4 trips to the hospital = pain relief | Arthritis Information


I have been pretty sick since I had the HIDA scan almost two weeks ago. They have determined that it is not my gallbladder that is causing me problems, but something called a sphincter of oddi (pronounced  o-dye) dysfunction. I'm on an all liquid diet and fentanyl patches. The only way to get it repaired is to go to the U of WA or Virginia Mason hosp. They are the only two places that has the equipment to go deep enough into gallbladder and also repair by either putting in a stint or widen it a couple of ways. So far insurance is refusing to allow me to go there. We are fighting to go.

After third trip to hospital, I got my "monthly bill" and hubby, who has been keeping careful notes asked the doc why my GBL went from 15 down to 10. Doc grabbed the lab print outs and said she has a very serious bleed somewhere. I know where! so I am scheduled for an endometrial ablation on the 15th to take care of that. My Gyn said her assistant takes out gallbladders at the same time if need be, but so far everyone has said that would not help.

I have to say though, the fentanyl patch is the greatest. I have absolutely no ra pain at all. I don't feel woozy or anything, just NO pain whatsoever. I have been sleeping alot longer at night and taking daytime naps which are unusual for me.

Oh and still waiting on a date for surgery to repair the tear in my hip. Hopefully it will be before the snow and ice hits here. Already in the 40's during the days raining like crazy and super windy. We may only have to rake leaves once if it keeps on like thisFinally!  Lots of good thoughts and its terrific a doctor finally figured it out! 

deb, I am so glad they have finally gotten you some relief and some good information.  Sorry about the waiting game, but hang in there!

< =text/>_popupControl(); OH DEB!!!!  What a relief to know FINALLY what is going on.  So if the insurance company is fighting you going and having this gall bladder thing done...then the darn thing needs to come out.  I don't see any other way to solve the issue other than that.  I am looking in to changing my pain meds to the fentanyl patch.  I am glad it is working for you without that woozy high side effect.  I am going to let my PCP who manages my pain control how well you are doing on it and hopefully that will precipitate a change for me.  I am absoloutely excited you have no RA pain for once.  That is such great news!!! 

Good luck with the upcoming surgeries.  I will be thinking of you and praying for you. 

removing my gallbladder will not take care of the problem. It is beyond the gallbladder in the ducts or sphincters. No, they cannot take those out, I already asked. I am seeing another gastro this week for another opinion

< =text/>_popupControl(); Oh good gracious well that bites.  I am glad that you are getting a 2nd opinion on this stuff tho.  Please let us know what the doc says.  I hope they can find a way to help you Deb...I really hope they do. 

Why is the insurance fighting this?  I mean c'mon...do they expect a person to live in pain like this??  Or on a liquid diet forever??  Sometimes I just wanna kick someone at the insurance companies where it hurts us and see how they like it. 

Deb, I'm so happy they were finally able to diagnose but not so happy that it's SOD.  It's not a common health problem and there are few hospitals equipped to handle putting in the stent or widening the duct. 

Even though it's an uncommon malady the procedure to repair the duct is an acceptable medical procedure.  It's not experiemental and there's no other treatment for SOD.  I can't believe your insurance would deny the only known means of treatment!  That's like having a gallbladder full of stones and the insurance denying resecting the gallbladder.  It's crazy.  I would think they have to cover the surgery since it's an accepted medical treatment and procedure for SOD.  Keep fighting them and appealing.  Lindy


You are in my thoughts for a speedy recovery

my mother had this procedure done after having her gallbladder removed theyy puit 2 stints in to widen the ducts and after 3 weeks she had them removed. It was like night and day after the stints were put in place. of course she had to   watch her diet for a couple of weeks but then she was great

I am glad to hear you are pain free.  But sad to hear about all the other.  I hope like heck the insurance approves for you to get help.  Lord knows after what you went through you sure need it.

Good luck and hang in there.

I'm sorry you're going thru this.  Do they know how something like this happens?



I'm happy that you have some answers as to the issue and also that the fetanyl(sp) patch is working for you.  Like Grammaskittles, I don't understand why insurance company is fighting this and would love to give them a swift kick.  However, I'd have to find someone else to do it for me because if I kick them, my feet would hurt.  LOL  Good luck with the surgeries.  Many thoughts and prayers for you will be said.

Glad they narrowed it down! Hope the insurance will let ya go where you to need to go to get it all straigthened out and pain-free again.

Those patches sound like a good deal, just too bad it does not take away all the pain, huh?

Good Luck & keep us posted!

I'm going to have to have a 'heart to heart' with that woman, after my heart gets better!

Know how you feel, Lynda
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