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Hi - i just found this web site.  i have had ra for 22 years.  i no longer have any insurance and really do not know where to turn.  i worked for about 15 years  after i was diagnosed and had wonderful insurance.  now that i no longer work i can't get ins.  i am in a terrible flare right now.  i've tried to get on the remicade patient assist program but we make a little too much financially but of course not nearly enough to pay for the medication my own.  currently i am on methotrexate, sulfasalazine, zoloft & prednisone 10mg per day.  anyone have any suggestions?  i am 46 years old.

Apply for disability. In 2 years you will be on Medicare - they will pay for remicade.

There may be a problem in that you haven't been working for a while. But I bet you could show you quit work because you couldn't work even back then. 

i have applied for disability and was denied.  it is very frustrating!

My friend tried 3 times and finally got it on the 4th try. She did it without a lawyer. 

Have you tried getting legal help from someone who specializes in disability?

Our system is really bad. I know how sick we can get. I don't know how so many of us end up stuck between a rock and a hard place. I don't think America means to be so heartless but it sure is. 

Have you tried the Arthritis Foundation? 

Maybe join an open label drug study. 

More ideas needed! You are in the right place...

Welcome Cindy Lou~We're glad you found us.

I feel for ya on the insurance issue. Of all the things in my life that I'm grateful for the insurance runs a close second to my precious family. It must be so scary to be facing everything with this disease and have to worry about medical cost as well.

I copied this list of different medical assistants programs from our useful links section. I think it's mainly for assistance with prescription drugs; but it might help lead you to some help.

I wish you the best of luck and hope you'll stick around and join us here. We've got a great group of friends here that are very supportive. It's nice to be able to come to a place everyday and find at least one other person who knows exactly what you're going through.


Can you try the disability again? I've heard that they routinely deny first applications - and that's from someone who works there. Sorry to hear about what you are going through and I hope you get some relief soon.  I'll keep you in my prayers.thanks everyone for the support - i'm so glad i found this site!!LOVIE...YOU'RE AWESOME!!!  AND CINDY, TRY ALSO HUMIRA AND ENBREL MAKERS FOR ASSISTANCE AS WELL.  MAY BE DIFFERENT DRUG MAKERS AND YOU MAY STILL QUALIFY!   gOOD LUCK TO YOU!

Lovie you are a love.

I was in an open label drug study once - my meds were free! I didn't do it for the free meds ( I have good insurance) but did to 'help the cause'.


I don't know but here in Seattle, sometimes the local arthritis foundation branch has some ideas you might try them  here is the link- asp

I know that Enbrel (ph#18004ENBREL) may have a foundation that you might qualify for. If you can get your doctor to prescribe it then you can talk to an Enbrel Rep who can see if you are eligible. 
