Hillary wants One Million for WoodstockM< | Arthritis Information


She and Se. Chuck Schumer want to spend One Million dollars for a Musuem to honor the 3 days of love and music ( Woodstock 1969 ). More like three days of crappy weather and crappy sound systems. I would think this could be raised by private donors then fleecing the Taxpayer. New York reallyhas some winners as poiticians including Elliot Spitzer who would give voting and driving privledges to Illegal's...YikesI agree.  There are lots of places money should go to.  PLUS why should everyone's tax money pay for this sort of things.  My kids that are single with no kids are paying a terrible amount on taxs.  They pay more in taxes than what I can make

I feel like I know very little about you, other than you like old cars and political debates. 

Where do you live?  Do you still work, or are you retired?  Married, kids?


I agree it's a rediculous idea!

This is just an example of what you can expect if she is elected President.

You think this country's got problems now? Just wait.

Work. Married 2 kids ( College and High school ) and have had RA since 1989. I love old cars and the occasional political debate. Music also ( Guitar player / singer / ) I wish I was smart enough to end RA and all these other Diseases that are Chronic, but I take every day one at a time like most of you.

I wish you, or someone, could end chronic diseases like RA too.  I hope it will be in our lifetime.

The fact that you have had RA since 1989 and you're still working is very encouraging to those who are just recently diagnosed.  Do you mind sharing what medications you're on and how they are working for you?

By the way, what kind of music do you play?  Are you in a band?

I've tried quite a few over the years. All The NSAIDS then Gold. Until MTX nothing really worked. In Spring 05 started Enbrel. Took it for 4 months became sick and had Neuro symtoms start. Tingling. Muscle twitches etc. Still have them. Have had 4 EMG's. all but one were OK. Right now I'm in a flare since my blood tests were showing my white count off. No MTX for the last  5 weeks. Just got OK to start again. I had to stop playing in my band in 05 due to current problems. Really sucked since I am the lead singer/songwriter and we were playing great venues and getting noticed. I felt really bad since the band had to stop. Office job now. Anyway thats me in a nutshell.....   

I'm glad you can start taking the MTX again and I hope it puts an end to your flare quickly.

I hope you can return to your music again.  Perhaps if you can't play anymore, you can still sing and write.  We all need those creative outlets that fill our soul.

Thank you for putting up with my nosy questions.  We are a unique little community here and I love to get to know my neighbors!

Good luck to you - I hope the coming weeks will be much better and easier for you.

Didn't mean to hyjack your thread!

By the way, I agree that this sounds like a project that should best be handled by private funds.  It could be a very positive impact on the area, providing a tourist attraction to bring in other business, etc., but it doesn't make a lot of sense for the taxpayers to foot the bill.  But a lot of things I hear when politicians are on the campaign trail do not make sense - they try to appeal to all different groups, and say some really ridiculous things, hoping to touch different segments of society and collect votes.  It's all baloney and sadly, I take very little of what any of them say seriously.



I've had several neruo symptoms in the past year that sent me to a neruologist. He tested my B12 level and discovered it was low. SInce being on the B12 injection a lot of the tingling in my legs has decreased. Just thought I'd mention that. Seems it's something that's rarely tested for but it can explain a lot of symptoms.

My EMG was normal too.

its stupid, but certainly no worse than giving huge tax breaks to professional sports franchises. Why on earth should my tax dollars support  the NFL?  Unless a municipality owns the franchise (like Green Bay) then  not one cent of my  taxes should go to sports teams not for stadiums or anything.Thanks for asking Hillhoney.....Speaking of Hillary, I saw a bumper sticker today that read:

Life is a bitch, why vote for one! 

The biggest offender in 2006 was a Republican.

In fact, the guys who don't want families with K to have health care for kids tend to be the biggest porkers.  Hmmmmm.

http://www.cagw.org/site/PageServer?pagename=reports_pigbook 2006

If the link doesn't work, remove any extra spaces and try again.


I consider myself an independent voter, but you can be sure I will not vote for Hillary.  She scares me, big time.  Pip...you distort the reason schip was vetoed.  You honestly think people are saying that "we don't want children in 50k earning homes to be insured"????  If you do believe that, then you have zero understanding of the republican party or why the schip program was vetoed.And since when is a 25 year old man or women still a child???

It would have been helpful if this topic had been labelled OT.   But then, misogyny has no limits except its "males only" designation.  Women hating women is an ugly thing, right behind men hating women and women hating men. 

Edited to make sure I covered all the hatred. 

justsaynoemore39382.4405787037 [QUOTE=justsaynoemore]

It would have been helpful if this topic could have been labelled OT.   But then, misogyny has no limits except its "males only" designation.  Women hating women is an ugly thing, right behind men hating women. 


Even if Hillary were a man, I would still think he was an @sshole. 
I should have said OT......Justsaynomore ??? This was about a Museum

Let's go back to the post at hand.


Wasn't that the point of the Woodstock museaum?  Let's look at the pork situation.  At least in Alaska, so far this year, the pork has dropped dramatically with the ouster of the Pork King.


Well, and the fact that the Pork Kings and Princess of Alaska are Rs, and now out of power in Congress.  Term limits NOW.  justsaynoemore39382.476412037I can honestly say my disdain for Hillary has absolutely nothing to do with her being female.  I would love to see a woman in the presidency (Rep. or Dem.) and some day we'll have one.  But Hillary's not the one this country needs.  I don't ever want to see another Clinton in the White House.  BTW, I'll be sooo glad to see Bush out too.     Justsaynomore....The USA has Term Limits now. It's called voting. If I loved a canidate and he/she had to leave because of term limits that would be wrong. Vote the person out if you dislike them. 
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