Limbrel | Arthritis Information


Hi All,

I was finally able to obtain a prescription for Limbrel (I would've probably had an easier time getting an Rx for oxycontin

I am an avid weightlifter that has had problems since my late 20's.  I have finally been Dx'd with OA (RA was ruled out) in Jan 2007.  My dad also had OA that began early in life.

Thanks in advance!



I noticed some relief within a few hours of my first dose.  Initially, the relief seemed to last only a few hours, which occurred probably at the peak of blood flavonoid concentration.  The duarition and intensity of symptom relief gradually lengthened over the next several days.  My maximum improvement occured within 5 days.  I am estimating that my sustainable symptom relief compared to baseline is about 50-90% since starting Limbrel.  I am not taking any other analgesics or OA drugs.  I take the recommended dose of glucosamine/chondroitin with MSM and Fish Oil every day.  I have not experienced any side effects since beginning therapy.   Nothing else changed in my lifestyle since starting Limbrel.  Of note is that there have been some erratic weather fluctuations during this period which could've affected the extent of symptom relief I attributed to Limbrel.  I am very negatively affected at the onset of cold weather and I experience gradual complete resolution of symptoms in the summer (I hope the last part will remain true for at least 5-10 more years!).  The only time I have symptoms in the summer is after doing heavy barbell squats or lunges with dumbells.  I wear knee support braces (on days I work thighs/legs) which help a lot. 

Based on my own experience, I highly recommend this medication for all levels of OA.  My mother (71yo, very active--lifts weights with me) started Limbrel at the same time that I did and she has experienced similar effects.  An added bonus is that I've experienced slight but significant improvement in my asthma symptoms (I have mild, persistent allergic asthma).  This falls in line with documented effects of a corresponding German drug that is currently under study, Licofelone ( howDetailView&TermToSearch=17305568&ordinalpos=5& ;itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubm ed_RVDocSum).  This drug has the same targets as Limbrel--COX-1, COX-2 and 5-LOX. 
