Sugar, pain, and stevia | Arthritis Information


When I first started on here about a week ago, I had read from some of you how consuming sugar exasperates pain.  I was horribly saddened to this news as chocolate is my most favorite food group!!  And it seems the more pain I feel the more I crave surgar items, chocolate mostly.  What a vicious cycle!  A little background on me .... I don't have much dicipline.  I thought, I should try this no-sugar thing and see how it goes.  I thought it was going to be difficult, but when I see anything with sugar in it, I think "PAIN PAIN PAIN PAIN".  Its been a week (either today or tommorow) and the only sugar I've had is an inch and a half square of zuchinni bread (it smelled so yummie!!).  I must say, I am feeling less pain and strangely I have a bit more energy.  Not sure if it is the no sugar or the change in meds (methotrexate was increased recently) or both.  But I'm still willing to stay away from the sugar.

My question.......
Has anyone used stevia instead?  And does honey fit in the 'sugar' catagory?  Since honey is a natural substance and not refined I think it is ok but not sure.  I'd love to rid the entire house of sugar and use other things like honey and dextrose (which is a sugar but the easiest to breakdown and digest so it isn't hard on the digestive system .... as stated from a naturepath I saw when I was a child).  I've been told to stay away from splenda and and nutrasweet because they are sugar.

Any thoughts, suggestions, recipes???
sugar causes pain? Hummm... nope not for me it does, but I have pain all the time anyways. Never really paid it or even noticed a difference. I HAVE to have sugar, Prednisone said so.

I've heard great things about Stevia but haven't tried it myself.  I'm going to.  I also hear it's super super super sweet.  Like only a few grains will do the job - DON'T use the little scoop that comes with the container. 


P.S.  Not sure about the honey.  It is natural so, in theory, would feed the gut bacteria, but I thought I saw somewhere it's somehow immune to bacteria and things.  I never researched it so don't know for sure.
