ACTH the test | Arthritis Information


Hi all, haven't been feeling so good lately, mentioned it to my RD and so began 'the tests'! The first was a cortosol test. Mine read low. So, he handed me a form 'go have a ACTH test. (I thought it was just a regular test at the draw place) No, you have to go into the hospital to the 'Day stay', have the blood drawn, have meds injected and then more blood drawn to compare? What do I know? . It was a 3hour test! (the same hospital I had the awful heart operation tests! I was very freaked out by being there) Never again will I 'go in for tests' without knowing more about what is happening!

I do hope it was worth all of this. I hope they don't find anything 'wrong' or they find out what to do. Until the results are in I won't know.

Thanks everyone for your concern. Let you know later, Lynda


Yeah, I hate that, Lynda... going in for a test and not what exactly what the process is.

Hope everything comes back ok and they figure out what is wrong with ya.

Lynda I am so sorry for the long wait...glad it is over!

Have my fingers and toes crossed for you.  I want you better!!!!

I am so sorry you are not feeling well Lynda!!! Sending you a great big hug!!!! Let us know how the tests go.

Love you hon.
