it's like little wax beads that you can either put in an electric warmer or a tart burner that uses a tea light to melt the wax.Oooohhhhh. Gotcha. Yeah that's just kitty food right there. 


 I'm girlie Katie

It costs so much in shipping to order candles on line! I'll check out the beanpods anyway

I have to admit, I'm a TOTAL girlie girl. Never been into tomboy stuff.

Then Shannon you MUST check out the Soy Beads!  LOLKaren's been working on Halloween. Oh, and there was that fire.


 Karen told me we stayed up too late for her. LOL . I bet that fire was scary and exciting. I'm dreading the fire dept burning the one in the woods behind meWell, all, the Packers lost... and I'm tired, and I am going to bed.  Hopefully this evening I can sleep through the night without fearing that I will fall out of bed!!!!  LOL! My DH loves to burn scented candles. He started buying them for me, and then he'd always light them. So I told him don't buy me anymore you're just getting them for yourself and you can't admit it. He left one burning when we went to the neighbors for the annual Superbowl party. He whispered to me if I'd blown out the candle, I said no, so he had to go back home. All his buddies asked where he went and I said he left his scented candle burning, man did he get reamed when he got back. He shot me daggers the rest of the party, but I was happy.

Good night Shannon! Sleep tight!!

Hi Deidre!

That's too funny Deidre!

Gale are you kickin me out already or are you just psychic? LOL i was just gonna post that im going to bed since the Bears won and ruined my night

Night Night everyone!

LOL Shannon! That was Kelly that posted she was going to bed and I thought it was YOU! Yes he has a femine side, but he doesn't like flowery candles, mostly piney or cinnamony.


Hey DeidreOh that's our Valley Girl.... Yep, that's me!

 OH shoot! I wanted the Packers to win

Good night Shannon, you mind Brisen and run on to bedOkay girlies. To bed with me as well. I have to get up early for a the docs. ta ta for now! Well guys, I guess I'll hit the sack too. Talk to ya'll tomorrow!


 Goodnight you gals, love ya
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