OT - First Time I’ve Asked For Prayers | Arthritis Information


Yeah, me, the skeptic religious one is asking for you to think of me, and maybe even pray. Justin's back in the hospital. We took him in this afternoon, his gallbladder is BAD BAD BAD. He had a fever and everything. The ER doc was really nice, but basically told him "look, last time you were bad, this time you're terrible, if you leave without getting this thing out, next time I see you, you'll be dead" *sigh* So we explained to him that the surgeon last time was a total dick, so he called the surgeon - then came back to us and said "I took care of it, your gallbladder will be coming out either wednesday or friday - pending on how well he's doing fever-wise. Well that's a huge relief. He doesn't even HAVE a stricture (in his intestines) this time, but it's so painful that it's also causing him Chron's pains. He's on 3 shots of du-lod-in however you spell it every 4 hours. And phenagren, and 2 anti-biotics and tylenol and some other stuff. His med list is like 8 things, I can't remember them all.

NOW FOR THE GOOD NEWS! He's in really good spirits about the whole thing. I am SO proud of him. He's even been trying to smile, and he's been really good about not worrying about work. I told him to let me handle it. Cause I totally will. I wasn't going to post all of this, but I don't have my momma Lizzie and I can't find momma Karen and I think I'm going to BURST if I don't talk to another adult. It's times like these that make me feel really alone friend-wise. :(

Aw man that wasn't supposed to turn sad. I'm trying really hard to keep up up up right now! So far, so good. I think. I'm stuffing my face at the house right now, and then I'm gonna jump into some PJs and grab the Uno deck and head back to the hospital. I'm off tomorrow so I'm spending the night out there. I'll be online for a little bit longer, I wanna catch up on some posts.

If anyone has ANY tips on how to request assistance on utility bills, or anything else can you PLEASE PM me with it, or shoot me an e-mail? arriscolwell@gmail.com Thanks, MAN I LOVE THIS BOARD!!!

Prayers, you gotem. Utility bills call public aid they may be able to refer you. Ask the utility company also, they know. Where i live, townhall can piont you in the right direction, salvation army, and churches can also help.

You and Justin will be in our prayers.



Hey Katie? Maybe he is in good spirits because he is dopped up REALLY really GOOD?

Well, at least he got there before it got too bad pain wise. Now... he just has to sit and wait his turn.

Much huggs & prayers

Well... you left out the screaming bloody redrum for 3 hours. I just thought they dopped him up really good. I kinda like it when I go to the hospital in pain and they dope me up really good. Maybe that is why I cannot ever remember my times spent in the hospital

Well... at least he is not doom and gloom. How the hell does he have time to think of all that crap anyways? He just needs to let them good meds do their work and help him go to lala-land He's a very thoughtful man.  Part of why I love him! He's like me, our minds NEVER stop. Go go go 24/7. Sometimes it can turn on you though. It's a tough balancing act. Being in the hospital usually makes him spin a little out of control, but he's doing SO WELL this time. He just makes me smile.

Katie, OMG, I hope that gallbladder comes out sooner than later.  You may not see it, but this is a good thing.  Better he have it taken out now than when it bursts or becomes so severly infected that he's in big, big trouble. 

I so feel for both of you.  You both are going through so much at such a young age.  I'll be sending loving thoughts your way.  Lindy 

Thank you Lin!!  

Okay I'm heading back out to the hospital. I'll check back in sometime tomorrow, not sure when.

Thanks again!

Katie, I will keep you guys in my prayers.  Ill have Kelsay say a prayer too!

Big hugs hun!!  Keep us updated

Oh YAY!! Kelsay prayers are the BEST!! 

Big big hugs to you and Justin....I will pray my heart out.  The bills are going to have to wait until you get Justin sorted.  I wish I was there.  I would call for you.  Love ya girl....take care of you.  I hope it all comes out on Wednesday!  Get letters from the docs as to Justin's condition and work ability after it is all said and done.

You have a lot of mommies praying for you hun...you're not alone!!!

Love ya, shel


Prayers and good vibes going your direction...I do hope all works out well.


Katie, I don't believe praying to God gives you any better chance at anything. I think he gave us the ability to make things better for ourselves. I hope this works for Justin, that he has a good surgeon and with you on his side he has as good a chance as any at finally getting better.

Hi Katie,

So sorry to hear Justin isn't doing well but as has been said, it's better it happens now.  Without a doubt, you are both in my prayers.  Take care hun.

Hugs for you and Justin,


I am so sorry to hear about Justin!  You will definitely be in our prayers.  Here is a link that might be able to help with utility bills.  If you belong to a church or synagogue or a forest druid group ask for help.  Most people want to help, they just don't know there is a need.  There is nothing wrong with asking, truly.  I know you would be willing to help someone else if you could!  Here is a link to a group we like to donate to.  They are legit. 


Oh Katie, I'm so sorry Justin (and you) are going through this again.

I'm so glad you guys got a good ER doc that listened and acted on it. Please know you and Justin will TOTALLY be in my thoughts and prayers! And let me know if there's anything I can do for you, 'K?

Love you bunches! 

I'm so sorry Justin is in so much pain, and things are so bad, but I have to say I'm glad he's finally getting something done to put a stop to this.  Then he can really get better.

Do you have anyone from work who know both of you well that could come and sit in the hospital with you?

katie, maybe you can ask to speak with a in house(hospital) social worker, they are there just to help with your needs. Maybe they can give you some help,names of places that help? wouldnt hurt to ask. you two atre young and strong you will get through this,and it will make you two closer.



Gosh honey, I am so sorry for Justins troubles.... You and him are in my prayers.

Public aid and churches are good places to start for help. Hope that helps.

Big hugs


awww Katydid I just got home and read this, I'm sure you're at the hospital by now




It is about freaking time they took that thing out of that boy!!!

