OT 2007-10-10 Chatter | Arthritis Information


Greetings all!  Hopefully today will be better... got the Medrol dosepak, started taking it this morning.  I'm going to go to work today; I can always come home if I feel like crapola.

Goodmorning!  Well our summer weather here in IL is officially over.  RIght now it is only 47 degrees with a high of 54 degrees.  ITS COLD!!!  Im doin alright this morning w/ the exception that its freezing in here...Ok so its not freezing but its really cold LOL...

Hope yall have a good day today!  Jas, glad you got your medrol dose pak and hope it works fast for you.  Dont over do it at work today.  Come home if you need to.


Good Morning.  Well, I had a lesson in overdoing things.  I rode my bicycle with hubby yesterday for about 90 minutes.  Yep, was in tears when we stopped at one point.  Did not sleep much b/c of pain.  So, today is going to be a rest day. 

Jaz I am glad you are up and going, but do go home...ya, take a lesson from me.  You don't need to lose sleep, and you have sick days for a reason.

Shannon make some hot chocolate, and bundle in a blanket...it is cold here this am too.  It looks a little cloudy too, I need to check weather. 

WEll, I am going back to bed for a while.  It is amazing how things change on a dime. 

Morning all!! Jas, good luck on the medrol, that never did much for me....kelsay, it is COLD here too, 48 degrees, a shock for sure, I got my old flannel shirt out LOL....still feeling good in the hands today...hope all have a great day no matter what!!


Good afternoon all. Jas- I hope the medrol helps.

Not much doing here today apart from bad weather but we are supposed to have sunshine later today and tomorrow. My eldest daughter is off work today with a bug, shes been fighting it since friday and eventually she has gone to her bed. She hates missing work but they told her to stay at home for a few days.

We are starting to make plans for christmas. Over the years I have always had a house ful of relatives but this year we are all booking christmas dinner in a little country pub. The food is like traditional homecooked and the pub is run by a lovely couple of friends. There is 20 of us going so it should be fun. We are all coming back to my house afterwards for the rest of the days festivities. On boxing day we have booked tickets to a theatre in London to see Mamma mia the musical. It seems so far off but I have found once halloween is over christmas comes round so quickly.


Don, how are you???  Are you still feeling good?  I hope you are doing well, and today will be a great day for you!

Bah you all and your northern weather. It's 72 here - at 8am! And it's gonna be 87 today. God knows the humidity will make it feel like more!

I'm on my way out to the hospital, no one's told us what time the surgery is. If they bump to tomorrow I'm gonna be pissed.

Don~ Glad your hands are still feeling good!  Where abouts are you at?

Lisa~ Christmas sounds fun doing it at a pub.  Then nobody has to cook or clean up!  Thats always that best part.  Not sure who is having Christmas this year.  Its to early for that to be planed.  We dont usually even plan Thanksgiving till the week of

Shelly~ Sorry your hurting from your bikeride yesterdy.. I know you were really looking forward to it.  Has the remicade started working for you yet?  Hope you are able to get some sleep.  Are you on Mtx along w/ the Remicade?


Lisa your Christmas plans seem like they will be very fun for all!!! 

Shannon~Yes, I am on 20mg of Mtx, and I thought that the Remicade was kicking in, and it still might be if I would not overdo.  The first part of the bikeride was really fun. 

My family had a four day weekend and we got a lot done.  I am going to rest today.  I have some work to do, but it will wait.  I'll talk to you all later, as my eyes are closing as I type.  Love yas!!!

Take care Shelly, get some rest.  Maybe next time only bike ride for half that time and work your way up. Hope you feel better sweetie!

Yes my hands are feeling gooood today again!! Can type on here without any probs so far........kelsay I am in missouri, just north of kansas city, small but nice little town.....arris best of luck on that surgery for Justin....may have to watch the diet closely after gall bladd surger!!....

blessings to all!!!!!!!!



Good luck with the surgery today Katie.  Let us know how it went and how he is feeling.  You guys will be in my thoughts and prayers today.

Good Morning; Jas, hope the Medrol pak kicks in today. Shelly, feet up, book in hand, orders for the day!  90 minutes of bike riding - what were you thinking, girl?

