OT: Al Gore co-wins Nobel Peace Prize | Arthritis Information


...for his work on climate change.

Well I guess it really does not matter. Can anybody without looking it up name the last few people that got it?? Probably a political move. In England before showing his movie they have to run a disclaimer stating that it's opinion and Not fact??? He can put it on his mantle in his mansion. Now if he can cure RA I'll buy him any prize he wants. You would think he could since  he invented the Internet....Congrats Al6t5farlane, you forgot to point out he's fat! 6T5, I totally agree with your opinion.  And he is donating the money?  How sweet is that! Yassar Arafat comes to mind.  You know, he led the terrorist organazation, the PLO.  I wonder if Al Gore really believes all of the man made global warming stuff he promotes.  It seems like if he did, he wouldn't leave such a gigantic "carbon footprint". Here's a book to read if interested..."Unstoppable Global Warming...every 1500 years".  It's jam packed with scientific data proving that the climate change is a natural occurance and comes about evey 1500 years. 

[QUOTE=Linncn] the climate change is a natural occurance and comes about evey 1500 years.  [/QUOTE]

Yeah...I've read about and seen a few vidoes that talk about that. There's a lot of scientific evidence that goes against what Al Gore is trying to get everyone to believe.

I know.  And Al won't even debate anyone.  Maybe he's too busy jetting around.

Well, if Al can get the Nobel (and I do believe in Global Warming) then we do have a chance at the Nobel in medicine for Fizziology!



How awesome would that be though?? I mean really! You should apply....do you apply for that or do people nominate you??? We should nominate Pip.....LOL

[QUOTE=Linncn]Yassar Arafat comes to mind.  You know, he led the terrorist organazation, the PLO.  I wonder if Al Gore really believes all of the man made global warming stuff he promotes.  It seems like if he did, he wouldn't leave such a gigantic "carbon footprint". Here's a book to read if interested..."Unstoppable Global Warming...every 1500 years".  It's jam packed with scientific data proving that the climate change is a natural occurance and comes about evey 1500 years.  [/QUOTE]

Right on I'm just curious - how many people actually saw the film??

Nobody sees docs except me.  Saw this horrible one on Mariachi bands.  And it was nominated.

Can't nominate me for the Fizziology work - that's Cathy and Suzanne.  GoGo is Probioticology.  Steph and I have a secret hush-hush Nobel Prize plan - so secret we don't even know what we're doing. 



Haha I love docs. I watch a lot of them. And yes, I did see this one.

Did you see the Mariachi one?  OMG - I was like, you have to be kidding me!

I loved the penguin one.


Hahaha no I haven't. Have you seen the one about Wal-Mart? I'm sure you have. That one KILLED me. Only cause I used to work there. And it was just......bleh....it made me sick. LOLKatie, you don't have to see Al Gore's movie to be aware of the doctrine of man made global warming.  It's everywhere.  Internationally!  What is kept obscure by the media is the other side.  You don't read about the thousands and thousands and thousands of climatologists, environmental scientists etc that scientifically dispute man made global warming.  You don't see on CNN that global warming is cyclical, you don't see that during periods of warming, through the millenia, that societies thrived.  It has always been a blessing to mankind, not a curse.  Did you know that as little as ten years ago people were worried about the earth cooling?  Heck, when I was a kid people were stockpiling water because of the supposed shortage that was coming our way.  Man made global warming is a hoax.  Al Gore is it's champion.  Seriously, why do you think he continues the lifestyle that he does if he REALLY believes what he preaches?  It could only be one of two things: he doesn't really believe it or he does and he just doesn't care.  Either way, he hardly deserves an award.

I wasn't advocating for or against the film, I was just curious as to who's actually seen it.


But yes, you DO read and hear about the other side. I see them as much, and sometimes MORE than Al's side. I think both sides are out in the open just as much as the other.

You hear in the main stream media the opposing view?  I rarely do.  And then it's with the tone of..."and you won't believe what these cracked pots actually think"I saw the movie.  I was quite impressed by it.  (and yes he is fat).  I believe global warming IS a natural phenomenon.  I also believe that we ARE accelerating the process.  We are living a destructive, wasteful lifestyle. The thing is that if we were individually to make small changes to our wasteful habits, we could make a difference.  Anyone who doesn't believe that we  ARE responsible is in denial, plain and simple.

I have to say I agree. I mean, it's litterally IMPOSSIBLE for us to *not* be impacting the environment and earth in a negative way. We abuse the HELL out of it, and give almost nothing back.


Link, I dunno what TV you watch, but I see the opposing view all the time. And it's NOT in a condecending(sp) manner, either

Hmm.  We must not get that channel here in Michigan.  Who do you hear speaking in defense of natural global warming?  What do they say? What argument persuades you that they are wrong?

I can happily assure you that I am not "in denial".  I do reject the idea that in the last what? 100 years man's impact has been so incredibly intense that we are actually forcing a change in the temperature?  Even though scientific evidence shows that this is a natural occurance?  Maybe you are in denial concerning man's insignificance?

I see both views too.   When you see the oppostie view it just seems to reinforce the facts.  We ARE impacting our environment in a negative way and we ARE contributing to droughts, floods, wild weather, ice melt, extinction of species, and decrease of natural resourses (including marine food sources).  And the ones who are doing the most damage are the Western Societies.  We are stuffing things up for the Third World.  They live a much simpler lifestyle in a much more 'balanced with nature' kind of way.  They work WITH nature while we in western society just TAKE what we want and to hell with the consequences.  Well now we are heading for consequences.

Mans insignificance?? Are you serious????????????? All HOW MANY BILLION OF US??????? That's the craziest thing I've heard all day.

