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I was pretty darn lucky today to get the dr I did. He was the guy who worked (notice I used past tense) at the U of WA and in charge of all difficult  bile/duct/billiary/pancratic cases. If we had waited weeks and weeks to get to the U, we would have been sorely disappointed. Anyway, Dr reviewed my history, current symptoms and ER visits, then did a once over on me.

As you may know, I havent eaten food in two weeks, so for this long ride hubby picked me up a scone as a snack, of which i maybe ate half. Shortly after getting there the pain started coming on and i descretely asked hubby to see if he could get me into a room before I lost it. By the time the Dr. came in I was a shiney 8-9 on the pain scale. He poked, prodded  and came to the conclusion that gallbladder an ducts are just fine. He prescribed a new med to controll the spasming in my colon. I'm not what to think, but I'll go with his thought process for a bit to see if it works. He also wants me to slwoly stat eating foods with NO fat at all in them. I am a very healthy eater, all organic foods, no fast food - yuck! sodas - YUCK! I eat some candy(Godiva) and ice cream, but not the cheqp stuff.  Hubby and I strolled the market for over an hour trying to find stuff that has zero fat. I found one brand of chicken broth, sorbet, apples bananas, yougurt, frozen berries, saltines, and the infused fruit juices that has veggies in it as well. I think I may need a nutritionist for this part. breakfast will be cream of rice cereal  and a fruit smootie with protein powder. Lunch will be  fat free chicken broth with brown rice and fat free saltines and feggie infused fruit juice. Dinner will contain a lot of whining and bitching. I woud love to consult a nutritionist.

That's it in a nutshell, let's hope it works

He may be way off, but I am willing to give it a shot.

Deb, whoa and about face.......another specialist and another opinion and diagnosis.  I thought it was nailed down prior to this visit.  All you can do is give it your best and it sounds like you're going to do that.  I'll be thinking about you and hopefully a no fat diet will work.  Take care.  Keep us all updated, we're with you all the way.  Lindy sounds tricky sticking to a diet like that.  Well, not sticking to it, but finding a decent amount of variety.  Hope you get that nutritionist.  Hope this will be what you need.Hi Deb, it's hard to clinically diagnose but you may be experiencing celiac disease. Have you ever tried a gluten free diet? If the fat free diet doesn't help, maybe you should try that for a few months.

Eating fat free is hard at first, but you can still have a rich and varied diet once you learn a new way to eat. For instance, you can still fast fry veggies by using broth instead of fat to fry in. There's tons of fat free recipes and tips on the world wide interweb!

I hope you get this sorted out soon.

I hope it helps you out, Deb. Just do not go too much longer in pain.

Good Luck on finding good fat free foods Sjorgen's can also cause GI issues and is often secondary to RA. My sister
had her gallbladder out and has been having a ton of difficulties still. She
was diagnosed with primary sjorgen's. I have secondary sjorgen's since I
also have RA.

Have they done the blood work for Celiac disease?

The most frustrating thing of all this is everyone is talking about LAST year when this happened and all the tests they ran then. Nobody has offered to do any new tests because of this - except for the ultrasound, hida scan, and general bloodwork. The specialist is done with me as he wrote a couple of scripts and said see ya. I asked if I needed to make a follow up and he said no. I took that as odd.

My primary is sending me to a different gastro here in town for a second opinion. I brought back the script he wrote for more fentanyl patches and asked if i could go back to my previous meds my pain dr prescribed and he said no. i have to stay on these and take dilaudid on top of it as needed. The gastro guy i saw prescribed a med that makes me super sleepy and doubled my ativan, making me afraid to drive. How anyone can live a normal life on all these meds is amazing.

The good part in all this is I have lost almost 10 lbs. I'll take it anyway I can!


I guess all we can do is give it the old College try, but I don't know if I am ready to buy it all.  Something is wrong if a scone can send you into a spiral like that. 

I hope the meds settle something very frustrating.  Do not starve yourself though, b/c if you ever start eating you will pack on the pounds quickly. 

I'm with Gimpy, you sound just like a woman I used to work with who had celiac disease but also had acid reflux.  The celiac part gave her the same agony as you and the gluten-free diet helped alot, but she still needed medication.  You're wise to see a nutritionist, if possible.  I think he/she will be very helpful.  I hope you get relief soon. 

Didn't a scan or test already show that your gallbladder is bad??


Girl, you sound like you're running down the path right next door to Justin. I sure hope you're not, and then again, maybe all you need is for the damn thing to finally get infected so they'll take it the hell out of you!!!

Whatever it is, I sure hope you figure it out soon. You've had about enough of this!! *hugs* Good luck to you! Let us know how the diet works out!

Well did they do the scan on your gallbladder were they put dye into you and make you go eat a fatty meal. And come back 30 minutes later to make sure your gallbladder was working. I can't think of the name. Because my ultra sounds were always fine but when they did the right test, they found that my gallbladder simply didn't work right anymore. It took them 6 years to do the right test, and it was a new young dr at the er that ordered it. Instead of my own dr's that kept doing the same wrong test over and over.That's the one they did to Justin - and they STILL DIDN'T TAKE IT OUT. That was 2 weeks ago. It took for him to have a 101.something fever and a white blood cell count of 20,000+ for them to go "oh okay, let's take it out now" YA THINK?!?!Sorry they treated him so badly. I had to argue a bit to get mine out also about 6 years. But by the time the did i couldn't eat anything and it hurt so bad also. But i am a real pain so they took it out before i was as sick as Justin.