I feel broke | Arthritis Information


Anyone else get pain in a swollen joint that feels like a bone is "broke"? I mean the pain in that joint is SOO excruciating to even touch it or even move it a little and you cry like a BIG Titty-Baby?

That is how my left ankle & foot has been the last few days. It even still feels "broke" when the pain med has kicked it. It was throbbing SOO BAD the other night just laying in the bed. It hurts now if anyone or thing touches it. I cannot put pressure on it. So, I have not been walking around that much unless to go bathroom or see what son wants.

My right knee was starting to feel "broke" too, but the swelling went down on it, I guess the Imuran is working for my knee, but doing much of nothing for my ankle.

I HATE it when I have "broken" joints. They are the worse pain, probably worse than child birth. Yeah, I think I would rather go thru child birth than to feel this "broke" joint pain, at least during child birth you get the GOOD pain meds

Oh and I feel so weak. Like I cannot pull the covers up or even lift them to cover a cold body part. I cannot even kick the cover with my legs. The cover feels like it weighs a bizillion pounds. I have to call hubby to cover me up or to move the cover up just a couple of inches. *disgusted look*

But I have figured out that once I take a pain pill, the weakness in my arms and legs goes away and I can cover myself up and move the cover with ease. Is that Fibro making me feel weak? But once the pain med wears off, I go back to being weak again.

This sh*t is starting to get weird. I mean I understood the morning stiffness, the gelling, the pain, and everything else that I thought was RA, but there is new stuff going on now.

I can say... the twitching in my right leg has GREATLY decreased since I have not been walking so much. But my right hip still hurts and seems to have limited ROM.

If it ain't one thing it is another. haha everyone is entitled to be a  tittybaby once in a while.  when i had the pain my my shoulder i wanted to die, ok not really but the pain was so excruciating that i couldnt move a millimeter or breath or sit comfortably without being in pain.  i think we need go go gadget arms for times like these when blankets need pulled up and pants buttoned  and junk.  haha pants  were my humiliating thing, i had gotten to bloated from the first round of prednisone and my wrist hurt so bad my poor hubby was on bathroom duty!  hey girl hang in there you have a hubby to help :))) Sorry you feel so "broke" Joonie, get better soon. I get that feeling in left arm and know how painful it is . I just want me arm right next to me with a heating pad. Get some rest, it's the best.

Yeah, but I hate asking him for help. He does not mind, but ya know... I should be able to do things myself. Most days he has to dress me and our 3 year old.

It is like living in a one residant old foogie home, and I am the old foogie. you know what helps me some when i am hurting.  i got some really nice lavendar stress relief massage oil and my hubz will give me a good massage.  if its my wrist even though its tender sometimes (for me) working the joint out some and getting the relaxation from a massage helps.  maybe it doesnt take the pain away so to speak but more relaxes me so i dont tense up and feel it as badly...however during the height of the bought with it nothing really takes away the pain yet. 

also there is this really good eucalyptus bath salts from bath and body works with the soothing vapors and junk that helped me, and i got the muscle relief cream to match and even though its joint pain that junk seemed to sooth my aching body some! 

i had pain in my jaw last, now if i could figure out how to sooth that...
erica334739380.9362268519Heating pad has my back and my little 'taco bell doggie" Lexie has my left thiegh. It's amazing she knows where I hurt and sleeps there. Makes a good little heating pad. LOL"Anyone else get pain in a swollen joint that feels like a bone is "broke"?""

You Betcha!!!!! Here I am sat in Sunny UK (cloudy, overcast and dull!) and can TOTALLY sympathize with you.

Its exactly how I describe my pain often, as if my joints are broken. I have actually had the odd broken bone or two so know the pain.

Not sure about the childbirth thing tho


Yep! Joonie that is most of the pain that I have had for about six weeks now.  So sorry...I was hoping that nobody else would feel this way, and I could say I was imagining it.  No...you had to smack me upside the head with reality.

Aw, Joonie, babe, you are having such a rotten time lately. Just one thing after another, poor love.

I know the kind of pain you are talking about. I know what it is like to feel 'broke' too. Sometimes my whole spine feels 'broke'. Not fun.

Just take things one moment at a time, girl and take care of yourself gently.

Joonie-when my toes "do their thang" that is the best way I can explain the pain to anyone else..it feels like there is a broken bone at the base of my big toe(s). That is why I was sure that I had gout when it first started acting up...but  no..it was the RA finally kicking in on a whole new level. It is so painful when it does happen to flare up that no pain medicine can really relieve it. And...I know that there are some folks here who get that in multiple joints and more frequently than I get it...and my heart goes out to them. I know it must really suck.

Nancy  xxoxoxox

thats exactly how my hip is feeling at the moment. its painful to touch or to move ,both on the outside of the hip and the inside near the groin. could it be because enbrel has taken away the swelling and now there is no cushioning? i tried ice packs-no relief, hot spa bath soak for an hour-no relief, if its still like it tomorrow i think i will go to hospital for needle. anything to take this deep crunching pain away < =text/>_popupControl(); When the boo boo foot first started acting up last year (woke up couldn't move the toes..lots of pain) it really did feel like it was broken.  3 x-rays later..it is showing that it isn't broken.  One nerve conduction study later....showed a damaged nerve.  You may want to consider that you *might* have a damaged nerve in that hip of yours.  It really does sound like it.  Which means a phone call to PCP or RD for referral to a neurologist. 

There are times that I get "stabbing" pains in my knuckles that make them feel like they are fractured.  Sometimes just trying (I say trying because it doesn't always happen lately lol) to bend my fingers or make a fist makes some of my fingers feel broken.


Thanks for the replies everyone. Well... I have had a broken tibia or was it fibia? which ever is closes to the outside of the leg up towards the knee. So, I know what a broken bone feels like, and well my left ankle is just like that. Weird thing it is. You begin to wonder if you did break something unknowingly, ya know since I broke my elbow and was not in that much pain and had no idea I broke my elbow. But it is not broke, just feels that way.

I am guessing... that the Humira is all outta my system as my fingers are swelled and have morning stiffness in them. And my neck/back/shoulder blade area is hurt worse and getting stiff a lot more than the usual just sitting up for a while, it is noe getting stiff when I lay down now too.

Oh well, hopefully... Nov 6th will be my "lucky day", maybe I will get to hit the "jackpot".

I dislike that any of us have to feel this kinda pain.

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