OT: Chat 10/12/07 | Arthritis Information


Goodmorning All!!! Im up early today thanks to my wonderful husband thinking that it would be a good idea for me to get up w/ him in the morning.  UGGGG no its not a good idea. I wanna go back to sleep!!!

Pammy, how did your appointments go today?
Suzanne, how are your girls feeling?  I briefly saw your daughter is on here...how cool!!

Hope everyone has a great day!!!

Then I went to my Rheumy appt across the road.  She has added Pred back into the mix on an 8 week taper.  And upped my Arava to 20mg a day.  Unfortunately my Inflammation level isn't high enough to qualify for biologics but she will try to use other ways to get around that if the double Arava doesn't do something.   I'm also being booked in for an MRI on my left hip which we will use to possibly find a surgeon to see if there is anything they can do such as remove the bursa. 

Anyway...that was my day


Good Friday Morning all!!! It's cool here 47deg..and cloudy...I hope everyone makes the very best of this day!!!!!


the kids are 21 and 23.  They can fend for themselves and they are working so they can take their own holidays

Kelsey...sorry about the funeral.  I guess sometimes you have to make decisions about what to go to.  I am glad your brother will be around to play with Kelsey...that will be fun and make the day go by faster.  It makes me smile that he would choose your house! 

Pammy...I am so sorry about the bladder, but glad you are going to get the sling.  I hope it makes all of that better.  I hope the areva works, and then with the pred you should feel close to new.  Good luck with the MRI...when is it scheduled???  Hope it will be soon. 

Don..good morning.  I hope you continue to have bright and cheery mornings!!!!  Did you phone your doc about some pain relief?? 

Our temp is down in the thirties this am.  We are getting a storm front in, and it was a miserable night. 

I ended up on the couch and up ever half hour or so.  I think I am going to sleep for about an hour more and then get my message.  TTYL...shel

Shelly, I am still using the Celebrex samples my MD gave me, thanks for askiing...hands are feeling very good...trigger finger still locks up some, but the severe pain is gone after the corti shot into it... go ahead and sleep some more LOL!!!!

I got up and got dressed, heading to kitch for coffee and saw that it was only 2am

Bit chilly here today too.  Says 47 but when I took the puppy potty it didn't feel that cold.  (that is according to weather bug).

Hubby has had a rough evening.  He was on the train home from work when the train stopped just outside the station.  It had struck and killed an elderly man crossing the tracks.  The passengers had to wait for ages on the train then were herded off to wait for busses.  Hubby rode his bike all the way  home.    I feel very sorry for the driver of the train.  How can you stop a train when someone walks in front of it.  They must feel so horrible. 

I booked my surgery for Dec 3.  I'll take the week off work then go back for a week or so until Christmas then we close for 10 days which is when we will go on holiday.

Good that you have your surgery all sorted out Pammy.  Hope the rest works out as well.

Don, let's hope you don't have to shoot anybody till you can get the kink out of your trigger finger.

It's a mere 49 degrees hee this morning, and it's already after 11.  Don't know what the high is supposed to get to.  No doubt it will be another freezing night at the Homecoming game,  but I must go in order to support my daughter.  She's only JV cheer, but they do something at halftime.  Then their is some kind of pizza thing for parents afterward.  Husband is working tonight, so I'll be there all by myself.  Don't think my daughter is going to hang with mom when all her friends plus her boyfriend  are there.  That's ok, I know a few people so I won't have to eat alone :)

Hope everbody has a great day.  See you afterwhile.

It's snowing!!! Should have known, I said I would take the 9th graders on a walking tour of the old village and it starts to snow, it had better warm up by Tuesday or I and all of them will be miserable. They'll really get an idea of what it was like in Ninilchik 100 years ago if this weather keeps up.

OMG you said the s word!!!!!!!  ew ew ew ew LOL

OMG im soo nosey today...So like 2 months or so ago they tore down the house next door to me....There was a family of spanish people living there that did the scrap metal stuff.  Well they still park their trucks there but obviously live somewhere else.  Well.....today there was a cop talking to one of the guys that used to live there and writing what looked like tickets...I wanna know what happened LOL Now im not talking about 1 or 2 trucks, right now there are 6 trucks there....sometimes there are more then that...it does look bad in all honesty  but that doesnt help my couriosity LOL

Oh, and one more thing....im going through withdrawl from the stupid candy corn.........AAHHHHH


Shan – I’ve been up since 6am. I don’t even know what 6am IS. LOL I feel ya.


Ninilchicken – You say “it’s snowing” like you’re surprised….don’t you live in Alaska? Isn’t that like….where snow is MADE??