And as far as "what channels" I hear it on, all of them. But perhaps thats' the difference between living in a strictly conservative area, and one that's....well...not. We don't shun out anything. Our news tells all the news, no matter what side it helps.

Link do you really think that man has no impact wether it be for the good or bad on the environment?  You cannot be serious.  What are you watching and/or reading that says that?

Michigan is NOT a conservative area.  Conservatives are as much the odd man out here as I am on this board.

Al Gore thinks he's pretty insignificant, otherwise he wouldn't be leaving such a deep and wide carbon footprint.  So then, just cuz I'm interested to know, who have you heard and what have they said for the "other side"? I would really be interested to here Al Gore in a debate on this topic, but he won't do it.  You'd think he'd welcome the chance.  Too bad he won't do it.

Pammy, who do you think was doing all the impacting the last time the climate rose?If Michigan isn't a conservative area, then there are no conservatives in the US.No, I don't think that man, in the last 100 years, has had such a significant impact on the Earth that the climate would rise.  Katie, Michigan is not conservative.  I live here.  I know.  We are a welfare state run by a highly liberal govenor, in the vein of Hillary.   Trust me on this one.

Its not the fact that the climate is changing.  I did say I believe it is a natural phenomenon.  What we are impacting is the speed at which it is happening.

And as for the Nobel prize money....

"My wife, Tipper, and I will donate 100 per cent of the proceeds of the award to the Alliance for Climate Protection, a bipartisan non-profit organisation that is devoted to changing public opinion in the US and around the world about the urgency of solving the climate crisis."

I may have missed where someone detailed this......but I'm gonna ask anyway...how exactly is Gore leaving this supposed "huge" carbon footprint?

all you have to do is simply google "mans affect on global warming" and it gives you PLENTY of information.  If man didnt have as much of an affect on it do you really think that there would be so many restrictions on car emissions, factories and what they do w/ their waste etc??? 

'The 3000 atmospheric scientists, oceanographers, ice specialists, economists and other experts have to give policymakers a summary of the latest knowledge about climate change.

The IPCC has issued only four "assessment reports" in its brief existence, for these massive documents — each the thickness of several phone books — take years to compile.

But their effect grows with each publication. They have progressively silenced the once-mighty lobby of climate sceptics and prompted even the most reluctant political leader to pledges of action, providing the compass for critical talks in Bali in December on deepening cuts in greenhouse-gas pollution.

In scientific terms, the reports have rapped out an ever-stronger message that emissions from fossil fuels are trapping solar heat, causing Earth's surface to warm.

The latest assessment, published in three volumes in February and April, detected the first signs of change to the planet's climate system, through the loss of Arctic ice, alpine glaciers and retreating permafrost.

On current trends, drought, flood and more violent storms are likely to become more common, accelerating the risk of hunger, homelessness and water-borne sickness by century's end, it predicts.'


Oh my gosh!!  Jetting around CA in his private jet, his big ol' mansions, his SUV's...the man does NOT practice what he preaches and I don't think anyone would argue with that.  Although, I did read somewhere that he is supposed to be converting on of his mansions to solar energy, once someone called him out on it.

 Ok I will ask again.  Who do you think caused the last climate change, 1500 years ago?  The Vikings?

I didn't think he had a jet anymore? I thought that went away after he was done with the film?

I will repeat.....Climate change IS a natural phenomenon. 

The speed is what is changing


We don't know, we weren't exactly here that long ago. It could have been a lot of things.Shannon, have you googled anything like "the global warming hoax"  try it.Yeah, except it isn't.  Ten years ago scientists were talking about how the earth was cooling.

Oh.  So then some other thing besides man could cause a climate change?

[QUOTE=Linncn]Shannon, have you googled anything like "the global warming hoax"  try it.[/QUOTE]

Yea I can google is Elvis alive and it will show "proof" that he is alive as well.  Doesn't mean its fact.

Once again, it's not man that




We accelerated it.

Ok then.  We are at an impasse.  I belive credible scientists who think that global warming is not mad made.  You believe Al Gore.  So I guess we'll just have to "agree to disagree", as they say.  Yes I have to agree w/ you Katie and Pammy....cause we may not be the cause but we arent doing much to help the situation either

[QUOTE=Linncn]Ok then.  We are at an impasse.  I belive credible scientists who think that global warming is not mad made.  You believe Al Gore.  So I guess we'll just have to "agree to disagree", as they say.  [/QUOTE]


We also believe credible scientists who believe in global warming.

No, I don't believe 'Al Gore'.  I believe the 3000 scientists who have credible proof that we are contributing to global warming and the damage it is doing.We accelerated a natural phenomenon that would be happening now anyway?And it just so happens that cramming it down the throats of society will benefit Al Gore's agenda.  That is Al Gore's inconvienient truth.  And alot of people see through him. yes accelerating means that we are making it happen at a faster pace then it would normally be.  We arent just making it pop up outta nothing...it has ALWAYS been there we are just making it happen at a faster paceWhat is his agenda? I mean, how does the world being in crisis benifit him?

The speed at which changes happen is what causes the problem.  Things that happen slowly have less dramatic impact on the earth.  There is time for accomodations to be made.  If you speed up the change you get a problem.

30 inches of rain in a year is not a problem.  30 inches of rain in 24 hours causes massive impact and damage.

Changes that took many years to happen centuries ago surely had an impact on the earth, but with such a small population it was not as dramatic.   Changes taking place now are happening fast and with a population of over 6 billion, many more people are going to be drastically affected by them.

