Daily Chit Chat - Oct. 22, 2007 | Arthritis Information


Good Morning EVERYONE! Could everyone hear that?!

Well, it is only 2am, but I have not tried to go back to sleep yet, as I slept most of Sunday away. But did not matter as I could not get outta the bed anyways. I felt better to be in the bed than it was to be outta the bed.

Taking a shower was the pits, more pain than it was worth. I think I would rather be smelly than to hurt more.

OH well... Have a good day everyone!

One more day until Remicade infusion and getting to start Imuran

Mel...sorry to hear you aren't up to your ol' self today.  You're right, there always is something to be thankful for, sometimes you just have to look a little harder.  Glad you found it
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