Pain Relief Questions | Arthritis Information


< =text/>_popupControl(); Well, had another exciting trip to the ER last night.  Back in April I went in for pain that was out of control.  Basically I was stuck in an uncontrolled flare.  The solution at that time was to admit me, put me on a basal dose of Dilaudid with the panic button, and high doses of IB Solu-Medrol to calm the flare.  Total inpatient time was 3 days to calm everything day.  Well, I had to go into the ER last night as I could not control my pain at home.  It was the same symptoms as back in April.  They did not admit me last night and was sent home after 6 mg of IV Dilaudid and 125 mg of IV Solu-Medrol.  I was able to sleep thru the night but woke up once again about 9am gasping and literally writhing in pain.  This is day #4 of this happening.  I am barely controlling my pain at home.  My pain meds at this time are Oxycontin 40 mg twice a day and Percocet 10mg/325mg.  I am finding that I have to take 30mg of percocet every 3-3.5 hours to keep my pain at bay.  That is entirely TOO MUCH!!!!!

Despite the 2 infusions of Remicade...I feel like I am on NO ra meds at all.  The .8ml of mtx that I inject every week didn't make a dent in this flare.  Soooooooooo...I am looking into once again changing my pain meds.  Have already done morphine as an option for the slow release chronic pain meds. Now I am looking into suggesting Fentanyl (Duragesic) patches or possibly Dilaudid (oral not injectable).  Anybody here on either one of those meds?  If so, how do you like them?  Do you need any other narcotic for breakthru pain?  I am really starting to get frustrated with all of this.  All I want is to be as pain free as possible.  I don't expect to ever NOT have pain considering the severity of my ra.  What I DO expect is to be able to live as comfortably as possible and have somewhat of a normal life.  Like get out of my my housework...go to my kids choral concerts and special events at shopping...etc.  I really am just looking for a solution to this pain control. 

Gramma - I am so sorry you are in such pain.  I always hate it when I have to break down and go to ER and beg for help.  I wish I had a magic wand.  All I can say is wow.  Holy crap that really sucks!  I cannot offer any advice; I've only had dialaudid and fentanyl when I've been in the hospital for surgery or self-inflicted injury (not intentional... I'm just very accident-prone).

Aw Liz- I can not give you any advice on the pain meds but maybe the infusions are making you worse. I ws chatting to a lady at the rheumys who had to come off remicade as it had the oposite effect.  Did you feel better on the Humira? What about an intramuscular steroid shot to dampen down the flare .

I really hope you feel better soon



Well that patch is what Justin had and it was GREAT. So maybe it'll work for ya! I hope so. *hugs*Hey Liz - hopefully watching the Packers WHOOP the Bears tonight will ease your pain a bit!!!

Go Pack!!!
I sure hope you can find something that will help and fast.hi Liz, How much Remicade are you taking? I started with 300, which did nothing, he upped it to 600 and now I'm starting to believe it is helping me! 6months every 4 weeks. I hope you get relief it is such a terrible , frightening experience to be is so much pain. Sorry dear, Lynda

I just started the 2 mg oral Dilaudid every 6 hrs and it is making a dent in the pain, but not what I'd call under control.  RD said I could take 4 mg if I need it, but I'm trying to stay away from that so I don't burn through all my pills.  I'm just hoping this will hold me over until the Imuran (now 3x day) and the Rituxan (scheduled for the 18th) will have a chance to do something.

I really hope you find some relief soon, and are able to get some real rest. Gentle hugs...

< =text/>_popupControl(); I have only had 2 remicade infusions at 300mg.  They do not increase until after the 3rd infusion.  Unless tomorrow I can talk the RD into increasing.  That is number one on my list of questions to ask.  I know I need to be patient waiting on this remicade to take effect but whew...there is only so much I can take. I am currently on 30mg of pred for the next 5 days.  I had 125mg IV solu-medrol in the ER. 

Lisa...the humira stopped working.  I have been in pain for awhile because of that.  I guess I sort of got used to it since I have been dealing with pain for awhile now.  But this past week or so has just been above and beyond what I can deal with. 

Well, after that typing all that...I guess it really is like I am on nothing while we are waiting for the remicade to work.  BLEARGH!!!! 

My goal is to NOT be on pain meds.  My goal is for the remicade to work and return to normal life.

Hmm...another success story to take with me to the PCP about the fentanyl patch.  That is 2 now.  Fortunately I have a good PCP and he knows I research stuffs and actually listens to me.  We will see what tomorrow brings.  All I know is that if I keep taking these damn (sorry for the language but it is how I really feel right now) percocets like I am...I am going to have NO LIVER!!!  The last thing I need is a liver transplant lol. 

I am off for another 20mg of percocet and a hot shower.  Grandbaby here shortly and Gramma wants to be all cleaned up and smelling goodly for some cuddle time.  That is IF I get cuddle time since Arielle is her favorite person and Arielle HOGS her lol.  I am going to leave my hair down after my shower instead of putting it up in my trademark ponytail.  Kayla loves to brush my long hair and put all sorts of hair pretties in it.  I am just going to relax these next couple of days and enjoy looking at the world thru the innocence of a child. 

Gramms, i hope you can get a handle on your pain? your in my prayers



 Gramma I have the pain patch and it does work really well for my pain, but I don't think I have ever hurt like you and Cordy and some of the others. I'm really sorry you can't get any relief.

I hope that an increase in remicade will help ease your pain and if not, I hope you can find what does help.  I think 300 mgs. is on the low end dosage-wise but I know they start you off initially based on your weight.  I'm happy to say that since I've been on the remicade, I haven't needed pain meds for my RA.   I hope the remicade works for you and Joonie (and everyone else for that matter) as it has for me.  Good luck with the remicade and I'm sorry that you're in so much pain.

I'm on the fentanyl patch (although I need to up the strength next time I see the doc)  I'll tell you one thing that I've noticed with the sure sleep well.  They make me very tired...that's the one thing I don't like about them.  I'm fine when I'm busy doing something, but as soon as I sit down, I wanna sleep.  Liz, how are you doing today?  I've been thinking about you.  Hope there's been some relief.I really hope that you are feeling better...

They have got to find something to help you. I have a TENS unit which
has been helpful. That combined with ultrasound has provided me the
most help so far. I have Lortab which I can take during the day and it
doesn't mess with me too much. I can still teach.

I ended up increasing the Remicade and decreasing the intervals between
dosages. It worked pretty good for about a 1 1/2 years. It does take
time to build up in your system. I just had my first infusion of Orencia so
I'll have to let you know how that works.



so sorry to hear you are in so much pain. Sending you hugs!!!! I hope your PCP can do something to help you. You're in my thoughts.
