OT; Chat 10/11/07 | Arthritis Information


Morning Friends!!!   Its cold in IL yet again!!! what happened to fall?? I have been having some mesed up dreams lately but at least I am sleeping...

Hope everyone has a great day!

Morn K,Mom and all....yep fall fell thru I think,,,,it's 40 deg here brrrrr~!!!!but very sunny



Good morning.  Well, my tummy had problems again, and I think it is the new antidepressant.  We shall see how today goes.  I have a substitute jobs at a very low income school today.  I hope all goes well.

Shannon, there is a lot of stress and grief going on in your life.  If you were dreaming normally, I would wonder about you.  Be easy on yourself and just feel what you do for now.  Know that I am loving and praying for you girl, and you all will make it through.  I will PM you after school today.  It is 40 whoppin' degrees outside this am.  At least we will hit 70ish later. 

Take care all and I will see you all again around 4:00ish this pm.  Love to all....shel

Shelly~how are you feeling today? Any better?  Good luck at the school today...Do you sub every day? Or do you have certain day that you do it?  My sister-in-law calls subs for one of the school districts out here.  Its good cause she can work in the morning when my nephew is sleeping and can stay home w/ him and the soon-to-be new baby!!  Thanks for your prayers and kind words, they are greatly appreciated!

Goodmorning Don!

morning folks.  well its late night here  11:40pm.  Tomorrow is my fun day with doctors.  I have a urodynamics test and cystoscopy in the morning then a Rheumy visit.  I had some x-rays on my feet today that show great big heel spurs.  I don't think thats the cause of the pain but I just have them.  I'll ask the ruhemy tomorrow.  It sucks mostly because I have to get up early and I'm not a morning person.

Milly~I noticed that I was a lot warmer after i was diagnosed w/ RA...I used to be cold in 75 degree weather and now its just fine.

Joonie~ How are you today?  Sorry about the dog.  Hows Marybeth handeling it?

Morning all.  Burr cold here too.  Finally the temp says 50 but I don't believe it.  Got my little heater going on my frozen hands.

Why do I always run out of Celebrex.  3 days without it and I'm in agony.  Just picked it up after work tonight so I'll take some before I go to bed when I take my night night pills.

Speaking of Celebrex, my doc gave me 2 wk supply of samples, when I run out what is a comparable med I can ask about? Ins won't pay for celebrex and I can't afford it out of pocket on our pensions.! hands are still good today thankfully!!




Speaking of Celebrex, my doc gave me 2 wk supply of samples, when I run out what is a comparable med I can ask about? Ins won't pay for celebrex and I can't afford it out of pocket on our pensions.! hands are still good today thankfully!!




Try Mobic (generic meloxicam).  It's a preferential COX-2 inhibitor, which means it still inhibits COX-1 to a small extent.  It is not as easy on the stomach as Celebrex, but in theory it should not have the severe cardiovascular risks of the COX-2 inhibitors.  Drugstore.com lists the price for 100-15mg pills (the high strength) at .00; most people take 2 tablets per day.
Jasmine, thanks for the info, I will check on that when time comes....have a good day!! Mobic worked well for me; I used it for a while and then stopped using it when I had an extended remission.  When the pain/inflammation hit again this year, I started using OTC naproxen, which seems to work better for me (I take 3-5 per day). Well, I feel much better today than I did yesterday morning!  Still some pain and stiffness, but nothing compared to the past week or so.  I've got a bit of an upset stomach this morning, probably because I was too busy to eat something with my meds this morning... so I have no one to blame but me.

I just cked that mobic with my ins, they won't approve that either, so if my md suggest it I'll use that drugstore.com....thanks Jas!!

This medicare prescript plan sucks in many ways!!! oh well!!



I just cked that mobic with my ins, they won't approve that either, so if my md suggest it I'll use that drugstore.com....thanks Jas!!

This medicare prescript plan sucks in many ways!!! oh well!!



I love drugstore.com; they will keep track of all your medical deductible expenses (OTC and prescription) and you can print them out at the end of the year for taxes/FSA reimbursement.

Don, I am using Voltaren (generic name is diclofenac I think) - it is working very well for me - is that one available on your plan?


Thanks HillHoney, I'll check on that one too!!!. Have a good day!!



                          Hello Everyone

I slept in too Link, seems I do that more and more lately. Especially since I've been sick

It's nice and cool here finally, windy, sunny, and fallish. I love it! We need rain, Karen when you get through with yours will you send it my way?