As for me, I'm THRILLED that I have my Justin home, and he's going back to work TOMORROW NIGHT! Yes, he's THAT much better. He even grocery shopped with me this morning. It's great!! He's SUCH a trooper. He bought really good food too! Sugar free and fat free things! And he's drinking his Ensure regularly, and he's doing so well! I'm just SO PROUD!!!


Diet Snapple Lime Green Tea


Butter and Honey Ritz Crackers.



I AM IN HEAVEN!! [QUOTE=kelsaysmommy]OH and another thing.....ok so its only like 52 degrees out today...not really windy so its not "to" cold...but still Jacket weather for sure...Theres this guy that lives around me somewhere that walks his 3 kids to God knows where...They are all younger then Kelsay for sure but I saw him walking the kids and NONE of them had jackets on!!!! They had sweat shirts but for the little ones its COLD...Seriously what are people thinking??? I mean its not snowing or anything but its not warm enough for the kids to now have sweatshirts on....Geez, Katie, that's amazing he's already home and ready to go back to work, he must not have much of an incision. Course you guys are young. My BIL had his out and felt so much better with it gone.

And we don't usually have snow until after Halloween sometimes not until Thanksgiving, I know that's just weeks away, but when winter lasts 6 months, you don't want it coming too soon.I had a son that got a fighter piolit jacket back in the top gun days. He it wore all day in school had it on in his school pictures. I thought he was going to go swimming in it in the summer time. He is 28 now, I forget how we ever did get the jacket off of him. Maybe he just grew out of it.

LOL I know I'm teasing you. I just imagine it's like people listening to me going "wow it's already 85 degrees and it's only March!" LOL


Yeah, actually he has 4 small incisions. His surgeon  is one of the best in the area. He didn't want to aggrivate(sp) Justin's tummy or intestines, so as not to flare his Chrons (since its under control at the moment) So he put in two cameras, one on each side, then used the other 2 holes to manipulate the gallbladder.

I know a woman who had gall stones, and they sonic blasted them and then took the whole gall bladder out through just too small incisions, well I'm glad this all had a happy ending for the both of you. I love that your screen name is Lewis Carroll, I always wondered what it was. That day Saynomore was calling you Arlis, I wondered what I had missed.LOL Yep, I love me some Alice in Wonderland! I'm going to re-arrange my collection one day (when my life is calmer) and I'll take pics!

Milly~ Top Gun ROCKS!! My 7 yr old brother has that movie memorized..its kinda funny....

Katie~ Whatda mean your that your life isnt calm?  Your crazy lady lol

I feel the need...........the need........for SPEED!!! WOO!

[QUOTE=JasmineRain]  The other one wraps up like a little plaid burrito, with just his nose sticking out of his blankies.

A plaid burrito.   I love it


When I was little and had my leg half-cast splints, I couldn't pull the blankets up if they got down below my waist, so I'd always ask my mom or dad to "tuck me in like a mummy" I'd lay on my back with my arms at my sides, and they'd tuck the blanket in allllll the way around my body, right up to my neck. And yes, I'd sleep that way. LOLOnce my brothers wrapped me up like a mummy.  Then tied me good and tight and left me in the basement with the lights off.Wow, really Link??? How old were you?my cousins tried to sufocate me w/a crochated (the kind that has holes in em, i cant spell) blanket once...yea i was sooo scared, i was like 7 or somethin and the  were trying to force me to watch the movie "It" LOL and I didnt want to watch it so they held me down w/ this blanket over me LOL

Don't those have holes in them? So like....you could breathe.....LOL


My cousin stuck one palm on either one of my temples, and SQUEEZED as hard as his little 5 year old hands could. Man did he get in trouble for that!!!!!

Hospital called, Grandfather is dying. I  can't get there in time. Didn't go with dad because i couldn't get out of the bathroom. They would have had to stop 6 or 7 times, hopefully dad gets there in time to say goodby. I am just going to the e room tomorrow and get my hemoglobin and iron checked. I got an appiontment with the eye doctor tuesday i think my left eye has an infection and they wouldn't take me today.The phone rang solid, total family melt down. Dad, other line mom, other line sis, other line bro, other line dad again call my brother, ect   If they had just called before i took the pred instead of right after i could have gone, i am going to call the hospital now. Granddad is 89 and has parkinsons pretty bad.

Milly, my sinceriest sympathies are with you and your family right now...Please know that I will keep you and your family in my prayers

Oh Milly I'm so sorry!! *hugs*

Milly, that's terrible. It must be breaking your heart not to be there.  I'm so sorry.


