What is your favorite.... | Arthritis Information


What id your favorite Show(s) to watch?

Mine would be Will & Grace, when I can remeber to watch it and Dog: Bounty Hunter!! I have more but those are just a couple...

Ok this is going to sound terrible and like i am a tv/couch potatoe....

When the new seasons start:

Sunday: Extreme makeover home edition and Desperate housewives

Monday: 24 and something else i cant remember right now (its that memory thing, we lose it with ra...)

Tuesday: American Idol and House

Wednesday: American idol

Thursday: W&G, Apprentice, ER

Friday: nothing i can think of off hand

SAt: nothing i can think of off hand

Overall shows i watch when i can/remember/tape them:
7th heaven, Everwood, wildfire, trading spouses, nanny 911 et. al, 4400, Starting over, Law and Order SVU, mostly tv is on for noise and if im not actually watching it it is on TLC, Discovery or HGTV type channels.

Just watched the first episode of Tommy Lee goes to college, kinda funny kinda stupid... watched part of mister mom (or whatever). Too bad i go back to work in a week and wont be abel to watch as mush tv... o well.




MYSTERY CHANNEL......love any kind of mystery

BIOGRAPHY CHANNEL.....love real life stories; they also have NOTORIOUS..........true crime shows

DISCOVERY CHANNEL.....has lots of live medical emergency shows

AMC & TURNER CLASSIC MOVIES.......old movie channel

any old sci fi or "B" rated spooky show especially  old black and white programs

LIFETIME CHANNEL.....lots of movies about real life events (my ex used to call it the lesbian channel cause he said they all hate men and the men were always portrayed as bad guys which is not true; most of the time, not ALL the time!!

SQUAWK BOX.......business channel specializing in the "market"; I'm a stockbroker so I watch it daily




Yeah I LOVE Nanny 911, just wish I could remember what channel and what day and time it came on.

I recently realized I like the show 2 guys, a girl and a pizza place it has out run, but is still showed on WE. I just sleep to late in the day to catch it. For a while there I was waking up just to watch it and then go back to sleep, but the past month & half I have been having a hard time waking up to do anything. I just tell myself "If it isn't Andrew, stay asleep."....lol.

Gotta have my sleep!!

I like educational shows,mystery documentaries.I also love to watch spongebob and Raven.Both are shows me and Carrie watch togther.I especially love Patrick from spongebob.raven is a show on disney,very funny show.I like all of the CSI's except CSI NY, never got into that.

Law and Order CI
Law and Order SVU
The 4400
Chicago Hope
One Life to Live
Saturday Night Live

I'm a couch potato too

I'm with Murph, all the CSI's except NY, Cold Case, W/o a Trace, NCIS, 2 1/2 Men, will miss JAG and Raymond,

Reality shows:

Big Brother, The Batchelorette, Amazing Race, Fear Factor, all of the Survivor's except two.

Talk Shows:

Dr. Phil, David Letterman, Jerry Springer of course.


The History Channel, VH1 Classics, Discovery Channel, TV Land, Fox News Channel, Fox Sports Net, Starz



Dang, I forgot Cold Case..thanks Bingethinker... I love that show.  Used to spook me out when Lilly saw the dead people at the end of every show.


I too like reality shows but not all of them. Survivor is number 1 and then Nanny 911. I don't watch a whole lot of TV. Only when I am not feeling to good. And being at home you would think I watch more, but I don't. Mostly it is in the evenings after supper and the hubby is home and we are just sitting around. In the winter I watch alot more cuz it is to cold to go out. So I become a hermit in the winter. I try to rent movies alot. I love romance movies and family movies too.

I seem to watch tv by my mood.  Bad case of the blues, I will watch something to make me laugh; Animal Channel...funny videos, or Lucy, Rosanne re-runs.  When in restless mood, a good suspense/mystery and discovery channel.

Can't watch FearFactor or Horror films at all!


I love "Blow Out", Ex makeover Home edition and Desparate housewifes.

Weekends I usually watch Lifetime movies or TCM channel.

I have watched General Hospital for close to 30 years of course skipping huge chunks of time (sometimes a year or more) according to whats going on.  Now with "Soapnet I can catch it every evening).....my hubby just loves that LOL!!


Law and Order SVU, House, and The Closer.  The Closer is a new show; it's really good.  Kyra Sedgwick is fantastic in it!!


Its hard for me to answer this ? cuz Im never at home to watch T.V.


In the fall my husband and I love Monday nights. 24...although this isn't usually my type of show I just love it!!

This summer has been pretty boring. I'm a channel flipper when it's just me around and I'll flip back and forth from HGTV, E-entertainment Television (Love those true Hollywood stories) and Fox News & CNN (Somewhat of a news junkie)

My husbands in the concrete/asphalt business so I watch more of the weather channel than I'd like...but I'm up on the weather.

