Do I have RA? | Arthritis Information


Hi, this is my first time visiting this website.  I am 37 years old and I have been living with various symptoms but as yet I have not been dx with anything.  I have another Dr.'s apt. today and am going to ask to get tested for Ra and Lupus again.  About 5 years ago I started experiencing severe stiffness and pain in almost all my joints. It was so bad that it would take me 5 min. to stand up after sitting or laying down.  The mornings were the worst!  After about a year the stiffness got better but never went away.  Then about a year ago I started experiencing Raynaud's in my left hand and Right foot.  I also have spells about daily were I suddenly get very cold and only a long hot bath will warm me.  I have been running low grade fevers and feel tired most of the time.  I often feel like I am coming down with the flu but never do.  I also have nodules under my skin at my elbows, armpit, and back of my ankle.  I do not however, ussually have red or swollen joints.  The other night I woke to find my index finger completely frozen; it took 20 minutes before I could move it.  This is the same finger that ussually turns blue when my Raynaud's kicks in.  Help!  Any suggestions?  I know something is wrong, I just want to know what it is!

Sounds like it very well could be RA, but I would also ask for a test on Lyme disease. When I got sick, I tested positive for both. The RD told me that the symptoms are alot alike. I had to go through 2 months of antibiotics just to make sure I didn't have Lyme. I hope that they find the reason for your pain so you can get the correct treatment and begin to feel better soon.


Thanks.  The dr. is running blood tests.  I have previously been tested for lyme's desease because it is very prevalent in my area (3 family members had it) but the test was negative.