RA is kicking my hiney today | Arthritis Information


Ok, I am just too old for this crap! RA is kickin' hiney today and I am sick and tired of it. I am sad, have no energy, full of pain and aches and foggy headed too........I know at sometime it will be relieved as my experience tells me but what if I have to go through this for 10 more years...I cannot, cannot do this.

I am usually not "wo is me" but I have to tell ya, this weather and my RA are not getting along at all. I want someone to finally take care of me when I am sick rather than braving it all myself......but experience also tells me it aint gonna happen. I hate RA so much when the pain is so intense......maybe my daughter is right, I just need to get out of Michigan and I will feel much better...........dunno, actually I don't think that will be the answer overall. Maybe if I were to go back to my RD in Indiana he could help, dunno...the PCP here does ok sure seems.....

Just babbling, needed someone to complain to I guess, just need a hug maybe....who knows.......I also keep having these intense feelings of wanting to go home but I live here.....it is weird.

It must be the pain, maybe I have finally gone crazy......if so,,I don't like it much at all.*tears*


Take care

Thank you! I needed a hug!



Big hugs to ya.  I am glad I left Mi.  Can't say it helped the RA.  But glad I left.  When I visit it's so depressing how much things have gone down hill there.

Michigan is the pits, love the fresh air and my sis and bro-in-law, but the economy really sucks and it is getting worse with all these taxes and mismanagement...it is absolutely beautiful here, I mean beutiful, but you cannot support your family here unless you are tremedoulsy wealthy .....it is just a mess here, highest ranked in unemployment and losing financial aid and medical aid so fast. My daughter and her bfriend are definately moving in a year or 2 and I will prob have to live with them.

Then there are the fronts and th elake effects which absolutely  lay you flat on your back if you have RA or any type of muscular /skelatal diease.






Jode, I am so sorry you are feeling so badly today.  Please take good care of yourself and know that we are thinking and praying for you.  So sorry, shel

  Hope you are feeling better soon.  It is so exhausting to be in this much pain for so long!


Hugs, hugs, and more hugs.



I'm so sorry you are feeling so bad...... Sending you big hugs!!

Heres hoping you feel better sooner than soon.


  Bless your heart Jode, sending hugs and prayers your wayBig hugs from this old fella as well.

I hope you get to feeling better.  What pain meds are you on?


Hope today is finding you better.

Sorry you're feeling so crappy, Jode....are you taking anything for the pain? 

Hope you're feeling better soon.


Your post touched me where I am this week....in the middle of a flare that came without warning nor relief.  I posted already about it and how I am handling it.  Then I kept going and found your message.  You can say "woe is me" all you want...because we know what that feels like.  You just get fed up dealing with the pain and how it affects your disposition, your energy, and your approach to life.

Not sure what you are taking for pain relief, but certainly share this info w/your physician who should recommend something to help in the short-term.

I am in Ohio, not far from Michigan, and can relate to the weather and lake effect temperatures and how it affects our joints.  My kids are all in Ohio so I won't be leaving this state for warmer climes, but I will probably move farther south in Ohio to be nearer to my grandchildren.

Hugs to you as you go through your day and here's hoping you get relief soon, Jode.

Molly Bee

oh honey,

Molly is 100% right! This disease sucks and we ALL have bad times... just earlier this week I wrote a novel on how bad I feel and how people just don't understand! I don't know about the weather there but the heat and the rain seem to cause me to flare the most. All swollen up and hurting. Please just hang in there and things will get better, I promise. (it just may not seem like it at the moment) But you are very loved by your RA family and we will be praying for you!

I take Vicodin for the pain.....that is it. No insurance nad my RD is in Indiana and I haven't felt well enough to get there. My PCP is here in Portage so I can go to him.

The trip sort of did me in plus it was beautiful there and I get back and the weather shifts on top of a 5 hour flight. I knew I would be in some pain but not this much. I hate RA but not much I can do about it now, just rest. Next month I will go in for another round of bloodwork to see where my RA is, maybe it has worsened.Dunno  My right wrist has been giving me fits, I broke it several years ago  and knew I would have some trouble. When the ortho surgeon suggested a metal plate ( of course my wrist did not heal correctly) I said...noway! I know it will hurt regardless and a metal plate will make it worse...am i correct? YEs......sooooooo I do what I can. lol I wished I could have mor eof a sense of humor about all this right now...it will come I am sure.

Thankyou all so very much for your support...my RA family is ALWAYS there for me and it is a most precious gift as I manage through this RAjourney.

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