Hope ya'll have a good day today and find the right pain meds to help you through your day. Shannon I'm so sorry to hear about your aunt, man you have been through it honey

I can't understand why an insurance co won't cover mobic or celebrex, they are such basic meds, it doesn't make sense.

Hill, we are getting some rain but unfortunately it has come with a cold front and there is supposed to be hail and all sorts of nastiness later today.  I liked the rain in Samoa where it was still 90 degrees.  Cold crappy stuff off the Southern Ocean and Antarctica sucks.  Now we just have to hope that the rain falls in the right places to help boost water supply.

Pammy, I can't help you with your rain or your feet, but I will gladly send you a pillow to solve your other "problem".

Well I can't claim that this is a warm rain, it's pretty chilly and raw out there, but  we can deal with.  Mona, I'm afraid I can't give you my rain clouds when I'm done, because I'm squeezing every drop I can out of them.   But I'll put in a request for you getting a few of your own - just not on the day of Emma's party!

Take some photos, so we can see please!!!

Pammy, I'm sorry if you have already talked about it and I missed it - what test are you having done?

Don, the generic for Mobic is meloxicam. See if, maybe, your insurance company will cover that.


 Thanks Karen I'll take any rain wishes I can get

Shannon I'm having the same problem with last winters clothes


I'm having a urodynamics test and cystoscopy in the morning

Not nasty just a bit unpleasant I think


 Pammy is that for your bladder?


catch ya later folks


 eewww good luck Pammy, and hope you can sleep!

I laugh in your general direction. MWUAHAHAHAHAHA


It's still in the mid 80s here. And at night it's in the low-mid 70s.


Kelly, mobic makes me want to rip my stomach out with an ice pick.

I have had some of THE BEST FOOD the past few days at the hospital. I've never had a hamburger that good in my life. MMmmmmm YUMMY. A tray is for me. Woohoo! I make sure to load it up too. LOL My last shot at hospital food will be tomorrow morning, I don't think we've been awake for breakfast before. Maybe we'll try it. Hehe

Yep. all the NSAIDs are equally effective, but each person seems to get better relief from some and not from others.  You just got to find the one whose side effects (and cost) you can live with.  Celebrex was as effective as a Tic-tac for me, but for some it works wonders.  I can take a handful of naproxen a day, and as long as I take prevacid at least a few times a week and don't have ANY beer, my stomach is fine.

Alright so I probably shouldn't post this here, but I don't care. Haha


Is levlarry getting paid for these new posts of his? Or am I just imagining things?

Ya know.... I'm not sayin, I'm just sayin.... *shrugs*

Hi Katiedid!!!!  Did I miss a post on how everything went.  Was that last night???  Sorry I subbed today, and I am very out of it and in pain etc. 

At least I woke up good!

Hehe yeah he comes home tomorrow AM, and he's doing really well. :) Thanks for asking!!!


How are you feeling. Flare wise and all.

Meeeehhh I haven't had much of a chance to think about it. One hour I'm alright, and the next I'm begging to be knocked out. At the moment, I'm okay....if I just stay here on this stool. LOL

I am about the same. The pred is helping just had to give it a few days. I have something going on under my knee cap. Dosn't hurt to much with the pred. At least for today i don't feel sick, a little fatique but not as bad. I am just waiting for the knee cap to fly across the room. The things i do to entertain myself.


Sorry Milly about your knee, and it probably will not fly across the room, although you may want it to. 

Katie, did they just have to take the gall bladder out or was there more???  I am glad he is feeling better, just worried about you and the pressure of all of this and the flare.  Sorry...honey bunch!

 AHHH just watched Grey's Anatomy

I have to bathe the dog UGH! He stinks!

Goodnight Joonie


my son kicked me off the computer. Anyway i was just wanted the knee cap to fly across the room because i have a hot knee surgen and i havn't seen him in a few years. He was always my biggest advocate in getting me diagnosed with the fibro. I had a torn ligement. Then i had a huge ganglion cyst. He had to do surgery twice. And we tryed draining it for awhile. He had to actually take some of my tendon out to get rid of it. It was a monster. So if it's my knee, I think oh the nice cute doctor, i just miss him.

