Finally got my disabled parking placard | Arthritis Information


After several months of denial, I finally ask the doc about getting a disable parking placard. I didn't want to as I felt bad about taking the parking space away from someone who needed it.

Well after nearing passing out from the pain from walking the parking lot to get to my car and several people telling me to get one, I changed my mind. Plus I was tired of seeing some people misused the placard.

It was so nice to be able to walk just that short distance to the storefront. It made a big difference when I went to get out of my car too.

Had to share this with all of you.

Yay!!! Good for you! :) Marisa, girlfriend, you should have had this ages ago.  I'm very happy for you.  Lindy < =text/>_popupControl(); That is fantastic!!!  I agree with should have done this ages ago...but I can understand why you didn't do it.  One step at a time hunny and do it in your own pace.  I am glad you did it tho.  It does make a world of difference!!!

Oh, yeah!

Go, girl!  Never take a girl's shopping away from her!


marisa, I'm glad you took the step so you don't have to take so many steps!!  I did this a couple of years ago, and I too felt like I might be taking it from someone who needs it more than me.  So I try to use it only on days when I really need it and there are no close parking spaces available.  Don't feel bad getting the help you need.  I remind myself that some days, if I didn't have the placard, I just wouldn't be able to go at all.


Yeah for you, and Pip is right about a girl and shopping.  Yep, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do!

I agree girls, I have one, again I didn't want it, but if I am having a good day I don't use it, but there are times when I desperately need it, thanks God for the placard!!!  Janie Marisa, I am with the group that says that you should have done it long ago.  I too only use it when I really need it, but there have been times when I did not think that I did needed it only to come out of the store and needed help. It's comforting to have it available.  Use it but don't abuse it!   now & then39370.2163773148I'm like the rest of you and only use it when I need it.. But I have found that when I get groceries, no matter how good I feel going in I desperately need my car as close as possible  when I leave.. I get so exhausted  getting groceries.. and most of the time I ask for assistance out to the van..    but the rest of the time, I'd rather walk the few extra yards when I feel able

I received my first one about 6 months ago and I love it!!!!  It is so nice to park so close to the front of stores and not have to walk so far. 


Thanks everybody. I now can go shopping and not dread the walk. This will help me to get out more. I've missed my window  shopping!

Hope that everybody is having a good day.

I use my handicap placard at work so I don't have to 'elbow' my way through all those tight turns in the parking garage. There are almost always more spaces than handicaps!

Stores are a different story. I use it only when I need it, except for Costco. That place always involves too much walking.

I went to the laundromat yesterday and it was so nice to park in that handicap spot. It's right in front of one of the doors. I only took two loads with me as I wasn't feeling that good. Hobbled in to the place and got a basket to load my laundry in to. This nice lady held the door for me as there's not much room to move the basket on the sidewalk with the door open.

The only trouble that I have is with the dryers as they're double stacked ones. Have to use the old ones. They're the right height for me. By the time I got done my back and hip had it. So, I hobbled back out to the car to load the laundry in. If I wasn't in that spot, I don't think that I could have made it to the car.

Of course, I paid the price last night with my hip. Couldn't sleep that well even after taking my vicodin. If, I hadn't needed the underwear, I wouldn't have gone to the laundromat!

Oh marisa, some days you just need to go 'commando'

marian, I use my placard at work every day.  Like your job, mine has something like 10 HC spaces and only once in awhile is anyone there but me.  It's an outdoor lot, and even when I parked in the regular spots it wasn't far, but I never know how I'm going to be in the morning or at the end of the day, and there have been some days I was very grateful that I parked just a few feet closer.

i have recently got my disabled parking badge, on the one hand i am grateful that i can park close to the shops, however..... people look at me and see a middle aged woman, walking on a stick and in the UK resent the fact that i can park nearer than them! is this the case everywhere???


UK   x

Hi Marisa, I'm new to this site,and when I saw that you had written about getting the placard.  I got mine about 4 yrs ago and it's been a Godsend for me.  I do know what you mean about not wanting to get one because of people that really need one.  But like you, I couldn't stand the pain of walking the long distance to the store etc.  Another thing that drives me nuts, are the people that use the parking space, and they don't have the placard to use it.  Plus it seems they don't do anything about the people who use the space without the placard.  I just thought I'd give you my opinion about how I felt about the placard, and the people who abuse it.   Dotti51As I age, I am more comfortable using the placard and don't give a rip of what others think.  Now I give a big smile to those who give me nasty looks.

Yes, in the good old USA, you get the stares from other people. I know of some who have the placard and they aren't handicapped, just lazy!

Mostly, I've had a very positive reaction to me using the disabled spot to park. I don't walk straight and I drag my right foot from the pain shooting down the leg. Alot of people have told me that it's about time that I got one.

Dotti51, welcome to the site. It's full of very helpful info and people are very supportive.

Again welcome.
