
Here are some excellant links to information about what, where and who concerning rheumatoid arthritis:

Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis (National Library of Medicine)
Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA) is a type of that happens in children age 16 or younger. It causes joint ...

Rheumatoid arthritis -

In rheumatoid arthritis, the synovial membrane that protects and lubricates your joints becomes inflamed.

MedlinePlus: Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid Arthritis ... National Institutes of Health. The primary NIH organization for research on Rheumatoid Arthritis is the National Institute of Arthritis and ...

Rheumatoid arthritis symptoms, rheumatoid arthritis drugs, rheumatoid ... UK rheumatoid arthritis society providing information on rheumatoid arthritis symptoms, rheumatoid arthritis treatment, rheumatoid arthritis drugs and much more.

What is Rheumatoid Arthritis? - NRAS

National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society: NRAS provides support and information for people with Rheumatoid Arthritis and Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis, their families, friends and ...

levlarry2008-11-24 09:39:39



Get non-professional answers quickly about ra topics from people with arthritis, just click here:

Just bumping this.levlarry39433.4272800926

Just bumping this up for healths sake.


a cure is coming???what is name of psychic?????

all the best to you lev

regards rose
Just bumping this up for information's sake.

Miss Rose,

I don't put any faith in psychics, faith healers or snake oils. I do believe that there are new drugs on the horizon with great expectations. The good news is that the new drugs are a completely different class and type of drugs. As we know the nsaids and biologics all work pretty much the same way with the same percentage of relief and same percentage of bad side effects.

Arthritis Pain 'Abolished' And Joint Damage Reduced With Experimental Gene Therapy

Main Category: Arthritis
Also Included In: Pain / Anesthetics;  Genetics;  Biology / Biochemistry
Article Date: 30 May 2007 - 2:00 PST

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Early-stage research has found that a new gene therapy can nearly eliminate arthritis pain, and significantly reduce long-term damage to the affected joints, according to a study published in the journal Arthritis and Rheumatism. While the study was done in mice, they are the first genetically engineered to develop osteoarthritis like humans, with the same genetic predisposition that makes some more likely to develop the disease, the authors said. If all goes well with a follow-up study currently underway, researchers will apply to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for permission to begin human trials next year.

Nearly everyone aged 65 or older suffers from the pain, swelling and permanent joint damage of osteoarthritis. The most common form of arthritis, it develops over time following initial joint injuries or just as a result of aging. In the current study, researchers found that one injection of a newly designed gene therapy relieved 100 percent of osteoarthritic pain in the study model. In addition, researchers were surprised to find that the therapy also brought about a nearly 35 percent reduction in permanent structural to joints caused by round and after round of osteoarthritic inflammation.

To date, treatment of arthritis is dominated by drug treatments like non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs, COX-2 inhibitors and acetominophen. Morphine and its derivatives are still in common use as well, but can depress breathing and lead to addiction. Taken together, current treatments deliver inconsistent results and new approaches are needed, researcher said. Gene therapy has been attempted in the past, but older, invasive techniques required that therapeutic genes be injected directly into nerve cells. Strong pain relief resulted, but in some cases the injections caused nerve damage.

"Our publication represents the first proof that gene therapy can work in a way that is clinically applicable," said Stephanos Kyrkanides, D.D.S., Ph.D., associate professor of Dentistry at the University of Rochester Medical Center. "This therapy can simply be injected anywhere in an injured joint, and the treatment will find the nerve endings," said Kyrkanides, whose work on genetics in dentistry led to broader applications. The common ground between arthritis and dentistry: a common site of arthritic pain is the jaw joint.

Study Details

Proteins called receptors are built into the outer surfaces of human cells, enabling them react to the nutrients, toxins and hormones around them. Each receptor is designed to react with a specific signaling molecule, which docks into the receptor like a ship coming into port. The docking changes the shape of the dock to set off chain reactions inside the cell, enabling it to respond to the signal. On nerve cells for instance, certain receptors are shaped to accept naturally occurring painkillers called opioids, which when they dock, prevent the sending of pain messages along nerve pathways.

In the current study, researchers used gene therapy to increase by about one thousand times the number of opioid receptors expressed on the surfaces of nerve cells that carry pain messages back and forth between an osteoarthritic jaw joint and the spinal cord. Thus, nerve cells involved in pain transmission, with so many more receptors on their surfaces, became drastically more responsive to the naturally occurring painkiller, researchers found.

Gene therapy inserts tailor-made genes into cells that can, for instance, direct cells to build more of a needed protein. To deliver the genes into cells, researchers use harmless viruses called vectors, which have evolved to invade human cells and insert their DNA. In designing the new therapy, Kyrkanides' team chose to work first with vectors based on feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), a lentivirus that attacks the immune system of cats. It resembles HIV in humans, but is incapable of causing human infection.

Despite the strong results, however, the team will seek to deliver the same gene therapy with a different vector in the next phase of experiments. Kyrkanides is partnering with researchers at the National Institute on Drug Abuse, part of the National Institutes of Health, to see whether the same therapeutic gene can be delivered instead by an adeno-associated vector (AAV). AAVs have already been approved as safe for experimental gene therapy by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, eliminating a tremendous regulatory hurdle. If successful, this next study will provide the proof of principle needed for the team to apply for phase I human clinical trials, perhaps within 18 months, Kyrkanides said. Early results, while not yet published, suggest that one serotype of the AAV vector they are working with will provide results comparable to FIV.