Katie~  I don't know I was just a little kid.  A major source of amusement for my evil older brothers.

I just talked to one of my brothers he is at the hospital with my grandfather. He said that granddad wasn't responding to anything not even pain stimulation, they put him on a ventalator. Now he is back to throwing his sheets off, doesn't seem to be aware of his surroundings. He has had this fight going on about these sheets for a few days now. I got to thinking he always sat in his easy chair and put newspapers over himself when he had a chill. I wish we could give him a newspaper.

Evening everyone!

Milly, I'm so sorry to hear about your Grandfather. I wish there was something I could say to help ease your pain, but please know I will keep you and your Grandfather in thought and prayer.

Shannon, likewise for you. You've been through more in the past month than anyone should have to go through in a lifetime.

Katie, soooooooo glad to hear Justin is home and doing so well!!

Link, how are the wedding reception plans going??

Hi Gale, they are going wonderfully.  We are using you're idea of the candy station, my DIL loved it.  Now that we have the place rented and the menu is shaping up, I'm really getting excited.  It's going to be sweet.

I'm going to my co-worker's wedding on Nov 2nd, and they have an ice cream station, and a candy station. LOL And she's looking at renting a cotton candy machine!!  Her wedding should be interesting!I'll have to find a pic of my daughter's candy bar and post it. We had so much fun shopping for the candy and the glass jars. Did you see the links I posted a few nights ago for buying bulk candy?We also had a chocolate fountain, but I wouldn't do again if the need arose. The candy bar was a much bigger hit.I have no problem with dogs i don't have any as i am allergic. But i have these crazy nieghbors. Well the lady came over with a dog and asked if it was mine. I said know and she started yelling at me. Said it had to be my dog because all the other nieghbors said it wasn't theres. I think i know if i have a dog or not. Then she said well she already had a dog and didn't need another one I should take it. So i tried to polite, I said i have a dog and he's home. I put my hand up to my ear and said i can hear him barking my dogs home. Thanks closed the door. So any way there dog is loose and in our yard three times a day. We don't bother them about it. It almost bit my son, still we didn't bother them with it. He was walking towards town and there dog was following him and then it almost got hit by a car so he turned around walked back took the dog to it's gate opened the gate let the dog in and back to his walk. They called the police for trespassing on my son. Now they can come in my yard to get there dog but we can't bring it to them. Does that make a lot of scense. Or yell at me about my loose dog when i don't have one. We like the dog it's the owners of it we are having the problem with. We don't want it to get run over. So when the dog gets loose i have to call the police. So they thought it would be easier for them to call the dog owners to have them come and get there dog. So should i go out and hang on to this dog that might bite me and wait for the police to call them and have them come on my property to get there dog? That seems awfully nice of me doesn't it.Does he have a tag? I'd call animal control, and have them pick it up! < =text/>_popupControl(); Someone please stop my steroid madness lol.  Who wants a martini?  Shaken??  LOL!  Lemon drop martini for me!

I didn't post any pics of the candy bar, but when I have a chance, I will look for some and post them for you to see. What I DID post was a couple of links for ordering bulk candy. We bought a lot of our candy online...that, and Costco.

Groovy Candies




  Hey guys, thought I'd say hi, stoopid website is sooo slow

Not me!!! Thats for sure, I'm too tired. Been shopping for Emma's b-day again, just some more books this time

Katie I'm glad to hear Justin is doing so good, thats Great!

Sorry about you're grandpa Milly, hope your family is ok.

 Good to see you're feeling better Gramma!

I rarely drink Milly. Just an occasional glass or two of wine. But I do like Lemon Drop Martini's! LOL

Thanks Gale, I bookmarked the site.

Mo...have been wondering where you were.  How're you tonight?

Milly, I'm not a big drinker, so cutting off alcohol for MTX wasn't a big deal. My RD said no more than two a month.  So I save them up for a severalmonths and then drink them all in one night and get hammered.


Just kidding.

Well guys, I have a week's worth of TIVO'd shows to watch, so I'm going to make some coffee and go catch up. I'll talk to ya'll tomorrow!

Mona, have fun at the pumpkin patch tomorrow!


 Hey Link, sorry I missed ya, my bad! I'm fine just tired and aggravated at this website. You ok?

 I'd like a cold glass of Asti Spumanti please

 Thanks Gale! I'm sure we will! Good night

 No it's the site, it does this every night

 I can't wait for that reception, I sounds sooo sweet, you have to show us pictures

Well i am calling it a night all. Going to put this tummy to bed. Take a nap and call the hospital and check on family a bit later. Enjoy the party. It's been along day.


  Good night Milly and Link
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