My Arthritis Journal | Arthritis Information


I had strepthroat probably 100 times by my thirties. I gave birth to my first son on my 16th birthday. I would put him in his crib and would not be able to stand back up, I would just be stuck there. At 19 i had another child. By then the doctors wanted to do surgery on my hip. I went to the chiropracter instead. At 23 I had my first reumotoligist visit. When they said all was fine i said why are my hips making these awful noises with little movement. Why have i been in bed screaming for 6 months. I had periods of being young and strong and lived a good life. I lost alot of jobs from my attacks of what ever. I have numerous doctors for everypart of my body. If my knees where swollen they said it was fliud from my bad back. Have had backers cyst, ganglion cyst. My hand was swollen carpultunnel. Bunions on toes. My ligements began snapping no elastisity. My disk began buldging. My muscles shrunk and deteriorated. My joints swelled. My knees fell out from under me as i walked down the stairs. My arm and hand quit working at will. They work some days sometimes and we manage. I have been told that my upper body arthritis was wear and tear as it clearly shows up on exray. My swollen shoulders and stiff legs were fibromyagia. A few of my alliments are birth defects noduals of some sort. I quess the critera for fibromyalgia with RA Is full body alliment as RA is usually a few joints. I was never given a sero negative dx, but a fibro dx as to I was overly afflicted to much joint and muscle involvement. Today was the first day i sat across from doctor and talked about a plan for the future. I no longer feel abondoned in my illness. The doctor wrote down that my right knee was swollen with RA today, as my hands, my neck my wrist my elbow ect. and he wrote me prescriptions and talked about the specialist he was sending me to and promised to help me. And we talked about some of the newer blood test that help detect RA. So this problem should not happen to the future.


 Milly I am so happy you have found a Dr that wants to help you! I'm sure it has been a very painful journey for you, I'm so sorry. I hope you get all the help you need and deserveAwesome news Millie! Finding a doc that understands and is willing to work with you is certainly a step in the right direction! < =text/>_popupControl(); Glad you have found a doc to help you out and that listens to you!!  Keep up with the journaling of your symptoms...meds..and what the docs are doing for everything!!!