Another pred effect? | Arthritis Information


Haven't seen this one on the forum yet...
I am having terrible cramps/charly-horses. They were in my legs and I
thought they were from a calcium imbalance. But now they are in my wrists
and fingers as I am back to catering today. My fingers are literally locking in
a curled position. I thought maybe I was dehydrated and drank a ton of
water and it eased... but now I am wondering if it could be the pred.


Hi pgr:

I am so glad you introduce this.  I also have cramping.  When the cramps were just in my legs and feet, I had experienced this before, but then I started getting them in my right hand.  My fingers would lock together, just like my toes in a foot cramp.  This concerned me a great deal.  I also started havng cramps in my left hand.  I did mention it to my dr, but he didn't seem too concerned, but it worries me.  I am taking about 1500mg calcium daily to offset the effects of the pred, so I didn't think it could be calcium definency.  Does anyone else have these problems?  I am currently on 20mg/daily of pred and tapering 1 mg per week.

BTW I was signed on as missy1639, but for some reason could not sign on anymore, so I am now sbb1639.  I didn't know who to address with this issue (web master??), so I just signed on again under my new profile.Thanks Missy or SBB hehe
It will be interesting to see if others have this problem... and the reason i
thought it wad the calcium is that my doctor suggested a calcium/Vit D
imbalamce can cause it, but ut us getting worse & I decreased the calcium

Hi pgr

Yes, I had terrible cramping between and 20 and 10 mgs. Could not do any type of stretch for fear of a big wad of muscle killing me. My fingers would curl up-looked and felt terrible. Since reducing below 10 mg, that problem went away. No amount of water or vitamins seem to make much difference, only the reduction


Hubby's finger would cramp in positions we did not know it was possible for fingers to bend.  This usually happened when he needed to drop his dosage of prednisone.  Also cramping in the legs, feet, and arms.Thank you,all. I was going to drop my dose next week, but i am having
surgery on Tuesday and don't want to drop before. I will drop as soon after
the surgery as my body is recuped...

Thank you, pgr and all the rest of you wonderful people.

This has helped me a great deal (I was thinking more about heart condition maybe). As I mentioned I am reducing 1mg/week.  I wont get to 10mg until the first week of January, but at least now I know others have gone through this.

Have a wonderful weekend all my PMR friends.


I'll join the chorus, cramps in the legs especially at night, and cramps in the
fingers, something I never had before. I think it is associated with pred. I
seem to have them when I am taking around 15 mg, now that I am down to
5mg, I am not bothered. One more reason to get off "ol Pred as soon as

It must be awful to have cramps in your hands

I believe cramping can be a sign of low potassium.  When it starts getting bad for me I try to eat foods rich in potassium and usually it helps.

Take care all, Kathy

Cramping in feet and along the inside of the legs.  Just came from the neurologist because I also have weakness and burning pain in my lower legs, feet, and forearms and hands.  Can't climb stairs without legs feeling like they weigh tons.  Can't cross legs or just stand up out of a chair without pushing off with arms.

Progressing over the past six weeks.  At the time was on 8 mg of Medrol.  Now at 20 and holding because of scalp tenderness and the fact that everytime I get to lower doses I flare.

I'm scheduled for the next round of tests which include the classic mri, EMG's etc. 

Neuro is perplexed because PMRA is very complex with symptoms. Steroids can also cause muscle weakness, taking Lipitor, which I am supposed to stop taking, because statins can cause this. I've also had a 21 lb weight loss since June.  Not typical for steroids.  So could be muscle wasting from another issue that could be piggy backing on to the PMRA.

We blame everything on the PMRA when it could be something else going on.

Donna, NY

Donna, The weakness, forearms, inability to climb stairs, heavy weights,
inability to get up were all the classic PMR symptoms i had before PRED. The
cramping is something very different. May on this site have talked about
those symptoms of PMR.

Hope you find both relief and answers soon! I am really sorry you are
struggling like this.

The PMR symptons I had went away with the Medrol treatment.  The weakness in the arms is from the elbows down to the hands and fingers.  The leg is from the knee down to the feet.  Like neuropathy pain. 

The Medrol and Voltarin are not touching this pain.  We're trying Neurontin to see if gives any relief. 

I thought my arms were starting in again, but when I broke with this, it was in the shoulders and I could not lift my arms up to get anything out of the cabinets.

Could not swing the middle of my body out of a car.  So frustrated, with all of this.  You get one part straightened out, and something else slides out from underneath.

But, I get up each day, wanting that first cup of coffee and looking to the furkids for all the reasons I keep trying to get past this. Hoping the understanding husband does not trade me in for a newer model.

Donna, NY


Donna, I am not sure of the sequence you are giving... the order in which the
arms hurt, couldn;t get out of car, etc...Those are the CLASSIC PMR
symptoms. Some docs use not being able to lift arms to put clothes on as a
diagnostic symptom.

I am so impressed by your determination! Hang in & let us support you!

I also have had severe painful cramping in my calves and thighs (especially if I try to stretch). Told my rheumy about and his only response was "that's something else" WHAT?! He didn't seem to know(??).I get the sense from the other folks here that it is either PMR or pred or a combo ("I'll have fries with that ")


Sorry for the confusing sequence.  The inability to lift arms and get out of the car, neck and shoulder issues were symptoms I had when diagnosed in February.  Plus a sed rate of 80.  Relief within two days of starting Medrol 12 mg.

Also, not to topic drift, but my white count is climbing.  Now up to 16.3.  Last month was 12.4.  Steroids increase white count, and mine keeps going up.  Went up with this increase to 24 mg and now holding at 20 mg.  Neuro said steroids cause muscle weakness, also.  But, we know that we can't stop the Medrol. Just starting with the Lipitor because it can cause the muscle weakness issue and be stopped without issues.

I spoke with my rheumy, and asked him to hold me at this dose, because with the symptoms I am having, I can't even imagine adding the added symptom's of withdrawal.  It would be unbearable.

If I get any further leg weakness, I buy an admission to the hospital. Neuro wanted to admit and I told him, we could manage the testing and issues while staying at home.  I'm requesting more help from the family members and not going up and down the stairs too much. 

Cat Scan of abdomen being done Friday, and the MRI and EMG's will be done next week.  Neuo likes to admit because they can get the tests done faster when you are admitted. 

Also, I took the Neurontin last night, and it helped the aching in my lower legs and arms, but really had me dragging butt today.  Like I need more fatigue.

Donna, NY


