Heel pain is getting old... | Arthritis Information


Is anyone else suffering from heel pain? The kind of pain that is on the bottom, like there is no cushion, and stiff and tight between the heel and the ball of the foot. My big toe has been giving me a fit for weeks now. HELP!!! RD increased my MTX last visit (couple of weeks ago) but am still feeling the same. What can help?

Any suggestions? n

Nope no suggestions outta me. Just wanted to say I sorry. Hope it goes away soon.

Hey! Have you ever had like the arch of your foot to feel like it sprung? I use to get that all the time, but not so much now. It use to hurt like a mofo! It was mostly in my foot that my arch is no longer there do to the deformities in my foot.

How should I know?

I am sure if your meds are working and doing their job no deformities will occur. That is the theory anyways. I cannot say for sure, as mine has not been under control since '05

Maybe you need to see a foot dr? Might be something other than RA making your feet hurt like they are. Poor ligiments? A list of things.

Hope you find out what is causing it. Keep us posted I get a fibromyalgia thing, the tendon gets stiff and tight, the one in the arch. It stinks. mine comes and goes. If it last along time you may want to make sure it isn't a foot problem. Are feet take a beating and some times you could have a foot problem without RA. Flexeril sometimes helps. It is one of my least favorite fibro things. Hard to go to sleep when i get that one it is annoying. It doesn't make walking so much fun either.Could it be a heal spur...

I have very bad heel spurs so my rheumy does injectios about 2-3 times a year. I won't lie, they hurt alot, but so worth it almost immediate relief! I also make sure to buy the most expensive shoes I can afford and never ever go barefoot.

Lisa - I get the pain that you describe almost every day. It feels like i have lost the padding on my heels and that im walking on bone. It also feels tight between my heel and my toes, like the skin is being stretched painfully tight. I find soaking my feet in cold water helps and raising my legs up but somedays there is no relief at all

Could it be plantar faciatis (sp),and or bone spur.  I had this, and had to have custom orthotics made, and a couple of cortisone injections in my heel.

I had to do the following stretches.  Sit in a chair, hold foot up and have your foot do the alphabet, capitals, and lower case.  Also, put a rolled up towel on the floor, about at your toe area, keep dragging the towel closer and closer.  And, get  a racquetball (tennis would work, but a racquetball is the right size and hardness) and sitting in a chair roll it around under your heel/foot.  It's a "good hurt".  And lastly, freeze a water bottle.  Roll this under your foot.  The stretches, do as many times as possible.  The ice, 20 min on, and 20 off.

And very very important, never go barefoot.  Have some good sneakers with support (New Balance ranks high on the list) at your bed side.  Even if you get up in the middle of the night, put them on before stepping down.

IMHO, price has nothing to do with quality of shoes.  You need shoes with good arch support.  Call and ask a podiatrist which shoe stores they recommend that has staff that are knowledgable and take the time to fit you to the shoes/sneakers you need

Hi, I know how painful this can be. YOU need to be able to walk no matter what!! My RD insists my painful left foot towards the frong,  is the arthritis and not something the foot doc can help me with. I'm going again today to have him hold my foot, look at it and say 'the Remicade will help you'! This is the 3rd month we've gone through this. It ONLY hurts like the devil (a hot poker to my foot!) when I walk the beach in the deep sand, etc. Real exercise, otherwise it doesn't hurt. (I feel lucky about that)

So, if your RD suggests the foot doc ( Like Deb suggested asking), then for sure go, but otherwise the RA meds will work. (I think?) It is a mystery this disease and treatment.

I was told about always wearing shoes, even in the house, as I"m always barefoot in the house. It makes sense to me.

I know that pain and I'm really sorry, Lynda 

Does anyone here feel like they are walking on marbles when they take their shoes off at the end of the day?

I have the heel spurs, just got the x-rays today.  But I don't have heel pain I have pain in the front part of the arch of my foot.  I 'm thinking I might have tarsal tunnel syndrom.  That seems to be more what the pain feels like when I read about symptoms.

Check with your dr and get some x-rays and try to see a podiatrist.  Orthotics might help a lot.


 Lisa, could it be gout, ya think? I"ve had it in my heel and it's very painful. Hubby has heel spurs and they're very painful too. Hope you find out what it is soon and can get some relief

Hi Lisa, I had a heel spur and tarsal tunnel syndrome. Ask for an x-ray, the spur will show up on it. I know how bad it hurts, been there, done that. I would put a phone call in asap or go to urgent care. That's where they dx me for spur and ra at urgent care. They also gave me some good pain pills which helped alot.

God bless

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