asparatame | Arthritis Information


 I am guilty of over indulging in diet soft drinks. I have been told even by my Ra doctor that it is bad for arthritis . Has anyone read up on the subject. Many times I have been sent the links by well meaning friends. here is one of them I was reading one of the other posts about water consumption and noticed some people refered to diet sodas.  Any thoughts? Has anyone given up diet drinks and felt better?

Chrise - I am old, so I never got into the habit in the first place.  My parents had a strict rule of one a day, and I lost my interest when they took out cyclamates and ruined Dr. Pepper LOL (you have to be old to get that one). 

But, I do know that soft drinks are hell on your system and if you have arthritis, you really should try to drink either filtered or distilled water, and alot of it.  Good luck Cathy

Interesting article. I did do a google search, and found another person claiming that it helped their arthritis. I do consume alot of diet soda. I will cut them out for the rest of the week and see if that helps any. Can't hurt to try it.

< =text/>_popupControl(); When I was going to the chiropractor on a regular basis they also had a nutritionist on staff that I would meet with on a regular basis.  She said that aspartame is one of the worst things they add to food and drink products that we can put in our bodies.

JSNM...your house wasn't the only house with the one a day soda rule.  We had it also since I had 3 older step brothers...all of us teenagers lol.  We have the same rule in our house now.  When we actually do have soda in the house (it is very rare) the girls are only allowed one a day or nothing healthy would go into their bodies. 

Hi, when you are trying to take off the pounds, diet soft drinks help fill up the need for 'sugary taste', etc. I understand drinking a lot of them, but have cut way back in the last couple of years. I do drink 'non sugar packets' in coffee and tea. It is a habit and takes one more step in our quest for good health. Water, juices, tea, coffee, milk , soy milk (which comes in chocolate) are everywhere. If you are worried you are prob. drinking more than you need to. Good luck with changing your eating/drinking habits. I'm always giving up 'things' to try to lose weight, sometimes it works but mostly I jsut gain or don't lose anyway?!! I work at it everyday, but my husband loves CANDY, and has it around. I eat it!! Ly

Please take out any extra spaces if the link doesn't work.

And even tho this says it is NOT true - I did cut back a TON on DC and I am a lot better (credit Mino).  I did have neuro problems; gone now.


I love Snopes, but keep in mind that the e-mail was proved false...nothing there proves that aspartame is safe either.  We really just don't know.

For me, it doesn't matter.  I always used to drink diet sodas with saccharin and when the aspartame came along I tried it.  After drinking half a can of diet soda with it, I got a massive headache and literally started to see spots.  I was working on my company's bookkeeping at the time and couldn't understand why digits were disappearing, not realizing that there were "spots" in front of them.  Scary.  When I spoke to my doctor, they said it might be an allergic reaction and to stay away from it.

Sadly that just means I drink a ton of regular soda (really bad I know, as I sit here drinking my cherry coke at 10:40 am).  I've been trying to dilute it 50% with plain seltzer, but some days I just don't have the time to think about it.

I can't testify as to how it would effect RA, but a long time ago I visited a nutritionist because I was feeling so bad all the time.  She told me to drop the nutrasweet.  I was very skeptical at first, but thought, what the heck, I'll try.  It made such a dramatic difference, I never once thought about picking up diet soda again.  I always check the list of ingredients for it too.  If it has it, I don't buy it!

Hi, Caffeine is my drug of choice, but all sorts of weird things happen when I drink too much. My heart (which is a concern for me) skips a beat!! bad, I see 'spots' and also I have memory loss and actually shaking~, so the combination caffeine, sugar, or non sugar sweetners is probably the cause of all of this. So many of my friends say 'I don't drink coffee', I don't drink sodas, I don't drink caffeine drinks. I'm trying to reduce my need for it. I just feel very tired without caffeine! Getting back on the prednisone has helped.


I try and drink hot green tea if I need a pick up. I figure it is the lesser of some of the other evils out there.  Green tea is supposed to be good for you. I have heard it helps you too lose weight...haven't seen those effects though Any alcohol does the same thing to me.....BTW, I also wanted to mention that some of the flavored waters now have asparatame, so be sure to check your labels carefully!Innerglow- I found that out- and also the little cyrstal light packets of powder that you just add to your water bottle..darn it! Maybe it sounds strange, but my gut has felt better the more sweet tea (NOT with anything but real sugar), water, and juice I drink. I've cut out all sodas and in general I feel better. I always thought any sugar-ey drinks were bad (though I didn't care) but I have to be honest, I get massive cravings for my sweet tea and I always feel so good when I've had it. And it's not like a caffeine addiction, because I can go weeks without it without any problems. It just actually makes me feel GOOD to drink it. That and lots of water. arriscolwell39371.4613425926I gave up diet soda about a month or so ago and I feel so great. Also though I gave up sugar and dairy. I honestly don't think I've felt this good since I was a teenager. There's something to be said for keeping track of exactly what we put in our bodies. if you just read the ingredient listings on foods you are going to eat and don't recognize the words (because they're all chemicals) then google them and chances are you won't want to eat them! I read the book Skinny Bitch over the summer (shortly after I was dx with
RA) and the only thing I could truly stick with was cutting out aspartame.
The book is fabulous, really makes you think. I highly recommend it to

Anyway, I have not had diet/sugar free drinks since July. For the first
week I had headaches, but I've felt great after that passed. I drink a lot of
water and tea. I sweeten my coffee and tea with stevia. It's an all natural
sweetener derived from a plant that can be found in the supplement isle
of most health food stores. The FDA won't approve it as a sweetener (but
they will approve aspartame....GO FIGURE), but other countries, like Japan,
use it as a sweetener in food products.

Personally I read labels and avoid food additives and chemicals as much as possible. NutraSweet/aspartame was developed by Monsanto and the Monsanto corporation has been responsible for killing many people and is probably the most evil corporation in the world. There were rumors that they got NutraSweet/Aspartame approved in an underhanded way. So knowing this I would not trust them or their products to be safe.

 The other thing is using NutraSweet/Aspartame makes you hungry and you will eat more which negates using it in the first place. Also, it isn't sweet but tricks your mind into thinking it is sweet which I suppose could cause the neurological problems we hear about.

higgy39372.4095023148My rule of thumb is if it can't be made with manual labour I don't eat it. So therefore I don't eat aspartame  or margarine or anything that requires a factory machine to produce. I realise butter and sugar are made infactories but they COULD be produced without one.

I can make lots of interesting substances in my kitchen... no machines necessary

I have never like diet drinks because I find the aspartame taste bitter. Hubby is doing a lot of training for a 95 mile race (I know totally mad

Its 'fat boy' drinks for me every time (diet drinks being skinny boy)