Sorry it had to build to this piont again but at least it will be taken care of this time.

Take care of Justin and take care of Katie.

Katie...I am so sorry to here that Justin is so sick. I will keep you and your family and friends in my prayers.

Same goes for me, Katie. I will send good thoughts and prayers your way. I hope and pray for Justin's speedy recovery.

Take care of yourself too. Try not to get too worked up or stressed over this. I know that will be hard cuz' you love him so much. It's cool they are letting you spend the night at the hospital.

Best wishes


Ahhh, Katie I am so sorry to hear about Justin.  Please give him a hug for me and prayers are being sent.

Don't forget to take care of yourself OK?



Katie, my dear, I just want you to know that you and Justin are surely in my prayers and will continue to be.

Your Justin sounds like a very intelligent young man, and I know you two "work" so well together. (work , not the "at work" kind) I am so glad he's where he should be right now. Hope they get that nasty gall bladder out ASAP! Poor guy, must feel like he is being cosmicly (sp?) picked on. I am so glad you two are together. I know you are very good for him, and it seems that he is for you, as well.

Remember, Little Girl, that I am here, too. I definitely qualify for a stand-in Mom position. Not quite old enough to be your Gramma, but not too far from it. My oldest granddaughter is 17. But just remember, you can call on me any time you need me. You are very special to me, as you are to so many here.

Hope his surgery goes perfectly, and with all these prayers, he's got a good head start. I'm not "go to church religious", but am a very spiritual person. And I firmly believe in the power of prayer.

My heart is with you sweetie. I know you won't see this til tomorrow, but I had to let you know I was here and am with you in spirit.

Keep us posted when you get a chance and tell Justin he's got a bunch of us keeping him in our hearts.

Hope you are getting enough rest.

Gentle hugs and much love, Nini

Like Nini says its a good thing that Justin is where he is at right now. I will keep you guys in my most positive thoughts.  I'll keep you in my thoughts.

Katie I am so sorry you and your hubby are going through this.  I will send out good wishes and say prayers for you and him for both situations.

Hang in there.  I know you don't know me but if you ever need a shoulder I am there.

Katie~ Hope you guys are doing well this morning.  You could also try contacting the Salvation Army and see if they offer any kinds of assistance programs I know they do up here but not sure if its a state thing or not.  Also, the modest needs website gives some sites for other assistance programs for each state.  Let us know how he is feeling and when they are going to do surgery.

Big hugs to both of you!

Hey katie...I guess it's good news that the gall bladder will finally come out.  I'll be praying for you guys and his doctors.

Katie, I'm so sorry he's been suffering, but at least now it should get taken care of.  Try not to stress too much about the bills.  Do what you have to do (like contacting them in advance), but then let it go  because the stress will only make it worse.  I will send my prayers, and a big ol' hug, that both of you will be feeling good in no time. I hope today is going better.

I think the hospital might be able to direct you for financial aid (you know it is a common need for people with ongoing health issues). I also think I would call the power co. - sometimes just a partial payment in good fatih will keep them from disconnecting, and getting it back on again takes deposits, etc., doesn't it? Take care.
I hope today is going better!!
you are such a strong person!
HUGS, thinking of you!




Aw Katie, I'm sorry I havent been around for you sweetie. Please know you guys are in my prayers. I'm glad the darn thing is coming out! I agree with the others, call the utility co. if you have been in your place more than a year, sometimes they will apply your original deposit towards what you owe to keep you current. If not, they'll work out a payment schedule...

love ya girlie, take care of yourself


Well, I haven't been around much for a few days, so sorry my well wishes are late. That's a really hard situation. I feel frustrated for you. I know other people who have had their gall bladders out and after the intitial adjustment period it's not that bad. What's really hard and makes you sleepless is the financial aspect. I hope you find the help you two need.  Well holy cow your thoughts and prayers musta worked! 

Glad he is a VERY happy camper and it is coming out tomorrow sometime!

Much Huggs for the both of you.

I understand fully about your kitty too.  When I went away for the summer when I was 21, my parents sold the house, didn't buy another one, went travelling and gave my kitty to friends who lived in an apartment.  They had too many cats and had to get rid of one so they put my kitty down.  I think I'm still traumatised by this.Yeah I'm having a rough time with the Kitty thing. She's 12, and she has thyroid disease. Her first tumor was on her thyroid, and her second was along her spine, between her "shoulders" That's the one that was in her muscle.  I just want her to be there when I go up for Christmas. And at the same time, I don't want her to suffer just for me. :( Poor kitty.

Soooo glad the surgery is happening and Justin is in good spirits.  Try and take it easy tonight ya hear?? 

Ahh, so sad about your kitty.  Timing really sucks doesn't it?

lots of hugs Katiedid...............sorry, I always think of you that way.

Take care my friend, and know that I'll be thinking about both of you tomorrow! Love ya Katiedid! Yes ma'am that's exactly how they're doing it. Only thing up in the air right now is WHO'S doing it and WHAT TIME. In fact, he just called me to say they STILL haven't told him. He got off the phone to bug the nurse about it one more time. I guess his surgeon, the one assigned to him is leaving tomorrow for a few days. But he wants it done tomorrow ANYWAY. Whatever, just get the damn thing out!! He should ask them to save it for him - I know you two are the type that would love to see it!LMAO!! "Hey doc, can we keep it in a jar!?!?"

If we do Karen, you HAVE to do one more halloween, and make it frankenstein. We'll donate a gallbladder in a far for you and everything!!!

I just logged on and found out all this was going on. I'm praying, too, Katie. You two are so strong. You're going to get through this just fine. We're all here for you and we love you very much, and Justin too.

Thanks for keeping us informed.

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