Thanks | Arthritis Information


A genuine 'Thank you' to all the supportive members on this board.

My 'life' was taken away by RA 12 years ago. Im fortunate to have a wonderful wife and 2 beautiful daughters, but RA turned our lives upsidedown.

This forum is the only place I have ever encountered so much understanding and kindness in 12 years!

Reading posts on your pain, fatigue, frustration,fear,  really helps me reailse other people feel exactly what I am.

Im sorry for the suffering you undergo, but grateful you tell others so they dont feel alone with theirs.

Feeling worthless comes with my RA, you all contribute something I didnt appreciate untill now.


Yeah, this is an awesome place.

I never encountered support, caring, kindness and understanding about my RA as I have here.

Not feeling alone and isolated really helps. As  does reading other people's stories which we can all learn so much from.

I agree with you Peddler and Cordy..... there are so many great people here!!!! I feel so fortunate to have found this board. I felt so alone before this......Thanks to this board I am no longer alone.