OT-Nature Makes Me Happy | Arthritis Information


I was out and about today and decided to take some photos.  Nature makes me happy - I hope it does you too!  They were all taken in the little town I live in.


 Oh wow Karen! Breathtaking! Your picts look like post cards

the one with the church is the best.

Glad you like the photos guys! 

God sure made a beautiful world.  Thanks for posting

The one of the lake..is it next to an apartment complex called Swiss Village? I know a lot of those beautiful villages look very similar, but it sure looks like where I moved to in 1969! Lived there for 4 years and then came home to California. Sure did enjoy exploring the colorful towns of New England, though.

Thanks so much for the pics!!

You certainly have a lot of color around you and have taken some great Images.
I find that with camera in hand and nature around it some how  makes life a tad more bearable.
Bodak39379.9288541667I love nature, too! Thanks for the pics----it sure looks like a nice little town.Hi, I love the fall colors, thank you so much!! I'm an artist and am constantly amazed at the colors nature produces....my paints can't begin to duplicate it. LyndaKaren, what a picturesque town you live in. Beautiful photographs. Thank you so much for sharing them. Nature makes me happy too. It also makes me feel peaceful. While you are surrounded by autumn tones, here in AU I am surrounded by green at the moment. Lovely. 

Thanks for the kind words everyone.  I must say, it is a wonderful little town, I love it.  We have about 5000 people, and they are great people (for the most part,

Nini, I don't think this is the same town.  We don't have a "Swiss Village" - we don't have any apartment complexes!  Heck it was a big controversey when we got our one and only traffic light!

It is beautiful here in Montana but we don't get nearly that variation of color.
Thank you. You live in a beautiful area. Beautiful photos! < =text/>_popupControl(); Oh how pretty!!  That inspires me to have Danny drive me thru my favorite area around here to see everything!!
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