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Has anyone seen Phats?? I'm really worried about her..It's been so long since she's wrote to me... You know, this isn't helping anything. You're as bad as she is. Can either one of you just give it up?? By then end of you two bickering back and forth, you both end up becoming exactly what you've spent so much time bitching about.

Get over it.
Kisses to you as well Katie...I'm just trying to be a team player. You know, with the OT's and all. Phat's really helped me see the error of my ways.. Gee, you're so very Christian.

God does watch.
Katie when did you get married???? Is there somethin your not tellin us   [QUOTE=arriscolwell]Gee, you're so very Christian.

God does watch.

I'm sorry...what exactly is your point? Do you NOT want me to keep you and Justin in my prayers. It was heart felt...sorry you did not take it that way.

Let's remember...I was minding my own business when I was drug into the nastiness of the other thread and then was called out in a thread dedicated specifically to me.

Ok so why would you start this thread then?  Really, what is the point?  I dunno if maybe I missed something or not....


"I'm just trying to be a team player. You know, with the OT's and all. Phat's really helped me see the error of my ways.."

That's what I was referring to. Not your prayers. And you know it, you just don't want to see it or admit it.
Why is it...when you say you are a Christian (which means "you believe in Christ") people think you are supposed to be JESUS CHRIST himself? Flawless, perfect, without sin...etc...

So it makes it ok to do or say whatever you want as long as you don't say your a Christian first? People who are non-believers know right from wrong as well. We are ALL sinners. We will NEVER be like JESUS...we were not made to be. If we were perfect after becoming a Christian, what would we need to go to God for? Nothing! We are made to sin. We were given free will. Our choice to do what we want. I will admit that it was wrong for me to let Phats get under my skin, but I am human and I will answer to God for that. But my relationship with God, is between me and God. He knows my heart and my weaknesses.

I have never once shoved my religious beliefs down anyones throat on this forum. Like I said before, we were given free will. You will answer to the Lord for what you may do or have done.

Some people are just unhappy and have to create drama everywhere they go. And since I have joined AI Phats has almost always been combative with other members and I guess since Roxy is gone she has to find someone else to mess with. And it has just gotten to me. For that I am sorry.

I am human...thanks for noticing that Katie...

No problem.

because to be christian is to be like christ.

Yeah, with forgiveness and everything < =text/>_popupControl(); Wow I don't want to sound sexist or anything but sheeeeesh...is Aunt Flo visting EVERYONE right now??  Ok...I am not Christian but I am Spiritual.  It is my choice.  I just have some things to work in my head about organized religion.  BUT with that being said, we do base how we run our house a whole lot on things that are Biblical.  Like...do unto others how you would want done unto you.  I know that isn't the exact quote but I know I am close. 

I see NO rhyme or reason with all the dang strife and hurting in this world and in our personal lives to post things that are just plain out hurtful and inciteful.  For goodness sakes this is a soft place to fall for many many people that are not as lucky as I am or other people here that have wonderful families...good doctors...and the ton of support that they need to deal with this stupid ridiculous life changing disease and I really feel the LAST thing that is needed is here is to sign in and see something like THIS!!!!  Please...have your difference of opinion it is awesome!!  It is what makes the world go round!  It is how we learn at times!!!  But please!!!  please!!! remember this is a soft place to fall for many people and support and not strife is needed!!!! 

I am sorry if I sound so harsh but I really feel that I have been way too quiet on this for way too long.  It was not my intention to hurt anyone's feelings at all.  Nor was it my intention to stir anything up.  I just want to see a soft place for the many people that need it!!!  That includes me as well as you Lisa.  And Phats.  And...and...and...  We are all God's children and He loves us all equally no matter our faults.  If God can accept us for who we are...who are we to go against HIM and not accept the bad with the good in others??  For goodness sakes...if I didn't accept Danny with his good and bad...and he didn't accept me with my good and bad...we would NOT be going on 16 years of marriage!!  The nice thing about a forum is that it is ONLINE.  IGNORE THOSE THAT IRK AND IRRITATE YOU!!!  Why let people like that take up space and pay rent in your head?  I just don't get it!! 

Even with this blatantly inciteful post Lisa...I still have love for you and believe that deep down inside of you that you do not want to act this way.  That you really are the loving Christian God fearing woman you purport to be.  Just that there are things in your life right now that you are struggling with and this is how your frustration with them is coming out.  Thanks to Janie (loves yas girlie!) my PM box has been cleared and if there is something bothering you that I can help with then by all means please shoot me a PM. 

I really want to urge everyone to keep in mind that having RA goes way beyond having to deal with the physical aspects of the disease and there are many many emotions that come with having RA also.  That can tend to make us a bit not like ourselves sometimes.  Maybe some extra love could go a long way right now for some people. 

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