Drug Trials: Minocycline for early MS | Arthritis Information


I was surprised and pleased to see this article in my local paper this
morning. It's about trials using minocycline to treat early multiple sclerosis:


Well, we know why the difference in the second trial with Copaxone was not as effective.  They used it with a suppressant.

"Nowadays, researchers are no longer at all sure how Copaxone works. The is some evidence that it converts the body's immune response from a Th1 type to a Th2 one, promotes suppressor T cells or acts as an altered peptide ligand."

But it's a step in the right direction.


I think it's a pretty big development. The study is large with a lot of funding.
I also enjoy how the article casually mentions minocycline is already used to
treat RA---if only!
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