Guess MXT kicked in yesterday afternoon and I felt great but got up this morning and everything that has been sore for the last 5 days is sore again and then some.  I have a squishy left elbow and shoulder that's joined the group.

Started my sulfa yesterday, read some, watched TV, worked on a new necklace design, went out to dinner. 

Today is just laundry.  I think I'm going to try and get to the pool today.  Haven't been for a week and I miss it.

Everyone take care.  Lindy

Good morning all,

A rainy day here in Massachusetts.  Regardless of that though I'm feeling pretty good.  I've been walking around the block every day for about a week now.  Isabel and I put the dog in the backyard to do her thing and off we go for our morning walk.  It's truly helped with the morning stiffness and pain.  So, even though this morning was drizzling, we put on our coats and off we went.  Then a trip to the post office for mail to be sent and stamps to be bought.  Back home now taking a small break before I clean up a popcorn mishap from last night.  I had to get my brother's wet/dry vac for it.  I want to get it done as early as possible because we have a photographer coming from the local newspaper.  They're running a story on Isabel and I for lead posioning.  The reporter was here yesterday.  Lead paint is a huge problem here in New Bedford because all the houses are so old.  So, my day will consist of tidying up the house and getting ready for photographer.

Jas, take it easy at work today.  I hope you're feeling better soon.  Shelly- sorry to hear that you're in such pain.  I can commiserate with you.  Yesterday we walked a bit further than we have been and I felt it.  Easy does it, sweetie.  Lisa, your pub Christmas sounds wonderful.  Usually we have all the holidays here however this year my brother Mark and wife will be in the new home in Maine so Isabel, my brother Todd and I will be going there.  It should be fun.  Maine is beautiful and it will be nice to have a family holiday there and see their new home.

Katie, sending prayers for Justin during the surgery.  Big hugs to both of you. 

Hope everyone has a great day.

Hugs to all,


Katie, loving thoughts your way.  Lindy LinB39365.349537037


Lindy...yep..just woke up again for breakfast...getting ready to lay down and read.  Hubby told me not to do much today except rest.  I have a substitute job tomorrow.  I have to go.  The pain has somewhat gone down, as long as I am laying down. 

Lindy also take care of that squishy elbow and shoulders.  I have never had shoulder pain until the last two months...I hate it.  Careful with the swimming.

Steph...good luck with the interview.  I hope someone in the community will help you out.  I hate that it has effected Isabel so much. 

Well, back to bed with me.  I am going to try to read until I fall asleep. 

Hugs to everyone.

Yeah.  Cold here in Michigan today too.  Tomorrow night I will freeze at the football game, glad the season is wrappping up.

Jas.....hope that medrol works fast and that you and your fam will stay healthy for a while.  Seems you guys could use a break from being sick.

So, last night I said to my daughter that we should start messing around with her hair to find a pretty way to wear it for homecoming Saturday.  She said "oh, mom.  I'm was planning to go to Meagan's house with Christie and Molly.  We want to get ready together".  So.  Another one bites the dust.  I hate this "growing up" thing.    Then she went on about manicures and girly stuff.  sounds like a fun day.  I didn't show it because i don't want her to feel guilty or anythng, but it made me sad.


Oh Link...I know what you are feeling.  My daughter now "invites" me to go places with her.  I hate it too.

You could mess in my hair any day!!!! 

K...Link I'll put the coffee on and we can watch a girlie movie too!

Well, it's Wyoming, so you would have to head southwest.  Pretend like you are going to Denver, CO and then go North.  Cheyenne is two hours North of Denver.  When we go to Denver it's the "big" city.  We always love coming home to the small town!!!

Well the medrol is kicking in.  I have more energy and less pain than I have for days.  I will be going to Bingo tonight at least for ticket sales.  It's only for an hour and a half, I get to sit down, and my children will be in the church kitchen with the other kids eating dinner.  So it's actually easier than taking the boys home and having to cook dinner. [QUOTE=Linncn]Shelly, so go to CO and turn right?  Sounds easy enough.  Will be there soon.  Do want coffee Hey pick me up after you get Jas...im in for a road trip!!!



ok, so I am grilling chicken...will you all be here for dinner or should I count on breakfast tomorrow?? 

Shannon...I am so sorry...I just wish I could give you a hug...you need one so badly.

