OT: I need your advice | Arthritis Information


Ok well Its 2:15 am CST and I am awake. Something keeps hapening that I need some help with.  Just please dont think I've completlty lost my mind.  For about the last month or so I keep having this recurrent dream where my husband and I are living in a different house, and I am out somewhere w/ my dad and his gf and we come home to the house flooded.  So we all go inside and start cleaning it up and my husband come home and starts flipping out and starts beating me.  Side note: My husband may raise holy hell but he has never put his hands on me or anyone else.  Ok so other weird details go on in this dream that I remember like I was watching a movie of it but it would take to long to type out everythiing I remember.  So every time I have had this dream hubby has not been home when I have gone to sleep and had this dream.  WHen I wake up I am having this huge panic attack because something (not sure what exactly) needs to be done that seems like it is impossible for it to be accomplished.  Again, Im not exactly sure what that something is.  I just have that weird feeling like I need to finish a certain task, but am unable to do so becuase of lack of what is needed.  So, when I wake up im having this panic attack along w/ this nausious feeling.  
Ok so right now I feel completly crazy after re-reading this post, but I am not able to figure out what is going on by myself  

hI, it is 12:43 am here! , it is pitch black outside and I'm awake? Why , who knows?

I used to have a lot of 'nightmares', I don't know where that comes from, but they all stopped some years ago. I had a very disturbing upbringing. and I always wondered if that was the cause? Frightened a lot as a child.

It must be scary for you. Panic attacks aren't good for your heart, so I hope you can get to the bottom of this. Maybe the meds (vicodin?) has this about it? I

I'm wide awake at this ridiculous hour too!

Here's what I have learned about recurrent dreams.  Your mind processes thoughts and feelings at night while we sleep, kind of putting all the feelings and concerns, and events of the day through a filter. 

Sometimes, when you have a dream like this, which clearly would upset you and cause you trauma (thinking your husband you love is beating you, would cause anyone trauma), your brain kind of files that dream away as your "tape" for when you are most upset about something you're not dealing with.

Then your brain plays it for you again, trying to get you to deal with feelings you're not dealing with. 

The specifics of the dream really aren't important, and it is not a premonition of something that is going to happen.  What is important, and what makes us unique as humans, is the emotions in a dream.  The feelings and emotions you are feeling in that dream are the ones you need to deal with in your awake world, whether it is fear, anger, guilt, a sense that you aren't good enough or doing something right and won't be loved - whatever the FEELING is, is the message your mind is sending you to look at in depth and figure out why you are feeling that way.

Your family has had so much hitting them at once, it's no wonder you are having a hard time processing all your feelings!  Don't worry so much and just try to do a little self-exploration and discover what it is that is really stressing you, and how you can deal with it better, instead of trying to bury it.  It may be something as simple as sitting down and talking with your husband about how you are feeling about things, and sharing those feelings, rather than keeping them all inside.

Hope this helps, it was a huge thing for me when I finally made sense of recurring dreams that used to stress and panic me. 

Hillhoney39376.0375231481Thanks Karen.  All of that makes a lot of sense.  Now I just have to try and figure out what is bothering me the most and what I need to talk about. 

Well, I don't know all the specifics of your dream, but just from what you have said, perhaps the flood and how it occurs when you are away and must come home to deal with it is a result of "disasters" that are occuring in your life that feel totally out of your control and overwhelming.  They happen while you are away and least expect it. 

And then your husband is not reacting in a way that you would expect - he is doing something out of character that is distressing and hurtful to you.  In the dream you're probably confused and wondering what you did wrong for all of this to be happening to you.

How does that sound?

that makes ALOT of sense....your so smart Karen

Hi Shannon,

I hope you were able to get some sleep after your awful night.  Both Karen and Jane have made some very good points for you.  The flood could represent a feeling of drowning.  Your husband beating you could indicate a sense of helplessness and confusion.  And I would say that the panicked feeling you're waking up with isn't necessarily a feeling of something needing to be done but rather a feeling of anticipation of something more happening.  You've had a hard time of it lately sweetie.  A lot of death and sickness in your life.  Having one person pass away is difficult enough and can take a long time to fully process and grieve.  But you've had so many.  This dream may be representing all the concerns and feelings you have re: your losses that you haven't really been able to take care of because of so many occuring in such a short space of time.  Just kind of guessing here but it could only happen when hubby isn't home because somewhere deep down or not so deep down, you have a fear that he'll be the next one you loose.

Hurm.... a more solid thing with the flooding.........did your basement ever get fixed? maybe you're worried it's gonna flood again? heh....just a thought!


Oh, and if you keep waking up in a panic, even without these dreams, and you start waking up in a sweat, please get your thyroid checked out! I don't think it's an issue right now, but I thought I'd plant that just in case :) You know how I am

I have one more scenario to add to the husband thing - maybe subconsciously you are afraid he is going to 'punish' you for all of the things in your life that are out of your control????  Maybe you could talk with him and get reassurance.  When he is away, it probably does make you feel less secure that he is supportive of you.

Janie, I dont think your crazy, I have Irish in me too so dont worry LOL.  Alot of what you said is a lot of what I am feeling which I didnt realize untill you threw it out there

Thanks everyone for your thoughts on this and not thinking ive completly lost it. 

Katie, I'll make sure I get looked at if i start waking up in sweats...And my basement is ALMOST done, we just haven had time (ok hubby hasnt had time to get it all the way done)

I used to take trazadone for sleep and it would give me nightmares. My dad and my ex chasing me everywhere. They even had the military. It was exhausting. I quit taking the medicine. Panic attacks i would get for a short period from the flexeril as it gave me minor heart palpitations when i first took it. Maybe a mix of stress and meds combined. Hope it stops bothering you so you can get your rest. I am noticing that i have blamed some of meds on this desease in the past. Like what i call sticky finger a sticky sweat. Just saying it may have been the desease giving me the panick attack and not the med , it is easy to blame the med. If it is one nightmare and one panick attack i would not worry so much. If it continues i would investigate. If this dream only happens when your husband's not home when you go to sleep, it certainly seems like the trigger to it. I used to have a book that 'supposedly' explained dreams, back in my Carlos Castenada days. You might google dreams, there are certain themes (floods, water, etc.)that are supposed to have a thread to what's going on in our waking hours or our unspoken fears. My most vivid dreams usually reflect something that's gone on.

I'm sorry I don't have any mystical musing about dreams to contribute.

Pred doesn't let me sleep very well and when I do sleep I have wild vivid nutty dreams. Some have scared me into a wide awake panic attacks    - seems like those like to repeat. Dreams are not real and having nutty dreams does not mean you are nuts. 

Ya know the pred could be contributing. Everyone reacts different. When we put Justin on high doses of pred, he has all out, full blown night terrors. Not night mares, we're talking like a two year old, wake up screaming, crying, sweating, not knowing where you are night terrors. All because of a dumb pill!


I hope your bad dreams go away *hugs*

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