Drugs that cause Pneumonia | Arthritis Information


Of course, I think it's a mycoplasma - but look at the list.  I'm on an antacid.  Started just before I was diagnosed.

Again, I have no idea how reputable this site is, but it provides cites to the research in the article.


http://www.wddty.com/03363800371176755125/a-disease-of-docto rs.html

Remember to remove extra spaces if the link doesn't work.

Wow Pip, thanks for sharing this.  Geez, this is scary! < =text/>_popupControl(); Interesting article Pippers.  I have always thought that if we are putting stuff into our bodies to modify what we naturally have that there are going to be issues.  This is just another one of those articles that really firms up my own thoughts on that.  It's like I have asthma...but have to be careful with the dosage of my asthma drugs because of having hypertension.  The asthma drugs can raise my BP making my BP meds null and void.  UGH!!!  Yikes...yikes...yikes.....

(PS----GrammaS, Minocin can help you out with that asthma. But is is on the list pf pneumonia causing drugs).

< =text/>_popupControl(); Yeah go figure lol.  For some reason I like to get pneumonia so I tend to err on the cautious side with anything to do with pneumonia.  I can talk to my doc about it and see what he says about the minocin and my asthma.  Doesn't hurt to talk about it. 

BTW!!!!!  Tis the season for pneumonia and flu!!!  Have YOU gotten YOUR pneumonia and flu vaccines!!!!!  Please remember....NO LIVE VACCINES!!!  That means the flu mist they stick up your nose!!!! 

Another reason to be careful about continuing drugs that are no longer helping you.  I worry a lot about drug combinations.  When I started Humira I dropped the MTX, even though the combination is more effective.  I still think you're better off with only one if it's effective for you.  Doctor's seem to quick to just add medications without taking the time to weed out the ones that are no longer effective...not a good idea in my opinion.


The part that was most interesting for me was the fact that bile seems to offer defenses against these diseases.  Yet another leaky gut connection.

Some of the other stuff is open to debate.  :-)

If you believe the body is attacking itself, then anything suppressing the immune system brings up the possiblity of infections.

If you believe you're attacking an infection - APer's are told to 'work thru' the herx - in order to reduce the microbial load.  We know these things can reactivate.



< =text/>_popupControl(); Sometimes it is just one of those danged if ya do and danged if ya don't situations.  I feel that life itself is never a black or white thing....too many situations and gray areas in life as far as I am concerned so how can I possibly think that my disease is going to be black and white...right or wrong...this or that??Wow.  I am on prilosec twice a day.
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