doc appt. | Arthritis Information


< =text/>_popupControl(); Just back from the RD office and the news is  I am still very sick bleh

I had mentioned to him that I am splitting my high dose of pred and taking it in the morning and in the evening.  He said NOT to split taking doses of pred up like that because it can really mess with your system.  More side effects...can mess with your thryroid...more weight gain.  Splitting the dose I guess is just not a good thing.  He said the body makes corticosteriods in the morning and the morning is the best time to take pred.  Please remember this is just the opinion of my doc and to follow what your doc says for you to do. 

Rest, rest, and more rest!!!!  Bleargh!!!!

****edited by meeeeeeee because of of my pred brain****

grammaskittles39371.6038194444Boo hiss....but at least he's helping you with the disability!!!

*hugs hugs and more hugs*

Well its good that he is gonna do whatever need be for temp disability...thats a plus...My dr has said the same thing about taking Pred...To take it in the am cause it has something to do w/ the corisol or somethin that your body makes naturally


I'm so sorry you're having problems.  I agree with Katie - at least your RD is going to help you with disability.

Just a question.  At the start of each of your posts, I see the text below.  What does it mean?

< =text/>_popupControl();

it means she has a CRAPPY pop up blocker. 

Well, just rest and before you know it you will be good as "new". Ok... a certified new used car? Sounds good to me

Much Hugs & love!

I'm really glad that he is showing such concern for you and is ready to help with the disability as you need to file it. He sounds like a keeper! Has he been you doctor for long?

It's a good thing that you told him about splitting the dose on the prednisone. He sounds like a very caring doctor, who is seeing you as a whole person, not just a disease.

Try to rest easy, Sweetie. I know you are working on accepting this and not counting on a remission. But you still can have some times when you will have good days. You just need to get over this immediate problem and take it one day at a time from there. You are strong and have good people in your life, so I know you will be able to handle this.

Try to get some rest and let everybody wait on you for a while. I'm sure they want to help you get better.

Rest well. Hugs, Nini


Lizzie, I do love you and you do sound a little more in control, even if it is just making decisions that will fit your family.  I am really proud of you, and you are doing what you are supposed to and at least the bloodwork is coming down.  I hope it stays that way and the body gets the clue. 

know that you are loved, shel

BTW...I have always been told to take Pred in the am. 

Hey Lizzie..........since Justin's "am" is our "pm" he can still take his meds then, right? Cause his body time is reversed of ours......did that make sense????? LOL Liz, I am glad that at least you have a good caring doctor.  Don't worry about the long term right now, just get your hopes up that by the end of the week, you'll be feeling a bit better and be up and around.  Take care of yourself sweetie!

Take care and take the pred as the doc said.


 My doctor says to split the dose of prednisone, half am and other half at dinner . she says it will help me through the day and to feel better when I go to sleep. The only thing is and I am sure you know that the prednisone plays havoc with your ability to sleep.