Dry eyes/Punctal Occlusion | Arthritis Information


Hi all,

I had this procedure for 'dry eyes' years ago and it worked for me, it is called (well above) Punctal Occlusion (plugs in the tear ducts) It cost a fortune (to me) at that time 00, with no medicare to help!

I did find info on our wonderful computer information highway!!


I too had this procedure, I don't remember the cost but it wasn't close to a 00.  My optometrist did it in her office in about 5 minutes.  It did help and so does the restasis.


Hey Lynda and Mary...I have had them done recently and it was under 0 for two.  I have all four tear ducts plugged.  I am doing much better.  No restasis, b/c of the pre-glaucoma, but if we have to I think it will be a different type of eye drop.  I am glad I had it done, however the upper ones were a little harder and they hurt a little more. 

I have had that done as well. For me it was totally covered by insurance.
Unfortunately, it hasn't made much of a difference.
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