Jaz...you better keep those Sam Adams Cold!!! 

I have all the surround gagets and we will just have a week of girlie movies( the boys will move out and the house will smell great!)

Can't wait to see you.  Link you've got a lot of people to pick up...how big is your car??

I can squeeze in 4 besides myself.  So pack light everyone

I'm in need of a girls road trip too!!!

Shannon, I am truly sorry...... sending prayers your way.

Shannon- so sorry to hear of your sad news.The only saving grace is that is was quick from diagnosis. You family has had a great deal to cope with lately and you are all in my prayers.

Is there any chance of car surfing across the pond to London and picking me up for this road trip. I will even inculde a few girlie movies from my vault.

I can't figure out how to post a new topic. Dose prednisone at a high level suck out the miosture to your eyes and mouth. I had eye pain and a headache before i started the pred, but i still had some miosture in my my eyes. I thought i was going to ckoke from a dry throat last night. i am still progressing with this flare as my knee is more painful today. Sound normal for pred or sound like sjorgren's propably not spelled right?

Shannon, so sorry for your loss.....

I am in on the road trip too, can we just rent a huge van or something?

Been  dry eyed here as well...yuck ...RA really sucks!My eyes were so dry this morning they stuck! Weird huh?

Bad bone day in this cold drizzly weather. October is always so difficult for me. I MISS MY DOG TOO! Whaaaa so I have a bit of the saddies today. As soon as i get my mom's car fixed I am gonna go get that dog, I swear I am.

Gloomy day here.

sorry about the yucky mood but that is just the way I feel today.



Well i was a .little late to take the pred today, ran out of food. Not good. I just got one little tear in each eye. So i don't know maybe the prd is making the dryness better and it's the RA or something else. Or maybe it is the pred making it worse. Scince the left eye was already that way before the prd, then it was both after. I guess i will give the medicine a day or two before i freak. Funny how i can appreciate one small tear, so much. I just kind of like my eyes, don't like anything messing with them. Sorry SHANNON.  Jodie sorry about the yucky mood. I have been in and out of them myself the past couple of days. At least i don't have a headache. But i am just sick in general, chills, stomache, i'm thinking bleeding ulcer, just getting pariniod.OK I swear...Nothing else is allowed to go wrong...I am at my limit..So hubby gets home and his dad called and said that his grandmother is back in the hospital, well this is his moms mother and they have been divorced for at least 20 yrs...And nobody called him, his dad was the one to call to make sure that he knew.  So yea add another thing to the list of things that are able to go wrong. 

Geesh Kel, hope it isn't too serious! thougths and prayers headed your way.


Oh how sweet. i called to talk to an Aunt and her husband answered the phone, a retired chiropracter. He said he would get me into a specialist right away and even drive me. He is so sick as to why he retired, he is diabetic with angent orange and almost lost both his legs, they were able so far to repair one. He said i am retired, but people still talk to me. He said i am sick but not dead. I never did get to talk to his wife. He wants to go over all of my exrays also. I think it made him feel better thinking he has me as a project. He used to treat me for minor problems i had over the years.


Milly...I am so glad the your uncle will help you out.  Maybe that is all you need.  I am thankful that he will kind of steer you in the right directions.

Shannon...gosh...I am so sorry you cannot get a break right now.  I am glad hubby's father called, but I am surprised that mom didn't call.  Hang in there and remember that God is still in control, even if we can't see it and it makes no sense to us.  WE have to hold on to that at some point.  I do love you and am praying for you now more than ever.  shel

Hey Milly, good news.  I'm glad that you can get a ride to the RD.  Make that appointment. 

Kel, am sorry about everything that's going on.  I think we all have spots in our life where everything bad dumps on us.  Take one step   at a time and eventually it will all smooth out. Life always does. 

I'll bring popcorn and Tequila.  Make killer Margaritas and I've been told that when you're having an all ladies weekend that alcohol doesn't count.  It's good for you.  Honest.  Lindy 

Jode, hubbies grandma has Leukemia and her white blood cell count was really low and they arent sure if she has an infection or if its from her leukemia and she also has a 102 degree fever....

Thanks for all the prayers...

Shell you are so sweet!!!

