People say the weirdest things. | Arthritis Information


So, my MIL calls last night.  She can tell by my voice that I'm in pain.  She asks if I'm o.k. and I say yes in hopes she'll go on and tell my why she called.  She asked again, so I told her my RA was flaring.  Then she said.... drum roll....  "well, when my joint hurts, I just tap on it with my finger a few times and it feels better.  You should try that too."


Tap, tap, tap, nothing.  Tap, tap, tap, nothing. Tap, Tap, Tap, nothing.

Tap, tap, tap, tap, pain gone.  You have to tap 4 times not 3.

Hummmm... taps? I think I have tried this... along with slamming what body part that did not hurt in a door or something to help take my mind off the other pain

Ya'll ever seen Major Pain? The little boy is crying about something hurting and Major Pain walks up to him and says "I know a little trick to help take your mind off that pain, give me yo finga." Or something like that. When I tell hubby something hurts he will tell me to let him see my finger and he will can help me take my mind off that pain. I am like NO YOU ARE NOT breaking my finger!!!

too funny!

This is not only weird but about as 'funny' as it gets. We visited our family for 4 days. On the afternoon before leaving for the evening to go home my grand daughter says, "Well, and I neeed money for college"!!, Huh!? I told her to get a job at McD's and that she was asking the WRONG grandparents, we don't have any money to give away. The nerve! So, now I'm not going to be real anxious to 'talk' to her much in the future. Honestly, she'd been thinking about this all weekend? Do you think? A big fat bore.....LyndaI would have told her "I understand your need perfectly, we NEED money to eat, we NEED money to pay for our home and we NEED money to keep warm.  That is why we got jobs and worked hard all our lives".   Anytime any of my sister's had a complaint after the age of 25, any sickness whatsoever, my mom always said "I bet you're going through the change"I'm so glad I don't have a living MIL. And now you know why.

You guys are just so darn funny.

I have a sis that camplains all the time of being in pain.  I mean all the time.  A lot of the family has stopped answering the phone because of this.  (unless she has $ to go shopping).  She "has" everything including RA.  Finally one day I couldn't get her to shut up so I yelled did you have blood test to show your RA.  And what is your doc doing for it so I know what to expect.  Of course, no doc told her she just knew she had it.  *sigh*

MIL's and DIL's are a bad mix unless they live in different countries. 

Seriously! I don't even know if that would work. I am 5 states away and my MIL STILL emails me every day!!! She forwards me emails of convos between her and her cousins! I want to email her back and tell her I REALLY don't care what they talk about. I was going to mark her as spam and say it was an accident, but I figured that was mean. Sooooo annoying.

wow feels good to get that off my chest! haha


Well, let's adopted Mother and Sister have everything.  They know more about drugs than I ever dreamed.  My sister has NEVER worked a full time job...never supported herself or been away from mom for very long.  It is actually sad to think that this almost 40 y/o women cannot survive on her own.  My natural mom has apologized for anything she did to cause this...ummm that would be my dead dad.  My MIL kind of obsesses on how I am doing and she tried to get me to engage her, b/c she thinks she might have some sort of arthritis.  Wouldn't go there.  She is worried that I am going to die...well, I guess we all will at some time.  YEP< don't even want to get into the aunt that wanted to cast "demons" out and free me from my ancestors sins....AS IF???!!!