The reason they are happening faster is because of the damaging polutants we are pumping out at an alarming rate.  And it is the Westernised Industrial Countries that are doing it.


Well, think what you want.  But since you believe all that stuff, I hope you're living up to it.  It would be a shame to think you're running a dryer, driving a car, not using solar energy, when you believe that doing those things is hurting everyone and killing the Earth.  How're those compost piles coming? 

You don't have to get rid of dryers and walk everywhere to make an impact. Little things add up, especially with the more people that do all the little things. Buying green, and not wasting as much (reusing what you can) is a HUGE help. And yet such a small thing you can do.

Yes, there were cycles 1500 years ago.  Yes, there were beaches in the Netherlands and increase in trade etc.

But the ice caps weren't melting then.  What we have now is ice millions of years old releasing bacteria we haven't seen in eons and no defense against it.

What about what's going on in the rain forests?  As those countries move to supply our demand for wood etc. hurrying up deforestation and increasing green house gasses, it is also releasing bacteria and other previously unknown toxins.  Think Ebola.

We're on a slippery slope here.

And please.  Want to talk about Bushes 'footprint'?

And Michigan is NOT a liberal state.  Puh-lease!  The AG is a red-neck Republican who vowed to 'fight afirmative action at every level'.

The state is dying because life-sciences and tech went elsewhere.  Why?  Especially since the liberal Govenor offered them so many tax credits?



We are required to  compost  here in Melbourne.  And we are required to recycle.  We have 3 bins from the council.  A small garbage bin.  A large recycle bin.  A large garden waste bin.  We also have a compost bin.  (some people have a pile).

We collect rainwater to use for the garden and will be hooking it up to the washing machine and toilet this year.  We use the washing machine grey water for the garden and lawn too.

Solar energy is too expensive at the moment but we do strictly limit the use of the heater and have timed short showers.  We also have reduced flow shower heads.  The dishwasher is only used once a day.  The washing machine is only used when it is full and only cold water is hooked up, then it is recycled to the garden.  We do not have a dryer.

We are a one car family and there are 4 of us, 3 drivers.  There are days when the car does not get used.  My husband and son ride their bikes to work.  I have to use the car because the buses stop running before I finish work at night.

We are in stage 3A water restrictions here in Melbourne so there is no use of water outside.  Only rainwater can be used to wash the car or windows.

Yeah I could be doing more  but I'm working on it.

What do liberals hate (besides republicans)?  They HATE big business, they hate corperations, they hate the free market, they fight them in every way, all the time.  Who does global warming target?  Big business.  Factories, oil drilling, refineries, and such happen to be the so called biggest offenders.  So, in order to get a step closer to where they want to be, a socialized nation, shut down the very things that keep us where we are now.

I wash my Ziplock bags.

And don't take plastic bags from the store.

We're at war over plastic, for Gods sake!


That's funny, I don't recall that being the goal in the film. Nor have I heard anyone say that before. Usually it's just talk about how you can help, how everyone can be involved.

All new homes built are going to be required to have low flow shower heads, dual flush toilets and rain water tanks.  Solar panels will become a requirement too.  There are big rebates available if you choose to install solar panels and plumb your rainwater tank to your toilet and laundry.

'Where we are now', is the problem.  We need to take a few giant steps backwards to being less damaging to the environment.  We have the technology to do this we just need the will power.


We don't shut down factories - Big Business does - in the guise of 'NAFTA" and "free trade'.  Michigan is hit so bad because the dumb conservatives voted their unions out and then - surprise - were stunned when the manufacturing jobs went overseas.


Fossil fuels are also used in the packaging of water. The most commonly used plastic for making water bottles is polyethylene terephthalate (PET), which is derived from crude oil. Making bottles to meet Americans’ demand for bottled water requires more than 1.5 million barrels of oil annually, enough to fuel some 100,000 U.S. cars for a year.* Worldwide, some 2.7 million tons of plastic are used to bottle water each year.

That was from http://www.earth-policy.org/Updates/2006/Update51.htm

I've seen that multiple places - including some Big Oil profit statements.


According to a recent nationwide online survey, 72 percent of the American public does not know that conventional plastic is made from petroleum products, primarily oil. Moreover, 40 percent of the respondents believe that plastic will biodegrade at some point. The survey was conducted by InsightExpress on behalf of Metabolix, a company that manufactures a biodegradable plastic made with corn. (Bioplastics are becoming quite popular these days -- you can read more about them here). In their press release, Metabolix says "...Very few people realize that plastics are made from oil, further contributing to the problems of energy dependence, greenhouse gas emissions and depleting resources. In fact, nearly 10 percent of U.S. oil consumption - approximately 2 million barrels a day - is used to make plastic. Despite the fact that petroleum-based plastic will never biodegrade, 40 percent of respondents believe that it will biodegrade underground, in home compost, in landfills, or in the ocean. Plastics will not biodegrade in any of these environments. In fact, the only way to rid the planet of existing plastic is by incineration in those cases where it can be recovered." "Everyone knows about our country's unhealthy reliance on oil and the impact that petroleum use has on climate change," said Jim Barber, President and CEO, Metabolix, which has developed a brand of fully biodegradable Natural Plastics. "Similarly, people see a lot of plastic waste in the form of litter. But the fact that so many people are unaware that plastic is made from oil and that it will persist in the environment for thousands of years, shows the need for education about the impact of plastic on the environment and the various alternatives made from renewable resources." A fellow writer, John Laumer, pointed out that, in the U.S., most ethane production (hence a majority of ethylene and polyethylene) is produced with natural gas.

http://www.stumbleupon.com/url/www.treehugger.com/files/2007 /04/70_of_americans.php

Pip, I didn't know you lived in Michigan.  As a fellow resident, I am shocked that you don't have a better understanding of our political climate. Michigan is as blue as they come.  You must not be paying attention.Pip, Michigan is in a bad way largely because of the ridiculous union contracts and the democratic leaderships love of high taxes.  Please don't act like you know what is going on here where I live.  You obviously don't. 

