new symptoms!!! PA | Arthritis Information


i posted a message on 06/10/07 asking for advice on new symptoms (dizzyness and shaking). I went to see my doctor yesterday and told her my neighbours think i am drunk!!!

Please update if anyone has the same.

Keep well all


Hey Sally.  Well I don't know much of anything about it.  I do know some of the others have PA so someone will come along to help.  I just mostly didn't want you to think you were being ignored.  It might take a while for someone to come along that knows about PA.

Sory to hear about your new diagnosis.  Do you have RA as well?


no linda i do not have RA (at moment) but hear that symptoms are similar. thanks for your speedy reply



Hi Sally, Another PA'er here.  PA has been far worse than RA.  Much more painful and more inflammation.  Remicade has worked pretty well and so has MXT.  Am flaring now due to tapering Pred.  Have you done any research on PA?  If not there are several good sites.  Learn everything you can about PA.  Are you on meds? Did the RD suggest meds?  Lindy