Good Morning 10/20/07 Saturday Post | Arthritis Information



Good I sit here early this morning with temps in the 40's and more winds expected....I am actually hoping for the snow to come so the wind will stop! 

It has been a rough night's sleep....full of pain, and frustration.

The good news is I am hoping that my friends are happy and pain free today!


Morning...I am up WAY to early!!!!  Had to drop off hubby at work by 6 so I could have the truck today...Yea its still dark....not liking that at all

Morning Shelly Belly !  LOL


Morning Miss Shannon...what ya gonna do with the truck today???  I hope something fun! 

How's Miss Kelsay...did ya keep her home, and does she feel better?

Nope, nothing to exciting.  Going to the grocery store, gotta drop off a dress of Kelsays at the dry-cleaners so I can put it on Ebay, and going to bring Kelsay to the drs.  I have been giving her benadryl and it seems to be working alright but its not doing to much for her today and last night. 
I think Im going to lay back down for a little bit while Kelsay is in my room watching cartoons. 
Hey does anyone put ketchup on their scrambled eggs? 

Well tonight is my daughter's frist dance and I don't know who is more excited her or me.

           Good Morning Everyone

I can't believe that for two days in a row I am up before 10:00am

What's everyone doing for the weekend? Something fun and painfree I hope! I'm gonna do laundry and hopefully get a nap before tonights chat

I forgot to sign out of AI last night, does anyone besides me do that? I just didn't want anybody to think I'm ignoring them

Shelly I can't believe ya'll are getting snow! It's still hot here

Shannon I'm proud of you for driving hubby's truck so well! You took right off didn't you?

Meme I hope your daughter has a great time at the dance

Well hope ya'll have a great day and feel like doing anything you want to do 

We're in Halloween overdrive this weekend.  I really want to get all construction complete this weekend, so next weekend can be devoted to rehearsing and trying out special effects.  I've got my whip in hand and I'm ready to crack it!

Ahhh first pantyhose! lol, I had to help my daughter just like when she woudl wear her little tights when she was a funny, thanks for the memory trace on that. The dress, the hair, the nails the pantyhose....the complaints of the  "itchies" from the pantyhose.......

Good morning everyone....bad bone days are still here, frustrated and sleepless nights are here as well.



Morning everyone!!  Had a rough night last night sleep wise but this is a new day and moving on with life.  I am still more swollen than I would like to be but such is life. 


Today is Sweetest Day!!!  Yesterday Danny got me a little stuffed ghostie with candy and a new set of Dominoes.  Since I can’t get out to buy him anything, I made him a card. 


Arielle’s Spanish grade is improving!!  Thanks to all who gave me some wonderful suggestions and ideas on how to help her bring her grades up.  She got a “B” on her last big Spanish test!!!  We did reward her by modifying one of her restrictions and got her an automatic card shuffler and a new card.  We got Danielle a new card game as well.  Both girls got little stuffed pumpkins with candy for Sweetest Day.


Oh meme….you and I have daughters just about the same age!!  Danielle turns 13 in January.  We have had some dressing antics lately ourselves lol!!  I can just see the look on your face while your daughter was getting dressed.  Gotta love those teens. 


Crack that whip Momma!!  I thought I heard something go *snap* this morning when I woke up lol.  Thought it was me ole bones tho!!! 


Snow is a 4 letter word.  Nuff said.  However…snow+4WD=FUN!!!  And it’s shaping up to be another winter where I don’t have to shovel!!!!


Shannon…gross…ketchup on scrambled eggs.  Yukkie.  Danny and Danielle eat corned beef hash…I call it human dog food cuz that is what it looks like and smells like…and they put a fried egg and ketchup on that.  What is really gross…Danny puts ketchup on mac n cheese!!!  I can’t even watch him eat it because it makes me gag!!!


We have the house to ourselves tonight!!!  The girls are gone babysitting over night!!  The only bummer..Danny is working from 1pm til 9pm at the very latest.  Last weekend they ran the guys out at 7pm.  With Danny gone at work this evening I am going to get some much needed time alone.  Arielle is going to make me dinner before they leave today at 3:30 so all I have to do is heat it up in the microwave. 

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Well, I finally got some sound sleep from 5:30-8am.  Then hubby was getting a box ready to ship, and woke me up.  I think I am going to go back to bed for a while.  Can't keep my eyes open. 

Shannon...yep, agee with Lizzie on this one! Yuk!  I am glad you are taking Kelsay in...lots of crappy stuff goin' round already. 

Meme...I have done those same antics and I am old!  It is soooo much fun to get ready for a dance!

Karen...missed you last night!  I thought you got wisked away by aliens the way you've been workin' on this Haunted House. 

Liz...sorry for cussing so early in the am.  Yep, I can feel it in my's commin'.  Wow...a night very special.  I would rent a movie.  I am glad that Arielle is doing better in Spanish...and wow she is making you dinner.  Get some rest today.

Well, it is time for me to go back to bed.  I think hubby will be taking the box to ship off, and I am going to sleep some more. 

Talk to  you later

P.S.  Mona...nope it did not register you as online last problems.

Yea I put ketchup on my mac & cheese too.  Its YUMMY!!!!

Well I am off to do some arrands....hope yall have a good rest of the morning and into the afternoon.

Good Morning Merry Sunshines!  My hubby starts an 11-day at-home vacation today, hurrah!  And it's our 7th year anniversary of meeting, then we eloped :)  I wrote an email to the attorney and he wrote back and said he had a stress attack, not a heart attack, so that's good, I guess.  I hope everybody has a great Saturday. 

< =text/>_popupControl(); Gag me Shannon.  Have fun on the errands!!

