ACTH test ’normal’-now what? | Arthritis Information


Hi all, now what's next for the RD, after he finds the test results are normal?  still exhausted, still feeling crummy after getting off of the prednisone. Back on it?!

Does anyone have any clue about this?


I do not know. Maybe try to see if you can go a little longer without the pred? Not sure. Just do not suffer. Take it if you think you need it.

As for the test have no idea.

Just hope it all has a good outcome for you and if not that it is easily treatable.

much hugs < =text/>_popupControl();

It really is all up to your doctor about what the next step is since you are still feeling cruddy.  Remember, just because you have normal or slightly elevated blood work does not mean that there is not something going on.  Some people just always have that type of blood work.  Even with this flare I am currently in my blood work only remained slightly elevated and then went back down to normal.  My RD also said this could be because the Remicade is partially doing its job.  Just have to wait and see how many more infusions and at what dosage it is going to take for the Remicade to fully do its job.  RD’s should look at the big picture and not just the blood work.  Just because your blood work is normal does not mean that you are not flaring or starting to flare.   


Lynda, Hunny...I have no words of advice except..."keep chasin' those rats!"  love ya, shel

Hi Lynda, Give it some more time.  It takes a long time for our bodies to adjust to not having additional cortisone.  Compare how you felt prior to Pred., how you felt on Pred., and how you feel now.  I bet now is better.  I think in time your body will adjust.  Focus on the thought that you don't have to take Pred. any longer; you're one of the lucky ones.  Take care.  Lindy