AND; like Pam Soap-Net is my favorite. I love Day's of Our Lives and General Hospital. Old reruns of Dallas, Knots Landing and Dynasty turn me on as well.

Owwww.... *big eyes* I Just love to mute the TV and turn the channel to CNN or FOX NEWS and read the ticker...lol. You can come across the weirdest things when reading the ticker!! LOL

I love CourtTv, The WB for Reba & What I like about you.

I have just recently discovered House just am not sure what time and day it comes on...lol.

I just LOVE TLC's What Not to Wear!! OMG!!! That show is the best!! I love Stacy London & Clinton Kelly...how the put down folks wardrobes!!! TOOOOO FUNNNYYYY!!!!

I also watch the old CSI on Spike TV when I remember about it...lol. Do not know about any of the newer CSI's!

Lovie - hubby is a flipper too. It is so hard to watch TV with him. You will be watching something and then when it goes to commercial he will change the channel and we get to watching something else until it goes to commercial then we cannot remember what we were watching before that and by the time we remember what we were watching it is either already over with or we are just lost!! He does that to me all the time!! That is why I only watch movies on DVD with him...lol...can always rewind and BEST of all NO CHANNEL FLIPPING!!

Yes; I only do the flipper thing when it's just me...and I'm not really into anything too much. Mainly when I can't decide what to watch. I do hate commercials though so I'm back to check out CNN & FoxNews during commercials.i love all the csi's and law and orders (cept for law and order trial by jury)  extreme homemakeover (mostly for Ty)



Don't ask me, the people dynamics just fascinate me.  I would like to be on that show.  Here is a pic of me six years ago in mexico.  This is what I would be like on survivor. 


LOL  I think it would be a blast to be on Survivor except I am no good at deceit.  I would suck at poker

During the day I like HGTV or Discovery Home. I have the tv in my room on Noggin for the little one.

For prime Time we watch...

Monday CSI Miami. (dh likes 2/12 Men)

Tuesday House and Law and Order


Thursday, CSI

Friday, we used to watch Joan of Arcadia, I don't have a clue what we will watch

Saturday Cops and America's Most Wanted

Sunday,  The Simpsons and Law and order Criminal Intent.


Basically 1 show per evening..

I totally forgot about LOST!!!! LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!My very best favorite show on television is none other than "Antiques Roadshow."  It's a Tuesday night PBS must for me.

OH MY!! I watch the Antique roadshow @ 2am before I go to bed.

I love the episode of Will & Grace where Grace & Jack go to be on the antiques roadshow...lol That was a funny episode.

I just love Will & Grace it brightens my day when I watch it. No matter how bad I feel or blah I feel that show always makes me laugh!!

OK, let's see if I can remember them all (guess I'm a
tv junkie too-in the evenings, and whenever I am off
on the weekdays!)

I love science fiction: Andromeda (sp?), stargate
sg-1, star treck-next generation.

Also: the original CSI (like the show and also am
from vegas so love to see all the local stuff)

without a trace
extreme makeover home addition
desperate housewives
will & grace
2 1/2 men,
antique roadshow
dr. phil
general hospital, one live to live (both on days off),
NEWS-local & national
joan of arcadia

Wow-that's alot; didn't realize I had so many
'favorites'!! (and I'm sure there are some I'm

Roxy-Love the picture    

Tara L38587.9371064815Oh boy, I must admit that im a reality show junkie. I also like the show 24. MAN I LOVE THAT SHOW! I also Queer as Folk was one of my favorites but it just ended 

Being from Boston the Red Sox and Patriots are my favorites. I go through withdrawlal when they aren't on. I think my next favorite is L&O I didn't see the originals so I pig out on the reruns.

I have my computer set up so that  I can do the computer and watch tv at the same time. I don't know what I would do without it.

I have two must see, make sure the kids are in bed, get the buffalo wings ready shows...
Big Brother and Survivor
last night my inlaws showed up at my house at 7 O'Clock (they are guests from hell) and they were still there at 9 when Big Brother came on, I was so zoned into the tv at one point I heard Hubby say to his Mom, "It's the only show she really enjoys". I told him later that he is my hero!! LOL. It's so nice to have a block of time that I can get so involved in something else that it takes me away from my own troubles, you know?Hey Staci,  Another Survivor fan. 

Joonie - another of your great threads!   Boy this one is a good look in the mirror!  I'm embarrassed how much tube I watch

I'm a flipper too


Lulu,  I learned how from our friends here.  I love pics too.  It is more "intimate".  Go to imagecave.com.  It will teach you how to upload pics you have on your computer.  Then it has a modify image button so you can make them smaller.  I can never tell how small they are until I post them.  Then I do copy and paste just like smileland.  Hope to see some pics of yours soon!  Are you going to watch Survivor when I am on it


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