ShellyBean...Arielle does most of the cooking since I can't right now and Danny works 2nd shift.  Someone has to feed the pred monster lol!!  For like the last 2 years she had said she wanted to study Culinary Arts in college.  Suddenly she changed her mind and wants to go into elementary education.  She would like to teach K-6. 

Tomorrow is supposed to be 74 degrees here!!  If they cancel 2nd shift again this Sunday..I am going to ask Danny to drag me out to the beach so I can sit in my moon chair and just listen and watch the waves crash on to the shore.  Maybe throw sticks for the doggie doodle into the lake for him to fetch. 

I need to find a small card table this weekend that is cheap so I can start my Mickey Mouse jigsaw puzzle.  Maybe I can find something on craigslist. 

It is a wonderful day. I am still tired and so sore. But my mood is great. I have to say i am glad it is me with this and not another family member. This is tearing them up. They want to help me and can't. And sis. I love her so. She is so young and pretty. She has a fibro dx also, so dose one of my brothers, I do not want any of them to get this. I love them all so. My brother in Ga i heard was having liver pain. Had to call him and tell him it is probably his gallblader. I am the big sis of 7 and i do not want to start any new family trends. My sis , is really afraid for herself by my dx and i so understand, I am going to make her get more test. I am also going back to bed. The brother with the motor cycle called me up to offer me a ride to the funeral.

< =text/>_popupControl(); Awww Shannon ((((hugs)))) to Kelsay.  The poor baby!!!  Give her a hug and kiss from me!!! 

Well, Danny just called and he is having a cruddy night at work and is going to take off at 5pm!!  Girls are waiting right now to be picked up to leave for babysitting!!  YAY!!!!  Don't get me wrong...I love my kids...don't know what I would do without them...but..whew...I sure could use the break!! 

Don't know if I will be around the rest of the afternoon or evening...I am going to go lie down so I have the energy to spend a nice quiet romantic night with Danny lol.  Isn't that just pathetic...I have to rest so that I can snuggle and not fall asleep snuggling lol.  Life is so weird sometimes. 

Hi kiddos! I'm at work. Work is boring. LOL It's SLOW for a saturday! Weird......

So Justin's doing alright, so far so good. He was exhausted this AM though. Heh. Hopefully he'll get some good rest today.


So I don't know what to do with this know back in March Justin's mother failed to send him a birthday card OR call him. However, yesterday, I got a card from her. *sigh* So she can remember my birthday, but not his?? And on top of it, it was a "Happy Birthday Daughter-in-Law" card! He said he almost can't stand to talk to her anymore, because she constantly asks him when we're getting married. Sheesh. I opened the card and put it with the rest, but I didn't say anything. I didn't know what to say. He didn't say anything either.

Shannon...poor poor girlie...I am so sorry.  How are you feeling?  I bet you're hurting after all of that.  Keep her warm and give her some hot tea if she will drink it.  If she will stay under the covers and drink the tea she will losen up a little more.  Poor babydoll! 

Katie...I am so sorry that Justin's mother would do this to you.  I think she does want Justin to marry you, b/c you are very good to his baby, and that always makes a mommy more secure.  I also can't help but think there is a little game playing with this.  I don't know how I would handle it, and I guess I would let my sweetie have the lead.  I usually let my hubby deal mostly with his mom.  I try not to get in the way of it.  It does eat me up at times, but it is HIS mom.  Now my mom's I usually keep them in check, and I only have to worry about one, b/c the other will never visit us.  I don't know, but I am sorry. just rest you little bones!!!  I am hoping he can get a shower and reset that stinks kinda thing.  Have a great time!!!!!

Yeah I try to stay out of it, but I just feel bad. :(


Jebus, I just spent like 2 hours trying to do work on my managment training online courses here at the hotel. ARGH!!! Our computers are so out of date, most of the time all I was doing was d/ling flash players and CRAP so I could see the stupid quiz. UGH! So yeah. That sucked. LOL

My head is spinning. Hehehehe

Has anyone seen Kickin' it Old School, with Jamie Kennedy?? FUNNY ASS MOVIE! I laughed my butt off last night! It's stupid humor though, just FYI.

Ok Katie sucks for getting me addicted to a new game on Pogo that I can only play for 2 weeks!!!!!!!  MEANIE!!!!

I'm gonna kick you ............In......the..........SHINS.............

You know.......what would you do if I was born without shins?id bring you to one of those prosthetic stores and get you some, though it just wouldnt quite be the same....Or i would do the chinese water torture on you...drip drip drip on your forehead.....

Shannon...How is Kelsay?  Poor little baby. 

Now girls play nice, and only pull hair!!

Oh that was just low.....


Well, that is what the guys think girls do when they scuffle. 

I survived Octoberfest... two fundraisers in one night.  I'm drunk and less wealthy, all at once. Oh not you Shelly, Shannon was low for saying she'd make me work with Angel. She knows how much I can't STAND him. [QUOTE=arriscolwell]Has anyone seen Kickin' it Old School, with Jamie Kennedy?? FUNNY ASS MOVIE! I laughed my butt off last night! It's stupid humor though, just FYI.[/QUOTE]

I haven't seen a movie in years.  I watch documentaries or school board meeting tapes.

I just realized that my not signing off could make you guys think I was ignoring you guys...

Hope everybodys well..... I think I may be heading for a flare. I have been hurting today, I'm hoping its just the weather change.

My girls went to homecoming this year and I almost cried seeing them in their dresses!!!! They grow up so fast.

Is anybody still here?

Kelsays alright Shelly, still coughing alot.  Hopefully the antibiotic the gave her will start working.  I also have to give her her inhaler every 6 hrs too.  She is soo much like her daddy when she is sick....CRABBY 

I hope Kelsay gets to feeling better really soon!


Thanks Angy...Night