
I had to go look it up, so figured I would post it, as I might not be the only one who can tell what type of pain they have is. Pain is pain no matter what. Oh and the PDF file I copied below from is pretty imfomative on treatment of pain and most of all the meds to treat it.

Acute pain is distinguished as being of recent onset, transient, and usually from an identifiable cause.

Chronic pain can be described as persistent or recurrent pain, lasting beyond the usual course of acute illness or injury or more than 3 to 6 months, and which adversely affects the individual’s well-being. A simpler definition for chronic pain is pain that continues when it should not. It is usually treated with medicine that you take at specific times every day (rather than as needed) so that you get pain relief throughout the day.

Breakthrough or Flare-up pain can be described as transient pain beyond the normal pain baseline which is severe or excruciating. Breakthrough or flare-up pain consists of unpredictable pain flares that "break through" the medicine taken around-the-clock to treat persistent pain. Breakthrough or flare-up pain may be caused by changes in an underlying disease, including treatment, or involuntary or voluntary physical actions - such as coughing or getting up from a chair. Breakthrough or flare-up pain may also occur at the end of the scheduled pain medicine dose. Treatment for moderate-to-severe breakthrough pain is a strong, short-acting pain medicine, such as an opioid, that works quickly and lasts about as long as a breakthrough or flare-up pain episode. Some pain physicians feel that if you are taking pain medication for breakthrough or flare-up pain regularly, your regular long-acting pain medicine may not be effective. Alternative pain management strategies may be needed. pdf

By the descriptions above I am having a Breakthrough flare up pain.

Good Post Joonie!

Two nights ago, out of nowhere and just before bedtime (of course) came this excruciating pain in my knee.  I could not walk, hop,crawl or move that leg even an inch without searing pain. After a while, the pain began to radiate up and down my entire leg. I had my grandson help me with the ice packs and took some ibup. and some Ultram.  All this did was take the edge off a little.  I was not able to fall asleep for hours nor was I able to bear weight on this leg until the next day (yesterday).  Today, I was able to walk but it wasn't easy.  Hopefuly, tomorrow will be better. I assume this was a flare.


i still am not sure what a flare is

glad it helped someone, other than myself.