Does adrenaline intensify pain killers? | Arthritis Information


This afternoon I got really angry over something at work.  So angry that I couldn't see straight and my wheezing got worse.  Shortly after that I started to feel a little dizzy and out of it, like my pain killers (Percocet at the moment) were smacking me upside the head.

When I thought about it, I realized I felt this same effect a couple of times in the past week or so when I got really angry or upset.

So what I'm wondering is whether the adrenaline that starts pumping when I get upset is intensifying the effect of my pain medicine.  Anyone know?

Hmmm...........I'll google it and see if I can find something. < =text/>_popupControl(); How much time was there between you taking the percocet and the surge of adrenaline from being angry?  It could also be the "buzz" from the surge of adrenaline itself.  Just have to research what a surge of adrenaline does to the narcotic receptors in the brain. 

Part of the "fight or flight" response to epinephrine (adrenaline) is absence of reaction to pain stimuli.  This is part of the reason for "superhuman strength" exhibited, for instance, when a mother is trying to save her child. JasmineRain39372.5905902778

Pain killers bind to opioid receptors in the pain cutting off the body's sensitivity to pain, but they work on the parasympathetic system, slowing down heart rate, breathing, etc. During activation of the sympathetic system, "fight or flight", endorphins can be produced which also bind to the same receptor and decrease sensitivity to pain. Seems like it could be a possibility, but the parasympathetic system opposes the sympathetic system. Symptoms of dizziness sounds more like hypertension to me. Just my thoughts!



My first thought was when you are mad or excited your breathing patterns change and some of those changes can cause dizziness, but sure hypertension would sure make you feel dizzy.  Do you have a problem with High Blood Pressure???  

< =text/>_popupControl(); Since all of his coincides with being upset etc., could it have to do with maybe having a small panic attack at the same time? 

I'm with you gramma. Sounds like a panic attack. I ended up in the hospital about 2 years ago due to a paniac attack. Inner Glows reaction sounds similar to mine although I was almost completely unable to breathe. Never thought my body could react like that.

The adrenals are really tied to the thyroid.

How's your thyroid?


How's my thyroid is an interesting question.  All test are within "normal range" (including some of the more specific tests) but they are all at one end or another of the range, meaning they just barely made it in.  My therapist (a licensed professional counsellor and strong believer in holistic healing, but not a medical doctor) is convinced I have a thyroid problem, but the doctors don't see anything that makes them want to act.

The Percocet itself doesn't normally give me the surge, although I've had it in the long past and occasionally get it with the Dilaudid, so I don't think it was just the Perc kicking in.  I tend to always get this warm feeling in my belly, and I definitely didn't have that with these episodes.

I do have hypertension, so blood pressure could be a factor.  It's been managed for 15 years with meds (currently Avalide) and I haven't noticed any other problems.  So it's possible, but doesn't seem to me the most likely explanation.

Panic attacks sound like a possibility.  I have been very stressed lately, and I do have a tendency toward anxiety (I have OCD, mostly in remission).  But the feeling of being out of it seems to me a little bit opposite of the feelings I associate with anxiety.  Maybe someone could tell me a little more about their panic attack "symptoms"?
