Inflammation in the back due to RA? | Arthritis Information


Has anyone had inflammation in the back that would cause a pinched nerve from RA?Then again maybe not a pinched nerve just inflammation from RA.Anybody relate?



My first arthritis symptom was lower back pain and inflammation. An ortho  surgeon put my on Feldene and prescribed physical therapy. I had hurt for over two years and it went away after seeing him in about six weeks. Luckily, the lower back problem has not returned and that was almost 20 years ago.


 I have had a pinched nerve in my neck due to degenerative disk disease in the 6th and 7th. I think that was one of the most miserable times that I spent on the couch. I don't think I had ever felt pain like that. It felt like a refrigerator was sitting on my left arm.

Sheila, I have a herniated disc L5-S1 so I know about sciatic pain.  I also was just diagnosed with OA in my T spine which has been causing horrible nerve pain coming out of the middle of my back to under my shoulder blades.  My md has me on flexeril as a muscle relaxer and the darvocet for pain.  I also take feldene everyday as an antiflamitory.
My rd said that you can only get ra in the cervical part of your spine, basically your neck and up.

FUNNY YOU SHOULD MENTION THIS.  ABOUT 4 YEARS AGO I WAS HAVING A LOT OF NECK AND SHOULDER PAIN.  SENT PAIN DOWN MY ARMS AND HANDS.   SAW ORTHO, BONE SCANS, EVERYTHING.  SEVERAL YEARS LATER GOT RA DIAGNOSIS.   I WAS ALSO SEEING A CHIROPRACTOR, HAD THESE BACK INJECTIONS FOR PAIN.  TOOK MONTHS TO GET BETTER.  GUESS IT WAS THE START OF RA. KarenNTx38584.8199652778I've had lower back pain also and do know that I have arthritis in my L-5 which I believe was from an accident.  Like Mina I have also heard that you don't get RA in the lower back.

The pain from RA in the hips can make it feel like lower back pain.

Just because we have RA doesn't mean we can't have other stuff go wrong with us!


Ain't that the truth!!

