new ra sufferer | Arthritis Information


wow this hit me like a bomb! excruciating migrating
joint paint every couple days for 2 months. thought it
was lyme but went to my gp who tested me twice
both times neg. he recommended a good rheumy
and he said it was ra. now i'm on 15 mg of
methotrexate a week. only on my 2nd week of meds.
I'm dizzy and foggy after i take it. i'm also on
prednisone and am 4 days pain free. i'm so glad to
hear from others with ra and to have somewhere to
gripe where i'm undersood. i've always been super
healthy, ate well and exercised. i'm still in the "why
me?'" stage.



Welcome Nanny!  Sounds like you have a very good GP, who didn't hesitate to test for lyme and probably nailed the diagnosis.  Good aggressive therapy right away.  Hang in there.  It hit me overnight as well.  One day I'm fine, next day, can barely move.  Lovely, isn't it? oooh, i was so excited that, first of all i figured out
this forum, and someone answered! i don't feel so
alone...i feel like you all care because you've been
there. thank you. my family is very supportive but no
one really knows except an ra sufferer.

Hi Nanny.  Keep thinking positive if you can...which is hard to do I know when you are in pain.  You have a lot of support here!

I was dx 1-1/2 years ago and could hardly move last year.  Every part of my body was in excrutiating pain. 


The WHY ME stage takes awhile to get through but you will and then you begin to fight. Good Luck....Geoff

I have no dx.'s yet. but getting closer.

Did your bloodwork test poistive for RA? Mine didn't atleast the last time.I go see reheumy. wed.

I know exercise is very important in dealing with RA.I haven't exercised for 2 weeks now due to severe inflamation.I just started predisone and feel better today.

You will get great support here.I have complained,cried and just plan given up and the folks here have lifted me up everytime.

So glad to hear you have support at home.That is very important.

My best advice is to rest when you are hurting and in a flare,exercise when you can and enjoy your family and the pain free moments.I hope you have many pain free days.Glad you are on meds.

Take care and so good to have another new face,


Oh yes, I'm going through the "why me" stage right now. I had to see my mother suffer years with it and that image is still in my mind now when I am thiking about my future.

Glad I found this place though!


Hi Nanny!


We all get a case of the why me?'s from time to time.

Why?  I don't know, but I keep telling myself God knows & He will honor my not giving up the fight!


Hi Nanny.  I am in the "why me phase" followed by the prednisone "I want to kick some ass" stage. 

You might want to consider having the Western Blot test just to totally rule out Lyme Disease.  I was tested conclusively for ra but I am in denial.  I don't get the morning stiffness so that is my excuse. 

Sometimes I think it is all in my head and I am off my rocker 


i understand what your goin through i am still inthe "why me" stage and i was diagnosed 2 1/2 years ago.  my grandmother had RA really bad along with OA  so i have also dealt with it  for many years.  It came on 6months after i had my daughtor.  It was so bad in the begining that i could barely lift her up or walk down the stairs.  Glad you found us and glad your feeling a little better


I'm at least 11 years into it and I think I've always been at the "Are you sure stage?" My doctor dx me the first visit with seronegative blood work...but swears it's RA. The coarse of treatment that seems to work for me indicates it's RA for sure my doctor swears he's on tract....but I think I like Roxy always keep hoping one day they'll say "Ya know what? I think we've been wrong all this time. You actually have ______ and just take these pills and you'll be all cured.

I did it once again my last trip there. I'm not sure I'll ever get past that...but I have accepted it.

But I can always hope...right??
