ACTH-blood test tomorrow | Arthritis Information


Hi, all well and here we go again or further into the testing mania. I have a 10:00 am test ACTH, it will take 'two hours' , and sounds like a royal pain in the neck. Read the computer to find out 'what', and it has to do with Addison's and some other un-nerving sounding stuff. The prednisone? getting off the prednisone?

I've been feeling really fatigued, told my RD and this is what he told me to do! Ugh.


Lynda, heres some info st.htmlGood Luck Lynda!

I hope everything goes really easy for you..... I 'll be thinking of you.....Sending you a great big hug!!!!!

Love ya

Lynda, I have Secondary Adrenal issues and can only taper to 5mg. of Pred.  I may have to stay on it for a long time.  I'm teasing my adrenals now hoping that they decide to cooperate and start functioning.  The worst that can happen is you'll have to stay on 5mg of Pred. for awhile longer.  Your system isn't producing the amount you need on a a daily basis.  I felt better as soon as increased the dose from 3mg. to 5mg.  Take a book with you tomorrow.  Lindy LinB39379.8987615741