Jode, am sorry hon that you're hurting.  I remember the story about your dog and your ex.  YOU NEED YOUR DOG.  If you're missing your dog please bring him home.  He may need you as much as you need him.  My pets bring so much comfort and joy to my life and I know he would bring the same to you.  Two years ago I had to put my dog to sleep.  She was 16 years old and could hardly move.  It was time but I still miss her.  Jode, are you on meds?  LindyHey! Can I come too? I am just north of IL in Wisconsin! I have a big motorhome we can use! It sleeps 10!! Who wants me to swing by? Oh, and you can eat, or sleep, or whatever ya want. We can take turns driving so we can rest too.

Too all the sad news...
I am sorry and sending prayers and thoughts your way.
OK, change of paln.  GrammaKathy has a camper.  Trumps my little Mazda.  So far you'll be swinging thorugh Mi, Ill, IN...did I miss anyone?Pin cushion...take the next flight to VA and hich a ride with angytvjunkie4. Sorry...I don't know anyones names yet.

I can't wait!!!!

Milly, sounds like sjorgens,  I have it and I'm dry everywhere!!!! Talkto your RD and they can give you some drops. I take Restasis.

I am also sorry for all bad news..... praying for ya.

oh these family problems are contatious, My granddad just got medifact to a stroke hospital. Then i was told my brother in iraq didn't call on Jeremy's birthday and he always dose. Well he is in florida, and on his way here. So at least that fear was settled quickly. So he's in the States, great. We need him right now. That will be such comfort to us all. He is one year older than me and we are close.Shannon, when it rains it pours!  Yikes!  Just remember, one day at a time...

A motorhome sounds great!!!  I guess I'll have to bring more than a sixer of Sam Adams.  Maybe a keg?  And whoever said that drinks don't count on a girls-weekend... I've not heard that, but I do think we should perform some hands-on research.


Happy to hear about your brother!!!!! Thank him for me, he truly is a hero to me.

Um hi. I don't know what the hell you're doing, but it better include me. Or there will be hell to pay.

 Don't forget me in NC when you pick up Katie in Fla, I have demerol and I'm not afraid to use it

I don't know Katie, but someone is planning a trip somewhere, I think to Shelly's and they've forgot us!

Glad you're feeling good Jaz

Oh Goody Link what are we doing to Shelly's hair? I groom my dog's really well, can I cut?

And a flea dip too!!!


 Shelly has fleas?? hmmm. Is my coffin still available Karen? Don't want no fleas

What will we do with Joonie and Brisen, you know they'll want to tag along?

By the way mo, loved NC.  You have a beautiful state there, missy.


 Thanks Link but if you didn't come to the mountains you missed the prettiest part, but I'm partial

Did you have a great time with your son? Stoopid question, I know

 Where did everybody go??? Do I smell bad?

Joonie, Brisen I was only kiddin

Our dog Peter died today.

Milly, hang in there.  Am happy to hear about your brother being here in the states.

You guys forgot me here in AZ and I even told you I'd bring the tequila for Margaritas........Tell me when you'll be here.  Lindy


 Oh No! What happened? Isn't that your daughter's dog? I'm so sorry


I'm sorry Joonie :( How old was he?

Hubby said he seemed fine and dandy last night when he went out to feed them. He was jumping up on the fence and running around like he normally does.

Then this afternoon we went in the backyard to let the kids play with the dogs. I was like is Peter dead? My daughter jumped outta the car running towards their pen yelling Peter, and he never got up, usually he jumps right up. But he did not move and she turned around crying saying he was dead.

Our other dog Mopsey that is in the same fenced in area, looked sad and was not jumping around and all like he normally does. He just sat there staring at Peter like he was waiting for him to get up.

Peter was laying in his favorite spot under the shady tree and looked like he was just asleep.

I am still crying about him dying. No one else is just me. We have had him since for 5years. We saved him from being put to sleep. The pound where we got him from puts dogs to sleep after they are a year old or had them a couple of months. The lady told us that he had 3 months before they would put him to sleep. We got him because his name they gave him was "Peter Pan" and at the time that was my daughters favorite disney movie. We got him on daughter's 4th b-day.

We think he might have gotten bit by a snake last night. As the neighbor said all of our dogs were raising cane last night and her dog was too.