It's kind of like LA and SF.  Liberal bastions.  Surrounded by the Big Orange and Marin.

Michigan is highly conservative.  Ohio is worse. 

I lost my stomach for the state when they voted against Gay Marriage in one election and in the next against Affirmative Action.  Sorry - that looks like 'conservative' to me.


No, Michigan is the worst in the Nation because of multiple things.  Southeast Michigan is practically destitute.  Why?  Because of the companies that pulled out. 


Ford Visteon


The only thing holding up that area is the Great U - and guess what - they don't pay taxes.


Plastic is the bane of our existance.  I can't believe that people don't know it is a product of oil.  Of course it isn't biodegradeable.    In Samoa when we were on holiday I noticed that all of their plastic bags are made of a starch based biodegradable material.  If a little country like that can be pro-active, why can't we.  We have green fabric shopping bags that we take to the supermarket.  Many of our bigger shops have started charging for bags.  Some of the supermarkets will only give you a bag if you have more than 3 items.


I think its Trader Joes that has canvas bags.  I want to get some of those and keep them in the car.  The ones at the supermarket are not washable and that kind of defeats the prupose.


Yes, but businesses are moving because of the unfriendly business taxes.  Michigan is dying.  It's not just businesses that are leaving, families, young people are too.  Welfare is killing us.  They just raised income taxes and created new taxes on services.  It isn't just one thing, it's a poorly run state overall.  We have the highest unemployment rate in the country.  We would like to sell our house but we can't because the housing market is so bad we would have to take such a bath on it we can't afford to.  So we have three people living in this big house, we want to downsize but it would cost too much.  It's bad here.

This is what was in the news this summer.  Watch the progression.







Well, considering that we consistantly vote for democrat leadership, in both national and state elections, I'd say we're liberal.

Want to know why MI is the worst in the nation for housing?  Why we have the most predatory lending.  Why we have the highest defaults?

Greed.  Pure and simple.

The banks wanted a gravy train.  More and more people with unacceptable credit 10 years ago had the 'guidelines' loosened by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac about 5 years ago because the pool of 'qualified buyers' had shrunk.  Lots of lobbying by the banking industry so they could 'increase home ownership'  So all these people with poor payment histories got houses they couldn't afford.  And then the economy went downhill.  I mean, seriously, MI is mostly country except in the Tri-County area.  People's gas bills went thru the roof.  The gas for their cars doubled in price.  So, people barely hanging on lost more and more of an opportunity to keep the houses they did have.  There were now no new buyers and the questionable buyers now couldn't qualify when the lenders tightened the guidelines again.  Defaults pushed the prices down even further.  Then the companies started pulling out.  And more defaults. 

And get this - NOW the banks want a bail out!  Give me a FRACKING break. 

And we're just a tip of the iceberg.  The entire nations economy is about to go under - the only thing holding it up was the housing market. 

Which is why the boogie man for the 2008 election is 1) immigration and 2) tainted goods from China.  Ya gots to play the fear card when you don't want people looking too closely on what's happening.  And why.

You a betting girl?  I'll bet you dinner at The Chop House (if it's still in business) that within 1 year of the Republican's being out of office - George and his Big Oil Cartel - the price of gas drops 1/3 to 1/2 of the cost it is now.  That's what happened when Daddy left office the last time.



Pip - it goes back even further to Reaganomics - deregulating savings and LOANS.  Hey, Mcain who got in trouble over the SAVINGS part almost immediately, is still in the Senate, probably with his buddies.  The govt. has to ensure two things: breathable air, drinkable water.  Then, it needs to handle oversight federal issues like LOANS, and UTILITIES, and HEALTH CARE, and AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLERS, and WARS. 

And I just read the story about former Vice President Al Gore being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize on global climate, after dedicating his political life to it many years ago.  Since I watched permanent glaciers disappear since 1974 until 1998 in Alaska, he is preaching to the choir here.  Our ice caps are melting.  I have a friend with a no-carberator, emission-free, any type of gas without having to change delivery systems, after market-engine design, all patented, and no market.  I saw it run on a lawn motor engine in 1994 - he moved the tube from gas to diesel to diesel/oil/water, and this thing never missed a beat without a carberator, and he got it emissioned-tested:  zero emissions.  Could get no Federal funding, at all.  But he was finally in a documentary about how this programs don't really work and get to the right people.  More oversight, because your government has to ensure breathable air for humans and animals to survive.  Is this a joke?  Are you really going back through recent history to assign blame and stopping short of that inept, weak, bumbling, failed attempt at a president Jimmy Carter?  I realize he has become something of an icon for those who love to view the US as evil, but seriously.  Let's call a spade a spade.Hey, I have a HUGE amount of respect for Jimmy Carter. I can't wait to see
Carter Man of Plains"

I'll give him Habitat for Humanity, that seems to be worthwhile. 

Ya know what Link I dont care what your views are, who you do or do not like as far a past or current presidents go but how dare you critize someone on what they think of someone.  I may not agree w/ you on political viewpoints but I dont critizise you for thinking that way...you may just not know any better What are you talking about?

