painful soft tissue from Enbrel? | Arthritis Information


Hi everyone,
I'm new to this forum. I'm 25 years old, female, and I've had RA for about
4 years now. I managed it decently, with lots of peaks and valleys of
course, but my most successful treatment was with Remicade. But, I had
to stop that because I developed an allergic reaction to it. So, now, a year
and a half later, I'm on Enbrel (Humira previously; did very little for me)
and Arava (leflunomide). I have a myriad of issues that I am trying to get
to the bottom of. My quality of life is just not where it should be, even
with the chronic disease, I think it could be much better. I just can't get a
doctor to seriously listen to me. I have gone in 5 times for stomach pain-
severe- and they continue to just give me antacids which are not helping.
I was unoffically diagnosed with IBS. So, i'm controlling it the best I can
with diet and occaisional medicine as needed. But I think a lot of it is from
all the NSAIDS i've had to take over the years. So, with the RA pain, I have
the IBS symptoms, and in the last year, I have headaches, memory loss,
terrible PMS, really bad muscle pain and tension, ear pain/ringing, and
crushing fatigue. It's a daily battle. I can really only function well for
about 3-4 hours a day. I am definitely sufferring career-wise. I have no
insurance, so, it's all out of pocket. I'm doing what I can and lately I'm
working on starting my own business and teaching violin lessons- so I am
optimistic about that. I've written a lot here, unrelated to my question, I
guess because I have never been able to talk to anyone about my RA that
might actually understand. Im still learning about how to cope. I just
thought if I wrote out my situation, I could learn from some of you who
are struggling too.
I've just joined a gym and want to try to get stronger. But my RA is very
aggressive. Enbrel just doesn't seem to cut it. And on top of everything
else, i feel nauseated every single morning (NOT pregnant, and Im not on
any kind of birth control that could do that either; I'm abstinent anyways
until marriage). I've just recently begun to have some problems with my
inner ear, but the doctor just told me to take claritin-D. I am, but, it's
getting worse. I hear fluid in there everytime i bend over, and both ears
ache and ring off and on all day.
Ok- so, about my question- I've just had a lot of easy bruising, but, if I
just so much as scratch an itch and I use too much pressure, the pain is
quite intense. It doesn't always bruise, but it seems like my soft tissue is
incredibly sensitive. Does anyone else have this with Enbrel?

I never had this many health complications until the last year. I had the
RA, but I managed well. Now, I just feel like I'm slowly falling apart. And I
have to keep track of my symptoms because I know it will be useful at
some point; but in the process, I think I look like a hypochondriac. But it's
hard not to worry sometimes when you're so young and so many changes
have occurred lately.
All the best to all of you, and thank you for muddling through my post!
Any comments are appreciated- ideas, suggestions. thank you!!!

Welcome Kensington.

I am so  sorry to hear about the pain you are in.  About Enbrel I have never taken it so I have no clue.  Sorry.

But if you stick around you will find tons of smart posters here to answer your question.  You will like it here.

have you had your thyroid checked recently with a complete thyroid panal (tsh, free t3, free t4, antibodies).  So many of the symptoms you listed fit hypothyroidism.  Hi,

How long have you been on Arava??  Are you getting regular blood tests that also check your liver function??  The reason I ask is because some of your symptoms could be side affects of Arava.  Arava is a great drug but it has some serious side affects for some people.  I am one of those people who cannot take it.

Welcome Kens!!!!

So sorry to hear about all your pain and that it had to bring you to us for that reason. But so glad you found us!!!

I am 36 with RA and Fibromyalsia and it kinda sounds like Fibro...... I am alot like that....I can't hardly stand to be touched.

Hope this helps.... please keep posting!!!!

Thank you to all of you- it is so encouraging to hear back. I really appreciate
it. I will definitely stay involved. It seems like a proactive outlet to be able to
share concerns/thoughts about RA/related issues. All good suggestions that
I will share with my rheumatologist. I am receiving blood tests regularly. So
far, the liver is good. I did have trouble with methotrexate though, and can't
take that. I'm wondering about Orencia. Going to do some research on that.
Any of you have luck with that? Thanks again!