Help with egg beater design | Arthritis Information


I am an industrial design student studying in Australia. Currently I am working on redesigning an egg beater for an individual with Rheumatoid Arthritis in the hands, but am having some issues finding information on grip sizes. Basically what do you find most comfortable size for a 'hammer grip' as shown below? An approximate measurement of what you find to be the most comfortable size (ie. the diameter of the cylinder) or simply an example of a product (eg. a standard gold club grip). Also, what determines the easiest size. From what I've read I am under the impression that larger grips make it painful to open the hand but smaller grips make it painful to close the hand around. Is this correct? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

That looks about right to me (photo above).  I don't know about the rest of the folks, but too small is way worse than large for me.  Oh, are you considering some padding on your device?  Cushioning always helps.


Yep, lots of cushion. I have had the same problems with finding a hair brush I can use because I have minmal use and mobility of my right hand and wristt due to 2 surgeries for RA and a broken wrist.

I will ask my daughter, she is always finding me "easy to hold stuff".


Chalkie, I am right-handed, but I hold my whisk the other way, opposite of the way you are holding it.  Have you taken into consideration how a hand that is starting to tighten up from the RA or is badly deformed would try to hold a wisk?  And padding is a great idea.  And I know that someday my whisking days will be over. 

My dad had a company that remanufactured vans for the disabled. I took it further in my career working for a company that developed and sold disability equipment. THere is a lot of crap on the market that is totally over priced and DOES NOT WORK OR HELP PEOPLE!

LEt me think about this a bit more and attempt to get a few things done around here and I will get back with you. I am thinking that more of an electric...not battery operated( I hate messing with batteries an dmy hands do not always allow it) wisk/mixer that may be more user friendly. It is basically the oldstyle big blender, but tweeked a bit.


I hold it thumb down too. Bigger is always better for my hands. they tend to get stuck when I make them go closer to a fist.

had to edit because what I said sounded dirty. whoops haha


I got it. Rather than the design in your pic.....why not make it like  those new sanders? You hold the top of it with one hand and it is a bit rounded or you can make the top/ handle more of a rectangle( or ergonomic) with a rubber grip. That way it can be used either left or right handed and at any angle.You can also make it with an adjustable angler on it and with attachments;and AC current so as no batteries to struggle with. I would also like to see this in a model for can openers as well because I have yet to find a can opener that is user friendly with my specific mobility restrictions and pain. You can expand this to be used for a variety of purposes in the kitchen. Sell as a set or individual at a reasonable price. Manufacture it so it will last more than 3 to 6 months, like mabe several years.

That will be $mucho many  dollars for the idea and 25% of all sales please. ( YEah I know 25% is reaching but I set my goals high.) A portion of the sales should also be given to either research for more "USEABLE" products or RA.


""had to edit because what I said sounded dirty. whoops haha"""

I am still chuckling abut that!!!!!!!GEesh we have dirty minds don't we?


If you absolutely have to go with the design model in the pic, then make it larger with a grip on it and adjustable to an angle. AC current with a motor that will last. I would also make it to be where there are attachments. If this is solely being designed for a wisk purpose, then make it so that you can adjust the handle, hey, you can even have it to where you could have a velcro back strap to allow better control over the handle.


Thanks for all the replies. It's given me a lot to think about. I really should have outlined my design in the first post as there seems to be some confusion. The uni assignment is to redesign a tool that we selected earlier in the year. This was my the original tool, an old style mechanical egg beater.

Chalkie39376.6853819444Chalkie, I think you have talent, looks doable.  Thanks 'justsaynoemore'. Does anyone else have some feedback, advice, etc. on the design or just information in general that may help? Chalkie39378.0623032407Looks great. You should patent it!

I personally would not use an egg beater with a crank handle because it seems to be more work than a wisk and you dont have a free hand to steady the bowl..however..I have a hair brush made by conair that has a soft gel like handle on it. It is completely washable and not porus like foam would be. It sort of molds to your grip while you are using it and then returns to its original shape when you are done.

If you arent able to find it on the conair website, I will be happy to snap a pic of it and post it here.