"Michigan is highly conservative.  Ohio is worse"

Ohio is considered a swing state because it is not reliably anything.  national elections are always close.  The Cincinnati area is highly conservative.  But the northen cities are highly liberal.  The middle of the state is moderate.  Last election we voted in a democratic govenor and senator.  Next Presidential election I suspect the state will swing democratic

Michigan is NOT highly conservative.  Michigan is a democrat state, with few exceptions, that is how Michigan as whole, votes.

Then please explain the last 2 'fear card' elections.  Gay marriage and affirmative action.  I thought I'd died and gone to Hell, (MI that is).

Buckeye - sorry.  That was the Maize and Blue talking.


I don't think any place is 100% one way or another all the time.  I am telling you that the most consistant political ties are to the democratic party.  You can argue with that all you want, Michigan is a democrat state.  That's why we're so messed up.did yall know that "back in the day" like when Lincoln was pres, the demoratic party was more what todays Republican party is and the Republican party was more like todays Democratic party is

Ooooh, I did! 

Yes, hence the term 'southern democrat'.  It explains how the 'south votes'  My daddy was a democrat, my granddaddy was a democrat, and his granddaddy was a dempocrat -> yet Reagan got elected. 

It was the first time I heard the term used.


Wow!  We have a very nice little debate going on here.  I love it!  Hey all!  I did see Al Gore's documentary.  It made me curious so I looked up global warming.  I can only say what so many of you have already said.  We're accelerating it.  I think it's great that he won the Nobel Prize and is donating all the proceeds.  Of course, I think it'll be greater when Pip and I win for curing RA. 

Shannon, I think, wrote about the way democrats and republicans were back in the day.  I'd read that also.  I think it's funny how political parties progress. 

I'm not that political so I can't really comment on the condition of MI or which political party has done the worst damage.  I think they've probably both had their turn at messing us up.  There's a few things that I notice changing that has affecred the lives of many people here in the US.  Outsourcing!  It started out, to the best of my knowledge, with computer tech jobs.  Now, production, customer service etc.  Many people I know have lost their jobs to outsourcing. 

Here's one of my biggest pet peeves.  My disclaimer.  LOL  This is only my opinion.  While I understand that being addicted to drugs and alcohol is an illness, I can't seem to get my head around giving drug and alcohol addicted people SSI.  When they qualify for SSI, they are given free medical care, food stamps and various other free resources that the tax payers pay for.  In my experience, the free medical care is rarely used, the SSI money for rent and bills is spent on the addiction of their choosing and the food stamps are sold for money again to pay for the addiction of their choosing.  Meanwhile, we have homeless families living in shelters, cars or on the street because of outsourcing(lol, not always).   I thought SSI was supposed to be used for people who were so disabled, they'd never worked therefore didn't qualify for SSDI.  Maybe I'm wrong.  Please feel free to correct me.  Okay, end of my rant.


Tom Noe is from Ohio.  Linncn, as a fellow Michigander you can not put the blame of Mi's problems at the feet of the Democrats.  It is the fault of Both Parties.  It doesn't help that we had an idiot like Engler in office either, he screwed this state but good and where is he??? he left it as soon as he was out of office,just like everyone else.  We are now the highest unemployment in the US, and blaming it on Granholm isn't going to help, this was happening long before her, she just got stuck with the mess that was left behind and unfortunately we are all going to have to tighten our bets and help pull MI out of it.  Instead of critizing we should be working together to get Mi going again, we can no longer rely on the automotive companies, I agree with Mr Romney, even though his family no longer lives MI either, but still tries to use the "native son" approach  maybe we need seriously take a  look into producing new energy alternatives and suppling it  for the rest of the  country.  I maybe a liberal, but it doesn't mean I don't listen to good ideas that may help us.  Oh and by the way We Are ACCELERATING global warming, everyone needs to get their head out of the sand and realise if we don't start caring about what is happening to our world there won't be one for our great grandchildren .  Take care everyone.  Meme

Their are some many highly qualified climatologists, environmental scientists...that dispute Al Gore's opinion on global warming that to just swallow what he says is silly.  It most definatly leaves the topic open for debate.   But AG popular with  liberals, so that seems to be all they need.   If believing good science is the same as having my head in the sand, so be it.


  If believing good science is the same as having my head in the sand, so be it.


My head is in the sand as well.


- Earth's 4.5 billion year history is one long story of climate change. There were several periods in history, notably the Medieval Warm Period and the Holocene Maximum, which were much warmer than today. In the 17th century, Europe experienced the Little Ice Age, where temperatures were so consistently chilly that ice skaters revelled on the completely frozen London Thames.

- From the 1940's until the 1980's, the Earth experienced a significant cooling period, despite the fact that industrial production and release of CO2 vastly accelerated during this time. This led to political and media scaremongering about global cooling, the threat that the earth was in the midst of a new ice age. The documentary featured telling clips from alarmist documentaries at the time that implored us to try and reverse the trend of worldwide temparature decrease or face meterological apocalypse.

- Antarctic ice core samples show that the rise in carbon dioxide levels lags behind temperature rise by 800 years, therefore cannot be the cause of it. The documentary exposes how Al Gore, in his film Inconvenient Truth, deliberately reverses these figures to claim CO2 causes temperature change, when in fact the opposite is the case.

- If the Earth was laboring under an accelerated greenhouse effect caused by human produced CO2, the troposphere (the layer of the earth's atmosphere roughly 10-15km above us) should heat up faster than the surface of the planet, but data collected from satellites and weather balloons doesn't support this fundamental presumption.

