foot pain/it is a neuroma!! | Arthritis Information


Hi all, well did I ever luck out and find a good foot doctor who said, 'this is a neuroma'. He gave me a shot of cortisone, and said (i could play golf Thursday!!) Wow!, i knew it!! I had a feeling it was not the RA doing this particular thing. Surely, the RA meds are stopping all the other stiffness, pain and swelling, but not this. He said, 'RA drugs don't help neuromas'.

I can not focus on the meds for the rest of my body. Maybe be able to reduce some? My goal.


I am so happy for you...has the cortisone kicked in yet? Lynda...a shot in the foot?  OUCH.  I ask you, is GOLF really worth it??Linc, am answering for Lynda, yes, it's worth it. I've had shots in my knees so I could play.   LindyYeah, you golfers are all alike.  One track mind.

My podiatrist also gave me a shot for it. The shot went in on the top of the foot. I asked why not in the bottom of foot and he said because it would be extremely painful. In fact, he said if anyone ever tried to give me a shot in the bottom of my foot, do not let them.

I'm glad they were able to make it feel better with the injection. "Neuroma" sounded pretty serious to me, but apparently it's not, but it can be very painful.

You should probably talk to your rheumy before you reduce any meds, And him/her know that it was a neuroma.  I hope you'll be able to reduce your meds. someday! Are you going to try golfing Thurs? I can't imagine being able to golf. My husband is a big golfer. He works one day a week at his course, as a marshal, so he gets his golf for free. The only thing I can do is ride around on the golf cart with him, which I do from time to time.

Hope the shot did the trick for your neuroma and that your RA meds continue  to allow you to golf! It's good to hear a success story about the RA meds.

Hugs, Nini

Hi everyone,

the pain WAS, __was between the next to the little toe, bottom. It felt like a rock the size of a pea. He showed me a picture of this red bulby looking 'thing' between a picture of a foot's bones (not mine, he didn't even xray,)

He put the needle in the top! I thought it was some anesthetic, but it was over in a flash. It feels better already. He thinks I injured it some way?  I've had this on and off for 15 years! Everyone always said 'it is arthritis' grrrrrrr.

Now what? I would think my whole medical approach needs to be changed IF the reason for all these super meds (Remicade)_ has been because of this foot??????I have no way of knowing if the rest of my body needs this much medication. I'll let the RD make the call.

Thanks for the kind words everyone. I need to be able to play golf with my hubby and son as we have so much fun together.




Hi Lynda, I had a Morton's neuroma on both of my feet between the third and fourth toes. They did the shots on them but that didn't work so I ended up having surgery on both feet at once and they were both removed. I've had no problems ever since. I'm glad to hear that you feel better. I think youre smart in asking the RD about your meds.


Yay!  I am so glad you went in and it was something that could be dealt with easily.  Careful on the reduction of meds, I know that is your goal, but it is not worth flaring everything just to see. 

Have fun at golf on thursday.  Is your son in town??  I hope so, that would be great medicine for you!  Have fun my to you later!  shel


The surgery to remove the neuroma is so worth it.  I had one removed from my left foot about 5 years ago.  It bothered me for about 4 years before I finally gave in and let the podiatrist take it out.  He told me from the beginning what it was and that the shots would work for a while.  He also told me that one day I would get tired of having to come back in for the shots (the shot started wearing off sooner and sooner) and would just let him be done with it.  He was right.  I just had to get to that  point.  Of course now I have no feeling in two toes (nerves get cut too)  and I have broken those two toes several times since the surgery.  But since I can't feel it, I don't even notice.   Overall, I still think it was worth it for me.


Lynda ..

I am so glad for you that something finally got figured out!!!  It is so wonderful when someone figures it out and can fix it!! Yeah Lynda.  Finally some relief for you.  Have fun with your family this week.  Stan and I are golfing next week with our friends who just got back from 3 months in Alaska.  He went with the guys this week but the wind has been really terrible here in the desert.  I got an early Christmas present - new clubs.....didn't realize how much better I would play with graphite and titanium clubs.  Now if my body would cooperate.  Lindy Glad to hear you got an answer to the cause of your foot pain. A friend was over last weekend with Plantar Faceitis (sp), he was miserable. I was thinking yours was something that wasn't related to RA, it didn't sound typical. Glad you're back to not being 'Hurts' and have a good time Thursday. You must not be anywhere near the smoke.