Why opiods don’t work on fibro | Arthritis Information


Research May Explain Why Common Drugs Don't Ease Pain From Fibromyalgia

Main Category: Pain / Anesthetics News
Article Date: 30 Sep 2007 - 10:00 PDT

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Healthcare Professional:   I don't think I agree with the study. I was told by My RA doc that Opiate are one of the only ways to control Fibro. I think I would be history without Vicodin in the times that I am experiencing Pain from Fibro. I guess its what works for each individual!Well they should be depressed if there pain meds are not working. That is a which came first question the chicken or the egg.I had to laugh at your post Milly
Im Jessie - posted on the RA board first - PC thought that was my problem - but saw a Rhumy and he said Fibro and some common arthritis - my hands are in real bad shape - getting an xray next week.
I was diagnoised with major Depressive Disorder in my teens - so I guess that came first - lol.
Will see my psy about anti depresents again - I dont like the meds - make me eat, gain weight and just not feel like me.
Good news the Rhumy doc put me on pain meds and ambien - I finally after 3 years got a good nights sleep - it was awesome - cant wait for another one tonight
Take care
Many people with the chronic pain condition fibromyalgia report that they do not get relief from pain medication known as opioids. Opioids work by binding to opioid receptors in the brain and spinal cord. New research now reveals that peoplewith fibromyalgia have reduced binding ability of a receptor in the brain that is the target of these opioids.Well all I can say is that I agree with chrise---without my narcotics then my fibro is awful. The docs haven't found anything that works to totally get rid of the pain with my fibro but at least I get some relief. And I have tried Lyrica and provigil and many others. I alternate between tylenol with codeine and vicodin. I wouldn't be human without them so I think each patient is different, just as we are with arthritis too. I cannot agree with that study. My rheumy also says that sometimes narcotics are your only relief when all else fails.I do think Vicodin works--it does make one more comfortable even if it doesn't whack out all the pain. I only take it when I am completely miserable because I only have a few tablets.

Right now I am just taking amitryptaline. I was on Mobic too, but I stopped when I felt that it was bothering my stomach. 
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