- The human contribution to carbon dioxide in our atmosphere is minimal in comparison to other natural means, including volcanic emmission and CO2 produced by animals, bacteria, decaying vegetation and the ocean. The human "carbon footprint" is vastly outweighed by all of these factors

- Sun spot and solar radiation activity almost exactly parralel temperature change on the Earth. "Solar activity very precisely matches the plot of temperature change over the last 100 years. It correlates well with the anomalous post-war temperature dip, when global carbon dioxide levels were rising." The increase of cosmic rays produced by the Sun prevents the formation of clouds, which have a cooling effect on the planet, therefore the temperature rises.

- The UN's much vaunted IPCC report was heralded as closing the case on the argument of man-made global warming. But as the show explains, the IPCC's conclusion was politically driven and they deliberately censored any dissenting scientists while still listing them as participants, leading many to threaten legal action against the IPCC to have their names removed from the report. Scientists who were invited to participate in the IPCC report expose the fundamental flaws contained throughout the document.

- In the 1980's a strange alliance between Margaret Thatcher's right wing government and the environmental left was formed to promote the idea of man-made global warming. Thatcher's agenda was to force the country to adopt nuclear power because she trusted neither the oil-rich Middle Eastern powers nor her own country's rebellious coal mining unions, therefore a propaganda war against fossil fuels was initiated.

http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/march2007/090307warming hoax.htm

Kelstev, This is just what my Dad told me 50 years ago and I believed it then and I believe it now.  He was a avid reader. 
Thank you for reinforcing my thoughts on all of this.
Yes, thank you for saying so much better than I did.

< =text/>_popupControl(); Neat debate.  Can't really wrap my brain around it right now because of the high pred dose...the pain pills...and some decisions me and my family has made (but that is an upcoming post lol). 

Here is what I can say about all of this and hope to heck it makes sense.  I feel we are accelerating global warming.  There are many small easy things we can do as individuals to slow this down.  Maybe incorporate a couple of them at a time into our lives until they become routine then add a couple more at a time etc. 

ALL of the political parties have done some damage at some time in the life of our country.  ALL of the political parties have good ideas and just want to see them implemented.  I feel it is HOW they go about it that makes people be like...ewww...stupid idea blah blah and something that could have been GOOD just got shot down all to heck. 

If MI blows away I have no place to take the ferry to lol.  And what about my FUDGE!!!!!  None of our states are perfect and never will be.  Some are just a little more damaged than others.  I love WI and living here...but there are some things I would change about it. 

The debate about global warming will always be intense no matter what we say or do, but we do need to learn to recycle reuse etc.  We throw away too much, which in turn is biting us in the ass, too much land is being used for landfills and too much of the forests are dwindling away.  I think we can all agree that we need to learn how to use our lands more properly , that we all need to learn to recycle. WE will all never agree on what should be done or what shouldn't be done but let us at least try to make our own space a little bit better.  I compost, recycle, and even have helped my company with recycle programs, yes it is just a little chunk in the great big world but it is my chunk.  and Grammaskittles, I hate MI fudge, even though I live there too much sugar in them, and the ferries, I love riding them all the time, remember, if MI isn't here you can always ride the ferry to Canada too.  hehehehe


Ps Grammaskittles if you go to the UP and go to the east towards Drummond Island you can take your car across on the ferry ad drive around the island.  Lovely place, my hubby loves to fish there and Rachel and I loveto fly kites there too.

meme39369.5712962963Well, Liz.  It's true.  Even though I don't like alot of the politics, their are some good things about MI too.  Not only most of my friends and fam are here, some areas, especially up north, are spectacular in their natural beauty. And we have the Red Wings.  My husband met Nickolas Lindstrom the other night.  At Home Depot!After reading all these posts can somebody explain Just Exactly Al did for " Peace " to win any award. I think that question was posed by The Czech Preident and some others.Sure, I'll tell ya!!  Nothing.

A girl's got to dream!


I'm LMAO over here. My friends and I have been saying "The NOBEL PEACE PRIZE? Pffft---that old thing?" for days now. Thanks for the chuckles.

Although I am shocked to find out the Norwegians are all American Democrats.
Oh, Gimpy...I have a Norwegian friend and you are right.  They LOVE American dems.  Love themI enjoyed this article about the neo-con response to this issue: Right Wing Efforts Continue to Label Nobel as Political

I like how it points out the straw man arguments often found in discussion of this issue. (from Wikipedia: A straw man argument is an informal fallacy based on misrepresentation of an opponent's position. To "set up a straw man" or "set up a straw man argument" is to create a position that is easy to refute, then attribute that position to the opponent.).

One example of a straw man argument is when global warming deniers say people use it as a lever to further their agenda to get rid of corporations, the free market, and industrialisation. This just isn't true. No one is interested in going back to preindustrial living conditions....no, not even liberals. It's just that some people believe there can be manufacturing, developemnt, and fast food packaging that doesn't have to pollute our living space. It IS possible to have "green" corporations and "green" real estate developments. I personally know many people involved in these kinds of endeavours.

Anyway, I was meaning to point that out for a while but I got really busy with other stuff. Reading this article reminded me, so I posted it.

Man made (ok, accelerated) global warming is wrong because science doesn't support it.  What the liberal motive is for trying to progress a lie is anyone's guess.

Science does support it.

Saying "What the liberal motive is for trying to progress a lie is anyone's guess." is another straw man debate. Some people who accept the science behind global warming are conservatives. Your statement treats your idea it's a "lie" as an empiric truth, which it isn't. There are thousands of scientists who say global warming is a man made fact (many more than who say it isn't actually). You also set up the idea that liberals have a global warming agenda, which is another fallacy. In short, you only illustrate what the article discusses.

You're treating "what most people think" as though that is the equivlant of "what is true".  You, of all people, should understand the folly in that.

