Arthritis Information -prednisone


Welcome aboard.  I too lost alot of weight while on Prednisone.  Hope you are able to get off it completely in the future.  CathyI began prednisone two months ago with 60mg I lost 12 pounds and had to eat every 3 hours to maintain my weight.  The only place I had a show of weight was my face, which looks good.  I'm now on 20mg and remain at my lower weight.I have only been on it for 3 days. I do think i am loosing wieght at the moment. i taper down to 40mg today. I am not to concerned about the wieght issue yet as i am at an ok wieght right now. If i continue to loose weight i could be in trouble. I guess my eye lids are swollen. Which makes my glasses rub on my tear duct. And my left eye was bothering me before the prednisone. I am thankful for Prednisone it is helping me so much as i havn't been to a reumotoligist yet. The prednisone did put the miosture back in my eye, I am a little concerned about sjogens still. As my mouth throat and eyes all dried up and i started chocking the first night i was on the prednisone. I think i got the pred in the knick of time. My knee was trying to flare up under the knee cap yesterday but doesn't hurt at all today. I am just worried when this tappered dose is finished that i may be at the e room chocking again.