Inflammation problems | Arthritis Information


It seems like my body reacts to every tiny stress with tremendous inflammation that spreads to surrounding areas. I hurt my foot and wound up with arthritis in many joints all over my body. I vaccummed a room and have had tennis elbow from it for a month now and so on. I will start with one sore spot and then it spreads to a whole area. I had a little sore spot on my upper arm and the pain spread to the muscle, then joint and is now involving my chest. Then there is my new favorite, bladder inflammation which seems to be involving my whole abdomen. (My body hates me.) Is this inflammation typical of arthritis?


Laker, I wish I had a magic wand.  Inflammation seems to be the big symptom, after pain.  It's like my tissues suddenly became porous and something just leaks out into my body.  I have no answers, but hope you can find the right combo to help you. 

< =text/>_popupControl(); Infalmmation can be very typical of arthritis.  Prevention is the key if you can do it.  Braces...nsaids...pacing someone else a chore that might set you off.  That type of thing. 

Gentle  hugs to Laker - these inflammations are just yuk caused by stress - both physical and emotional.  If someone really upsets me I can get a flare up with swollen hands mainly but stiff all over.  Like the starch monester came in at night and got me!  As Grandma says, pacing is so important.  Once we feel we are "On a roll .." there's no stopping us at that time, but the arthritis stops us in our tracks the next day,sadly.   Feel better very soon.


Wheeeeee!   I just saw I am now a "Groupie" I'm sure you've looked into it, but daily massive doses of fish oil have really done a lot to control inflammation for me. I had to take it for aboput 3 months before I noticed a difference, though.