Book on Prednisone | Arthritis Information


Hello, everyone. I recently came across an entire book devoted to prednisone. It's softcover, pp208, and inexpensive. I thought I'd realy the title for those who might be interested. It's titled, "Coping with Prednisone: It May Work Miracles, But How do You Handle The Side Effects?" It's written by two sisters, one an M.D the other a patient. It can be obtained on Amazon. If considering buying, it I recommend that you first look over the readers' reviews. The patient had been suffering for about nine months with a respiratory disorder, not PMR, and was on 60 mg. of prednisone for about nine months. Nevertheless, it does seem that her travails cuts across all folks on the medication, allowing for the indiviualized features of her personal experience. The book is organized in a point-counterpoint fashion, with the comments by doctor and patient clearly identified as such. Remember that the "doctory" was not the patient's doctor, but her sister, who, nevertheless, is very knowledgable about prednisone.  Here's hoping that as many of you as possible are having one of those "better" days.  Hugh Thanks for that Hugh, looks like a useful book, I'll watch out for it.