Their are way too many facts, way to many highly qualified climatologists, environmental scientists that dispute the idea that global warming is something that can be controled my man, to cast a shadow on AG and his "inconvenient truth".

Their are way too many facts, way to many highly qualified climatologists,
environmental scientists that support the idea that global warming is
something that can be harm reduced by man, to cast a shadow on global
warming deniers.Yeah, but their "science" does'nt support what's really true.  But, whatever.  This discussion can go on and on.  You believe one thing, I believe the other.  Don't see that changing.  Unless you wise up.So first it wasn't happening, then it was happening but people have nothing to do with it? Sorry, but people with your beliefs are a dying breed, which is good news for the rest of us who actually believe in the findings of over 3000 scientists from over 130 developed countries (believe it or not, they'e not all on an agenda to subvert the American neo-con agenda). You can cling all you want to the fringe science that likes to deny global warming, but you can't stop the forces of the people pushing for environmental responsibility. There are very few people left trying to make a convincing argument that global warming isn't happening, and isn't being caused by man.  You can call me all the names you want, or make all the little "wise up" cracks that turn your crank, but you can't stop reality, and the reality is we're in a man made environmental crisis, and major changes have to occur if there's going to be anything workable left for us and future generations. Fortunately for those of us who'd like to have a future, most sane people now recognise that. It's not a political issue, as much as you like to see it that way. It's just the way things are. The fact that toxins spewed into the air and water have an effect on the global environment is a reality. Global warming is a reality. Deal with it.

Read Larrys post.  If you dare.  Well, fortunatly for AL Gore, he and most alive today won't live long enough to see what a scam global warming is.  Convenient how he's protecting our distant future, isn't it?  As for the world wide crack pot scientists you think have no agenda, open your eyes.  They hate America.  They did long before GWB. They don't like our strengh. Political, economical, military.  They would love to downsize America.  The sad thing is that they have friends working here on the inside.  And people like you who just swallow anything.  Sorry, but it's true.Let me add to that.  It's hard to blame people for believing global warming is man made.  it's what the media wants you to believe and so you are bombarded with only one side.  I did not mean to insult your intelligence.  You are obviously a smart chick.I did read it. It was an opinion piece complaining that global warming
deniers weren't getting as much support as global warming believers. It
came as no surprise to me. Since global warming deniers are wrong people
are tired of having stupid debates with them. They have enough science to
know deniers are just blowing smoke, both literally and figuratively. Why
woulod they waste any kore time with them.

"They hate America" is another straw man argument. Now you're getting into
conspiracy theories. Show me the science on that one. Also, how does
promoting environmental responsibility=attacking America?The wise up crack was meant to be a joke to lighten the discussion.  Obviously, you would think the same thing about me, that I should "wise up" and that was the joke.

Oh.  I thought that it was common knowledge that European nations did not like us.  That's what libs have been saying for quite some time now.  Didn't you know that?

Ok.  See, everythng that is not in support of what you have already chosen to believe doesn't count.  that's why this is a useless discussion.  Check out Junkscience.com.  You will find  much more complex, in-depth scientific facts that show why global warming (man made) is a farce.  But seriously, what's the point?  you'll just say, yeah, but....that's wrong.  So I am pulling out of this now.  It's pointless.  And annoying.??? Would Al Bore beat Billary in a DEM race???

Probably IMHO because of 'name recognition' and women being their own worst enemies.


PIP, So a woman should vote for Clinton?? 

If the positions were the same (Obama v. Clinton)...

And if the all things are equal...

Hell, yes!


I guess I should admit my reverse discrimination here.

I read a really awesome article last night about how Al Gore winning the Nobel Peace Prize (that old thing?) is changing the political landscape in America. Here it is:
The Al Gore Factor

I also wanted to take a minute to clarify my statement about the article LevLar posted. To complain that global warming deniers aren't getting the same air time as global warming recognisers, and explain that that's why people don't understand that there is no global warming, is about as valid as saying that flat Earth science isn't getting the same airtime as the global Earth science in geography class, and that's why no one believes the Earth is flat. 

To say Global Warming is a conspiracy set up by America haters is institionalisation worth craziness. It's a global issue evry developed country is working on that doesn't even target America per se (as well as having about 100,000 other reasons that's not a valid argument). That just seems to be a default position neo-cons revert to when they're not getting their way with the world.

As well as being a straw man argument which is what led to that portion of the thread in the first place.

It's not my intent to go on and on and on, but I just had to share this page I found on Wikipedia (teh encyclopedia ANYONE can weigh in on, including those "scientists" who deny global warming) about Scientific Opinion on Climate Change.

On the page you will see statements from many reputable scientific sources, divided into "Statements by Concurring Organisations" (lots), "Noncomittal Statements" (two) and "Dissenting Satements" (none).


Dissenting statements

With the release of the revised statement by the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, no scientific bodies of national or international standing are known to reject the basic findings of human influence on recent climate.

So any of you Global Warming Deniers are certainly welcome to add your opinion to this Wikipedeia page and "set the record straight" if you can really provide a scientific argument, or perhaps conatct the scientists you so revere so they can add their science!

I guess I am one of those "global warming deniers" if it is based on Al Gores interpretation.  I must admit the science in detail is a bit much for me (give me biology anytime) but my family (on my husband side) is full people with Masters and  PhD's in physics, chemistry and at least 5 types of engineering.  I have sat in on many conversations regarding this very topic.  Much is too detailed for me to grasp, but I have come away with lots of information and very educated ideas on the subject. 

Just a note, I do not let my students use Wikipedia for any health science projects for cited works.  It is not reliable since it can be edited.  I don't know of any science teacher who will let it be used as a source.