Hot surgeon?  Do I see an "injury" in your future?  No one will believe it's an accident ya know.

katie...I asked the other night and then went to bed.  Don't know if you answered.  What do the docs say is recovery time for the gall bladder um...ectomy?  My DIL is having hers out on the 29th Why does everyone else get the cute doctors??? I always get the ancient white haired dudes....Depends on how they do it.  If they just pop a couple of holes in you and do it with scopes and cameras, you can be back to work in less than a week. Link - they did his lap-a-scop-ic-ly. I SO cant spell that word...anyway, he's allowed to go back to work on Satuday, and he had it out yesterday. So that's what....3 days?FOUR DAYS!! I can add, really.Oh well. LOLMilly, I am so sorry to hear this.  I hope he makes a good recovery, it certainly can happen, I've seen it. [QUOTE=Linncn]Katie, my DIL is having it our the same way, very non invasive.  She's all worried about it though because the Marine Corps ball is just a couple of weeks after her surgery and she's afraid she won't be healed.  I thought two weeks seemed like way more than enough.  The Marine Corps Ball is a HUGE event, you know, dress blues, long gowns...the works.  I'm glad she'll be up for it.  She'll be glad when I tell her what you said.  thanks[/QUOTE]

A friend of mine had hers out laprascopically, and she was back to work in a week as an OB/GYN nurse.   Your DIL should be fine.

 Yes Milly I too am so sorry for your grandfather and family

 Has anyone seen or heard from Brisen? This isn't like her not to check in....kinda worries me.

And where's Karen tonight? Haven't seen her all day

 Ok I see that Karen has been here lol, so she must be ok.

I havn't seen it lately either. I can catch the clips to catch up on nbc.com . Cut out cable for my sis and her three kids needed all the money we could get to get them straightened out. I watched greys anatomy on abc.com last night. I was sleeping so much i didn't care.Karen's online. I've got her on AIM. Gale, I have no idea...hmmmGale wasn't here yesterday either.I'm here, Katie is monopolizing my time!  LOL

Pshaw! Am not!!!

Ok, Flower was the leader of the one meerkat family.  I didn't like her, but fighting that cobra was really taking one for the team.  I'm sorry but whenever someone says "taking one for the team" all I can picture is a college guy, with his arm around his buddy, pointing to the UGLIEST chick at the party saying "come on man....take one for the TEAM!!"

I have to make a wall of "barnacles" in my pirate ship.  I'm trying to think of what I can use to be the barnacles that I attach to the wall, and to a person hidden in the wall.  Any ideas?

I was thinking maybe the bottom of styrofoam cups, and the paper cups that you use for cupcakes and candy - so I would have different sizes and could shape them and paint them to look like barnacles.  But I would love some other ideas!!!

Plastic soda bottle caps? bottle caps, lids to conditioners, soaps, shampoos, etc - some of those are neat shapes too!What's a barnacle look like?So you have more respect for now that she is gone. Sounds like good writers, to get you all involved. I wonder if i will have the energy for 24 when it comes out in febuary.


Let's put it this way, I had a Mona Moment...

I'm heading to bed - I'm beat.  Have fun folks!

Actually you could probably take that little part and start a whole action scifi show scripted around that if you had the time. And be rich and famous.NIGHTY NIGHT KAREN!!! Good night sweet dreams Karen.Katie...no I rephrased so you wouldn't have to imagine a vile football player.I could handle rich.  I don't think I'd like famous too much.




 I want Link to start her own show, and then share the wealth

 Brisen every time you come on my 'puter slows down to a crawl

Nighty nite Link and Katie

It is soooooooooooo slow!

 BRB gotta take meds and pee...

Hey, it's me!!!

Bris...so sorry about your bladder infection.

Bad Monana...bad Monana!!!  Didn't your mommy teach you there are some things you share and some you don't.

Had an exhausting day in fifth grade.  I don't know that I will EVER be able to teach full time again....I am OLD!


Nite, sweet Katiedid!!  Sweet dreams!

How old is old today?

Hi Shelly!

I can only imagine how hard it must be to teach...do you have to stand most of the day?? That would KILL me!

Well Mona I am waiting

Yes, I was on my feet ALL STINKIN day.  I tried to grab a seat a couple of time.  Teaching is so emotional as well, and it just KILLS me. 

Milly how about 89!  Yep, that sounds about right and I am walking like my 86 y/o neighbor, who has double aputees from diabetes. 

My temp is going up again too. 


 I'm fine Milly thanks, sheesh, didn't you see I had to go pee?lol

Hi Shelly, I hate kids, I could never be a teacher to a bunch of smart mouth pre-teens, even on a well day

Sorry you still feel so bad Shelly, I was hoping the Remicade would be helping by now

Well, I actually felt ok earlier today.  Tonight is MTX(methotrexate) night for me, so my tummy is back to hating my guts.  I should be more settled tomorrow though!