Oh, that's so sad Joonie.  How old was Peter?  How did he die?Poor puppy. :(

Peter was close to 7 years old. He was actually older than the pound said he was, the vet we took him to to get nuetered and his check up and all said he was 10 months old. The pound said he was 7 months old.


 awww Joonie that's so sad, makes me want to cry too. Are the kids ok?

Yeah... daughter cried, when she came back to the car I asked her why she was crying she said because peter was dead, and I reminded her she wanted to get rid of peter not to long ago. She said yeah, but she wanted to give him away not for him to die. She wanted a new puppy like her brother got, but we told her she could not have a puppy because peter was her dog.

Daughter cried for about an hour. Then I let her talk to both of her grandma's and they told her he went up to heaven and he is in a better place now. So, now she feels better about it.

Son... he did not cry until he saw his daddy burying peter. He wanted peter to come back outta the hole. Then his daddy told him peter could not because he was gone. Hubby does not believe in heaven, so he did not say gone up to heaven he just told son gone.

Hubby says he does not see why we are crying, it is just a dog. But he was quite shocked, you could see it on hubby's face, when peter did not get up when daughter went to the fence. I know hubby will miss peter. He just has a thing about animals are animals they are easy to replace.

Gosh Joonie, hon I am sorry about Peter.

Big hugs

Yeah, I think a lot of men respond that way, but I don't think it means they didn't love their pet, it's just the way men are.  Or maybe I'm wrong.  I know my husband won't be all broken hearted when Bluie the basset dies.  In fact, I think he will be smiling when ever I'm not looking.

Anyway, I guess I gotta hit the rack.  I've been busy all day since 5 this morning and I'm tired.  But the good news is that I got everything accomplished that I wanted to today, except I still have a basket of laundry to put away.  Aside of that, tomorrow (my day off this week) is FREE and CLEAR to do whatever I feel like.  I like tomorrow all ready.

Lindy and Moana,

We would never forget ya'll!!!! I'm in VA so you guys could come and get me when you get close.

I asked hubby when I die is he not going to cry and say "She was just a human, easy to replace." He laughed at me and said "No, humans are different than animals." I said "Animals have souls too."

Then on the way home I told hubby "I feel really bad now..." He said "Why?" I said "Because we got peter nuetered and he did not get to enjoy sowing his seeds. I mean every dog needs to get some before they die, and he did not." He said "He was a dog." I said "At least he is going to heaven." He said "How so?" I said "Because all dogs go to heaven." He said "No that is sheep that go to heaven." I said "No, on all dogs go to heaven, dogs go to heaven." He said "That was a cartoon." I said "so!?" Then he said "He was just a dog."


 thanks angy

joonie, what kind of poison snakes do you have there, i'm typing with one hand and holding my dog on my lap.

I remember the time, when the neighbors chickens were running around free, and the other neighbors dog started chasing after them and the chicken started to take flight and then landed and the dog was still after it. So it took flight again, but this time it flow into our dogs fenced in area and the chicken tried to pull up when it noticed it was in the fence with peter. The chicken did not last long... peter killed it and ran around with it in his mouth and would bark at it every so often, he done it for like 3 hours. Hubby came home from work and went and got the chicken. I felt bad about having to tell the neighbor how stupid their chicken was. But they agreed the chicken deserved to die if it flew into the pen with peter.


men think with logic, women think with their heart. thats why god made us mothers.

I know a few months back, peter had a plug of fur missing from his hind leg up toward his butt, and it looked like something bit him, but he was fine. Him & mopsey were taking turns licking the wound. He kept and eye on him to see if he showed that he was getting sick, but he never did.

FIL thinks Mopsey might have killed him. Because Mopsey was so much bigger than Peter. And mopsey has been trying to show his pimp hand to peter. But I do not think mopsey killed him, he did not look like he had been in a fight and mopsey looked soo sad.

Absolutely Moana!!!

Think I going to call it a night girls!!!! Falling asleep at keyboard!!!!

Girls, let me know when our trip is....

Nighty nite.

Actually, I don't know if it would have been a snake, now that I think about it, Joonie.  Snakes aren't active a night, they are cold-blooded and are active during the daytime.  Just thinkin. . .



True, but it is still warm here at night.