Science is not a theory. Science must be proven to be law. Any one that lays claim to scientific law on global warming is either an idiot or a liar. It is that simple and can be smoked in a scientific pipe with or with-out marijauna.

Whether a straw man, scarecrow or tin man, none have a brain. Each one would say that what they believe is gospel, either written or approved by god himself or herself or whatever. For what each of these idiots didn't want to believe would be strickly opinion by opinionated people with-out merit. Anyway each of these men with-out brains, can see neither left or right. Even what they see in front of them is not real, only in their own vacant minds.

Scientific method

Main article: Scientific method
The Bohr model of the atom, like many ideas in the history of science, was at first prompted by and later partially disproved by experiment.

The scientific method seeks to explain the events of nature in a reproducible way, and to use these reproductions to make useful predictions. It is done through observation of natural phenomena, and/or through experimentation that tries to simulate natural events under controlled conditions. It provides an objective process to find solutions to problems in a number of scientific and technological fields. Often scientists have a preference for one outcome over another, and scientists are conscientious that it is important that this preference does not bias their interpretation. A strict following of the scientific method attempts to minimize the influence of a scientist's bias on the outcome of an experiment. This can be achieved by correct experimental design, and a thorough peer review of the experimental results as well as conclusions of a study.

Scientists use models to refer to a description or depiction of something, specifically one which can be used to make predictions that can be tested by experiment or observation. A hypothesis is a contention that has been neither well supported nor yet ruled out by experiment. A theory, in the context of science, is a logically self-consistent model or framework for describing the behavior of certain natural phenomena. A theory typically describes the behavior of much broader sets of phenomena than a hypothesis—commonly, a large number of hypotheses may be logically bound together by a single theory. A physical law or law of nature is a scientific generalization based on a sufficiently large number of empirical observations that it is taken as fully verified.

Scientists never claim absolute knowledge of nature or the behavior of the subject of the field of study. Unlike a mathematical proof, a scientific theory is empirical, and is always open to falsification, if new evidence is presented. Even the most basic and fundamental theories may turn out to be imperfect if new observations are inconsistent with them. Critical to this process is making every relevant aspect of research publicly available, which permits peer review of published results, and also allows ongoing review and repeating of experiments and observations by multiple researchers operating independently of one another. Only by fulfilling these expectations can it be determined how reliable the experimental results are for potential use by others.

Isaac Newton's Newtonian law of gravitation is a famous example of an established law that was later found not to be universal—it does not hold in experiments involving motion at speeds close to the speed of light or in close proximity of strong gravitational fields. Outside these conditions, Newton's Laws remain an excellent model of motion and gravity. Since general relativity accounts for all the same phenomena that Newton's Laws do and more, general relativity is now regarded as a more comprehensive theory.

Yeah, I know, WHAT?


Another Thought www.nationalgeographic.com/news/2007/02/070228-mars-warming. html



Thanks 6t5. It is nice to see some one else agreeing with global warming.

Global Warming Fast Facts

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• "Very likely," the IPCC said in a February 2007 report.

The report, based on the work of some 2,500 scientists in more than 130
countries, concluded that humans have caused all or most of the current
planetary warming. Human-caused global warming is often called
anthropogenic climate change.

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Global Warming: How Hot? How Soon?
Global Warming Can Be Stopped, World Climate Experts Say
Global Warming Interactive: Learn About Its Causes and Effects
• Industrialization, deforestation, and pollution have greatly increased
atmospheric concentrations of water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, and
nitrous oxide, all greenhouse gases that help trap heat near Earth's
surface. (See an interactive feature on how global warming works.)

• Humans are pouring carbon dioxide into the atmosphere much faster
than plants and oceans can absorb it.

• These gases persist in the atmosphere for years, meaning that even if
such emissions were eliminated today, it would not immediately stop
global warming.

• Some experts point out that natural cycles in Earth's orbit can alter the
planet's exposure to sunlight, which may explain the current trend. Earth
has indeed experienced warming and cooling cycles roughly every
hundred thousand years due to these orbital shifts, but such changes
have occurred over the span of several centuries. Today's changes have
taken place over the past hundred years or less.

• Other recent research has suggested that the effects of variations in the
sun's output are "negligible" as a factor in warming, but other, more
complicated solar mechanisms could possibly play a role.

What's Going to Happen?

A follow-up report by the IPCC released in April 2007 warned that global
warming could lead to large-scale food and water shortages and have
catastrophic effects on wildlife.

• Sea level could rise between 7 and 23 inches (18 to 59 centimeters) by
century's end, the IPCC's February 2007 report projects. Rises of just 4
inches (10 centimeters) could flood many South Seas islands and swamp
large parts of Southeast Asia.

• Some hundred million people live within 3 feet (1 meter) of mean sea
level, and much of the world's population is concentrated in vulnerable
coastal cities. In the U.S., Louisiana and Florida are especially at risk.

• Glaciers around the world could melt, causing sea levels to rise while
creating water shortages in regions dependent on runoff for fresh water.

• Strong hurricanes, droughts, heat waves, wildfires, and other natural
disasters may become commonplace in many parts of the world. The
growth of deserts may also cause food shortages in many places.

• More than a million species face extinction from disappearing habitat,
changing ecosystems, and acidifying oceans.

• The ocean's circulation system, known as the ocean conveyor belt,
could be permanently altered, causing a mini-ice age in Western Europe
and other rapid changes.

• At some point in the future, warming could become uncontrollable by
creating a so-called positive feedback effect. Rising temperatures could
release additional greenhouse gases by unlocking methane in