I also get the second of the three shot series for my knee.  My ortho's assitant (PA) is just cute as he can be.  Although our children are in school together. 

 Well i can't think of any age group of kids that would be easy if you don't feel good.


 Me either Milly, and I really do love kids lol

That age is just not my favorite!


Oh Bris...don't EVEN bring up BO...sheesh!  By the afternoon, I wanted a gas mask!!!  EEEEEWWW! It was awful.  I always required my fifth and sixth graders to have deoderant.  We reapplied after PE...every day!!!  EEEEWWW!!!

I think the Remicade is trying, and joint pain was less this am....and last night I slept like a baby..compared to other nights.  I think I wouldn't be so STUPID and wouldn't care that I have GAINED thirty pounds since dx.....maybe I would be feeling better. 

89 and you have kids in school with a cute guy's kids. I find that hard to believe.

Shelly, is that Synvisc that you're having your knee injected with?

I was only able to complete one injection in the series...had a bad reaction with lots of inflammation and a HUGE effusion.

Yes, it is synvisc.  Yes it did increase the swelling some, but no more than teaching all day(actually it was less)

Milly...my orthopedic surgeon had a lot to do with my dx too.  Yep, he was in one knee twice within a year....and said...there's somethin' up.  Took six more months to get through dx process. 

I am taking notes. I have a knee acting up as well. I don't care how cute my knee guy is if it doesn't make me feel better.


 ohhh that sounds sooo painful in the knee...

Trey ran  all over a mail box yesterday and scratched his new truck all down the side and crinkled a tire gaurd

I have heard that you will feel better after the third shot.  Although for the most part it feels better.  Now the one that was operated on twice is hurting more.  Let's face it I need a NEW body!

Monana, and Bris...did you all leave???


Well, this is the second time Brandon hit his dad's truck.  The frist time was with his truck.  Although dad was guiding him.  Gosh, who's at fault with that one!!!!


 Nah I'm watching TV, sorry

Did you guys watch Grey's Anatomy tonight? I missed Private Practice this week, when does it come on?

Nope, I'm still here! Trying to catch up on 2 days worth of post.

Shelly, that was about 4 years ago that I tried the Synvisc. It made my knee so much worse, that the doc wouldn't give me the second one. I had a big effusion after the first injection that had to be aspirated on 4 different occasions. And the pain was incredible. Red and inflammed for weeks.

I know we are all different. I dread the fact that i have to try new meds. I am a hard one. No NSAIDS, Can take only two antibiotics, No gerd meds, can't take serevent, or any of the new asthma meds. I had every thing down just right. And i havn't been to the emergency room with an allergic reaction in 8 years. I used to live there. Bummer, my greatest fear in my face.

 Ya'll are making me sick, quit it

Just returning the favor Mo...afterall, you DID give me your bladder infection!

 Oh yeah It's early out there, I keep forgetting the time difference'

Brisen did you know that all of you in Cal. are going to fall into the ocean one day and be lost forever?

'Tis OK, I know how to swim!

HUN UH you stole it from me.



 No Milly, and I don't think he will. It was kinda stupid tonight.

Well guys, I'm going into work early tomorrow, so I'm going to haul my butt to bed. I'll talk to ya'll tomorrow! Smoochies!!


Monana, they have been sayin' that Cal. is gunna fall in the Ocean for more than 40 yrs....if it was gunna it would have.  Besides, I would always go rescue Bris.  I loves her!  I don't know about those on the other side of the US!!!j/k

Sorry to here that. It was looking like it was picking up last episode.


 ME TOO! Can you tell I'm kind slow tonight

Good night ya'll

Smoochies to you too Bris...have a great day at work!  We will be thinking about you!


 I was trying to scare Brisen into moving on the good side! Here

Kiss, kiss to you too over there in N. Car.  Love ya girlie...have a good sleep, and if your moaning please tell me it was someone REALLY cute!!!

Well it's good she can swim, I'd hate to think she was dependent on an 89 year old to pull her out of the ocean. But you love her so i bet you could do it.

Hey you share bad stuff cross the country.  I would love it to get together with ya all somewhere!!! Gosh the chaos we would create.  hmmm...is the world ready for that?


You bet I could...'specially after I get my bionics!!!



I can hardly handle it myself. The world would just be jealous.

Yep, they can just get jealous cause we're the bestest in the world. 

Nighty Night Milly.  I'm gonna hit the hay.  TTYL! shel

Good i'm tired also. Sleep tight.


You too Milly...get a good nights sleep...see ya on the flip side. 

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