He had a little bit of vomit, but it looked like water. Nothing like if he was poisioned. My mom said he might have gotten parvio, because of how he was swelled up already.

Abi Kitty slept with me last night. But she did not sleep well because I was not sleeping well. I kept having to move around because of my hip hurting.

Everytime I take a darvacet, when I fall asleep a couple of hours later I will wake up dripping of sweat. But if I do not take a darvacet, I do not sweat while sleeping.

Nite Angy! Sleep well!


The dogs are so cute!  And so are their owners!!!The kids are so cute.

sorry MIL came over.

thanks that was a year or so back that pic. only pic i had of peter on my laptop.

yeah... my mom told me to watch the other dogs, but they seem fine. mopsey was just barking at us while we were outside.


Joonie my sister had a chow they had for years and they fed him one night, he was fine playing with Matthew like usual, and the next morning he was dead. No signs of anything wrong. He was about 5yrs old and had all up to date shots and everything. Matthew was devestated. Never did find anything wrong, things just happen I guess

 Hi Milly are you feeling better?

My knees are much better tonight, and so is my hip. The rain clouds have moved out... so no wonder I am doing a little better

Oh and thanks to everyone else about daughters dog. I was just getting it all outta my system posting about it, and it seemed to have worked. Now I do not tear up when I think about him or his name.

 I know Joonie, it's an animal and you loved that sweet dog. Of course your heart broken. I would be too!  Are you going to get another one?

Milly~ I hope you aren't getting sick with freezing then sweating. It could be your medicines though. I hope you feel good soon

 The pred is probably making you feel cold and hot. It should start making you feel better soon...hang in there

i was doing the cold , hot before the pred. It is the RA not the pred doing that.


 Oh...OK and it could be hormones too, do ya think so?

Hummm.... might be from the pain you are in. Not sure. I know my BP goes up when I am in pain and I get hot a lot.

No, no more dogs. We still have 2. Son's poopy, and hubby's dog. He says mopsey is not his dog, but he is the only one who can pet him... so he is hubby's dog.

Abi Kitty is mine. I guess I will share Abi Kitty with daughter now.

Where is Gale?

Well you know i don't think so a couple of other ladies with RA said they do that, like you told me you burn up. But you don't have RA, the other women that did this same thing had RA. I think that was saturday or sunday. Then i knew for sure i had RA and got depressed and monday the nurse called and said my blood worked confirmed the RA. I think pred has made me cold before but never hot. It is all confusing me anymore, i did wonder alittle about the horman thing, but it appears to be RA.


Glad your getting some relief, i was thinking about you today. had my legs propped up on the sofa, my knee started aching and i had musle twitches in the muscles right above my knees.


are you doing well?


 Milly it could be a mixture of things, you may never know whats causing it. Are you in a lot of pain? I hope you have some good pain meds.

Joonie I don't know where Gale is , I haven't seen her on tonight.

Well my ambien is Kicking in, I'm getting dizzy better go to bed

I know when I came off 5mg of pred after being on it for 5 months straight it was helping with my pain. And then I started to notice that my swelled knee while on pred was not hurting so why was it killing me now. I had never been on long term pred before then, so it was a mystery, but I quickly figured it out. It was the pred masking it all, and I had to deal with all that pred dealt with when I stopped taking it.


Oh I am sure my knees are in a flare. I am not worried about the pain part. i am going to get some anti deppresants if i have to for the pain and fatique. i Guess i need MTX. Can't wait. Do you take that every day, or just when you are in a flare. And do you get fatique only in a flare or all the time?

Right now I have only been off pred for 1-2 months since Sept of '05 I believe. I take it everyday, otherwise I would not be able to get around. I am taking 10mg. I am not on anything else for my RA right now, as I am waiting on getting my first remicade infusion. I was on Humira & 5mg of pred. But I had to come off the humira because it made me more prone to bladder infections because of another problem I have.

I have fatigue all the time, some days are worse than others. A month or so back I was battling EXTEREM fatigue. I mean I could not keep my eyes open and I would sleep 14 hours + a day. I knew it was not my normal RA fatigue, it turned out to be re-activated mono which was probably caused by my surpressed immune system, that is my dr's theory anyways.

Well, I have to go to bed. I will talk to ya tomorrow.

I hope you sleep well.
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