Beyond the current study, Kyrkanides' work has contributed to the emerging theory that pain is not a symptom of osteoarthritis, but is instead part of the disease. According to this new paradigm, pain is composed of nerve messages that over time cause permanent chemical changes in the pathways they travel along, making them more sensitive to pain and encouraging inflammation. This two-way "crosstalk" may mean that arthritis in one joint can spread, through the central nervous system (CNS), to other joints. Worse yet, joint arthritis may export inflammation to the brain, where it plays a role in neurological conditions (e.g. Alzheimer's disease, dementia and multiple sclerosis).

While the just published study involved a technique that delivers gene therapy by injection at the joint, other promising approaches may involve interrupting crosstalk in the brain instead. Based on that promise, the Medical Center is in the process of founding a private biotech company to develop the technology. It would search for new drugs that interfere with key inflammatory receptors on sensory nerve cells within the CNS.

Joining Kyrkanides in the publication from the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry were co-authors J. Edward Puzas, Ph.D., Donald & Mary Clark Professor of Orthopaedics, M. Kerry O'Banion, M.D., Ph.D., associate professor of Neurobiology and Anatomy and Ross Tallents, D.D.S., professor of Dentistry and director of the Orofacial Pain Program within the University of Rochester's Eastman Dental Center. Student contributors were Paolo Fiorentino, Yanjun Gan, Yu-Ching Lai and Solomon Shaftel. Jennie Miller was involved as Kyrkanides' technical associate. Maria Piancino, of the University of Torino, Italy, was also an author based on an alliance between the two institutions. The study was funded in part by the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research.

"Near future applications of the work may include amplifying the body's response to morphine, drastically reducing the amount needed for powerful pain relief," Tallents said. "A little further out, the new idea that peripheral inflammatory diseases like arthritis can lead to brain inflammation may provide an entirely new way to treat inflammatory neurological conditions that affect millions."

Article adapted by Medical News Today from original press release.

Contact: Greg Williams
University of Rochester Medical Center

Here is another of many new drugs in phase trials:

Anti-inflammatory Drug Breakthrough From Israeli Biochemist

Main Category: Arthritis
Article Date: 27 Feb 2007 - 15:00 PST

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The transformation in her laboratory mice was so dramatic that Israeli biochemist Prof. Rachel Levy could not believe her eyes when she first saw the results. The mice, suffering from severe rheumatoid arthritis, had been unable to move because of their extremely swollen and deformed paws and limbs. But within six days of treatment with an innovative anti-inflammatory antisense drug, the inflammation was reduced so significantly, the mice were running about normally.

Levy's breakthrough in discovering the drug, labeled BL-3030, was the result of years of extensive research focused on host defense mechanism against infections and inflammation, a common cause of death particularly among the elderly.

Inflammation is a critical factor in numerous diseases affecting a significant part of the population worldwide. Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic and often debilitating autoimmune disease in which the body's immune system attacks joint tissue, leading to pain, inflammation, deformity and disability that can be permanent.

At present, inflammatory diseases are treated with steroids or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. These drugs have either limited therapeutic benefit or severe side effects, which prevent their long-term use.

Levy's BL-3030 molecule, prevents the synthesis of a protein known as cytosolic phospholipase A2, which has a critical role in development of inflammation.

"It is very specific molecule and, at least in the mouse model, has no side effects. Arthritis in mice is very similar to that suffered in humans," said Levy, a professor of clinical biochemistry and head of the Division of Basic Sciences in the Faculty of Health Sciences of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev; and also head of the Infectious Diseases Laboratory at Soroka University Medical Center in Beersheva.

Recently Israel's leading drug development company, BioLineRx, signed an agreement with B.G. Negev (BGN) Technologies Ltd., the technology transfer company of Ben-Gurion University and Mor Research Applications, Ltd., the Technology Transfer Office of Clalit Health Services.

BioLine is investing a reported million into the development and commercialization of the Bl-3030 drug, which could mean an effective medication against a wide range of inflammatory diseases. Testing on humans is expected to begin in about two years.

For Levy, who has been able to combine an extremely demanding academic career with the rigors of raising a family, this discovery was another peak in a career filled with achievement.

Levy grew up in Beersheva during its pioneering days. She has always felt an affinity for the Negev. "Luckily my husband fell in love with the city of Beersheva as well as with me and came to study at BGU," she told ISRAEL21c. "His mission to settle in the Negev coincided with my hopes to raise our three children in the special atmosphere here."

In addition to her research work, Levy oversees a staff of 70, and teaches undergraduate and graduate courses at BGU. When she first began her scientific career the field was dominated by men. But that has changed, she points out. "In the health sciences today, there are many women scientists, despite the fact that one must go abroad for postdoctoral fellowship."

Levy recalls that she submitted her MSc thesis four days before the birth of her first child, "just enough time to knit a blanket!" She then took a break from the university for five years and taught high school, then returned to academia to write her PhD. She did her post-doctoral fellowship at the National Institute of Health (NIH) in Maryland.

Levy's oldest son finished his studies in Department of Communication Systems Engineering at BGU, while her younger son just started his first year in the same Department. Her daughter, however, is following in her mother's footsteps, and is now studying for a PhD in neuron-science at the Weizmann Institute.

levlarry39459.5289351852Just bumping this for information sake.
Thanks Lev

Just bumping this up for informations sake.

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this company has free shipping to anywhere in the world and they guarantee delivery to Australia. I heard that sling shots
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to thatone?

Just bumping this up for information's sake.
TTT Have you guys checked, it's a wonderful resource for health and medical videos created by medical professionals themselves with the objective of patient education in mind. And here's the link for Arhritis Videos - some informational and educational videos on Arhritis.

For information sake, to the top.TTT, accepting the seasoned information and ignoring the SPAM. This got lost in the shuffle.

To the top

Good info Lev Up...up...up! An attempt to fulfill the purpose of this segment of AI "Information Links".